Bells are ringing for my sister-in-law, Jessica Ann Evans will be marring Hunter Phillips on June the 20th, 2009 at Northport Baptist Church at 6:00, we are so excited for them. We started off the new year with her first shower and it was a Holiday shower, and it was at my house. I think we have a shower or something every month till the wedding and we have to go because Nick and Miller and I are all in it. This wedding is going to be a big one I thing there are 11 bridesmaid's and 11 grooms men and 1 flower girl and 1 ring barer witch is Miller. The Holiday shower that was Sunday was a big shower she invited 35 people and I think we had 29 people show up, yes my house was packed out. and on top of that I still had to get all my Christmas stuff down after the shower and put up be for Monday, because once I start taking it down I wont it up and out of the way so I was going to finish Sunday night and yes I did have to go to work the next day. But with a great mother-in-law and sister-in-law and a great grandmother-in-law we got it done and put a way. I think I finally went to bed at 11:30 that night witch is early considering it probably would still be out if I was doing it by my self. Jessica got so many things, stuff for every holiday I don't think she will have to buy anything for her house during the holidays. Oh and thats another thing her and Hunter have bought a house. It is brain new and they are still building it or some what they are finishing things up on it so they can close on the house on the 15th of this month and hunter will be moving in. So I told Jessica that she could just leave all of the things she got Sunday at the house in the back room. I also told her that if anything came up missing that she will know were to find it. Well I will keep every one up to date on the swimming and wedding plans.