Monday, February 23, 2009
Miller Had A Scar!
Friday morning we were trying to get ready for school and work and Miller fell head first on the floor he started crying so I picked him up and sat down to look at his head and when I trued him around his noise started to bleed. At first I thought he might have hit his noise but no he had a huge goose egg on the top of his head. Of course I was there by my self Nick had already left for work so I called Judy and Millers DR. Judy came over and to look at him and Judy's sister came to aunt cherry. Aunt Cherry works at a pediatricians office so she took a look at him and told us just to watch him threw out the day and told us what to watch for. So Miller went and spent the day with ya ya aka: Judy. But we are fine I think a little on the wobbly side but good.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Nick Is Sick
Yes that is right Nick is at home sick today. He called Judy to see if she could take him to the Dr. but they were booked and so she just took him to one of those little energy cares. So she called me to let me know what it was and no its not the flu but they are treating it like the flu. So I am going home today and spraying the house down with anti bacterial spry I don't won't the mess in my house. So I am going home to clean.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Miller And School
When I went to pick Miller up yesterday I found out that he will be moving class rooms in August to the 2 year old room. I am excited and very sad at the same time. Excited because I love to listen to him talk and I know he will be luring more and more words. But sad because that means he won't be a baby anymore. They also gave me a list of the different things he will need in his new class one of the things was a NAP MAT oh no that means no more baby beds at daycare, and this means he will actually have preschool from 8:30 to 12:30 and will be doing real school work. He already brings Nick and I books to read to him and we are doing flash cards to. Mrs. Betty told me also that he will be luring the pledge of ale gens in class and at the end of the year they will have a little play and say it for all the parents to watch. Oh how they grow up.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Time Flays
Boy time flays, I told nick last night that yesterday was 1 year that I went back to work after having Miller I couldn't be leave I remembered that. Miller didn't start daycare till March due to his size. Its hard to believe that Miller is starting his second year at Christ Harbor Daycare.
Its Valentines Day
On Saturday Miller got up earlier than normal which was 6:30 he usually sleeps till 7:30-8, but that was o.k. because Nick had to work Saturday night and I wonted miller to color Nick a Valentin for him and I was going to put it in his bag with a cake that I was going to make for him and surprise him with. But Nick ended up getting up earlier to so that didn't get don nether Miller did give nick his valentine tho and I did make a cake but he hasn't touch it yet so. After Nick left for work we went over to Gee Gee and bo's house for dinner so I took the cake over there and I will have to say the cake was really good I thought. After dinner Miller got a bath and we headed home around 10:30 Miller fell asleep on the way home and i was able to put him right in the bed. Considering Nick had to work on V-day it was a pretty good one I will have to say.
I Got A Bump On My Head
Friday I went to pick Miller up from school and when I got to his room they handed me an accident report. Miller had fallen and a littler girl had fallen on top of him. He got a big goose egg on the side of his head and by the next morning there was a big brews on the side of his head. So all weekend I watch him to make sure he was doing everything normal. So far so good except eating he would eat his snack but not his lunch or dinner so I was getting a littler concerned so I just keep watching him and he was a little on the fussy side but other than that he was acting normal. He seems to be fine now and when I dropped him off a t school monday he went and played. I'm sure we will have more days like this.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Judys 50th Birthday Party!

Thursday, February 12, 2009
Things That Are Coming Up!
To start off Today is Judy's 50th Birthday. She doesn't know it but we are having her a surprise party to night at a restraint and she has now idea. I made her cakes, I stayed up till 12 last night icing them boy thats love. We have invited around 30 people I can't wait to see her expretion on her face. Then we have Jessica's Nicks sisters Engagement party coming up at the end of February and moms birthday to so several different things not to much but just enough. Oh and for Jessica's engagement party this will be the first time we have left miller with a babysitter to go out and do something we always take him were ever we go. but he will do fine she has kept him before when daycare wasn't open so he dose know her.
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