Thursday, March 26, 2009
This Week
Well this week is going be quit nice I may say, Nick is on nights and Miller, Mom, Dad and I leave friday for mobile I am so excited. I am so ready for a nice little out of town weekend just to get a way and enjoy some different air to breath and also to see the family. It is suppose to be raining this weekend there but I am hopping that the weather will change for us. I will keep you posted on how our trip went.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Well to start off my day I had to take my car to have the oil changed and then I had a dental appointment. While I was there mom received an e-mail from he brother letting us know some horrifying news that my cousins wife, her parents house had burned yesterday. I couldn't believe that, they said it had started in the office of the house. But the Lord was watching over them her and her mother and Paxton there little boy were just there. They had just left for lunch and they got the phone call from the alarm company letting them know that the smoke alarms were going off. When they got there the house was in flames and the told them that they had animals in side, the fire fighters were unable to rescue the animals due to some guns that her father had in the house. The guns started going off and they could not take the chance of one of there mean getting hurt. Everyone is fine other than the lose of there animals. So please pray for them while they put there life back to gather.
Kidney Stone!
Well I went to the Dr. today for the kidney stone that I had not passed yet, and yes it is still there. So the Dr. had looked at all the test that they had ran in the hospital and the X-Rays and the test said that everything looked normal. But the X-Rays show that I have several kidney stones in both kidneys, so now he wont's me to do a 24 hour pee test and then send it off so they can find what is cosign them. This should be fun considering I have to catch evey single bit of tee tee and they said that it would be good if I could stay at home to do the test, UH yea right. I don't think they realize that I work M-F 8-5 and I have a 15th month old when would they like me to stay home. So when I get home I will call the number that they gave me and they will send me a kit to pee in as of right know I will keep straining my pee.
Millers Hair Cut!
Well we survived the second hair cut sorry no pictures but I forgot my camera, Nick has been on nights so it has been a little crazy around the house. But we didn't sit as still as we did the first time not sure if its because we are a little older and not as scared or if it was because we new the person cutting his hair and he was more comfortable with her than the other person. But the hair cut turned out really cute and looks really good. Thanks Katie
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Millers Easter and Wedding Outfit!
Well to day at lunch I went and ordered Millers Easter and wedding outfit, I am having it made by a little man that I think lives in Birmingham. There are only two stores in Tuscaloosa that use this man because he is so hard to understand and speaks very little English. That's why there are only two in town, I don't think anyone els has the patients for him. So I get down there and the girl that I had talked to yesterday wasn't even there and she told me to ask for her I thought lord this is getting off to a bad start considering I need the outfit by April 10th for Easter pictures and Easter that Sunday. I also was ordering another out fit for Jessica's wedding. Well once the girl got there and we started talking about what I wonted she had talked me in to only doing one outfit insted of two considering what I wonted would do for both. So once I started looking at the book with the pictures, sow things that I liked but not an outfit that I could show her what I wonted. So I asked her if I could pice one together and thats what I did. I had to take a collor from one outfit and then the lace from another one and then put it on another outfit, after I did that headed back to work and I now am waiting for a phone call to let me know the price of it I think we are looking at 200 dollars but thats cheap compared to what others spend with him. So we will see!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Millers Second Hair Cut!
That's right its time for our second hair cut, we are going tomorrow night at 6:30 so get ready to see more pictures of his new hair cut.
Swimming Lessons Part 2!
Miller is on his second semester of swimming lessons they are going very well I did the first semester and dad is doing this one if he can, if not I will fill in for him. But they are going very well even though Miller really wont do any of it in the pool, but he sure lets us know that he has learned something at home in the bathtub. He can blow bubbles and he can go under the water and he likes to dumb water on his head also, they also are teaching them how to clime on to the side of the pool and do what they call monkey crawl to the ladder. They also let them go under a hula hoop in the water and jump threw it also. We are having so much fun.
For Christmas all I wonted were some pictures made of Miller for his 1st Birthday well that's what I got. I had placed the order about 3 weeks ago and got the phone call friday in the hospital that they were ready to be picked up. Well they are closed on Mondays so I went today to get them and OH MY GOODNESS they are unbelievable, I can't what to get them home and on my wall. I love having pictures made of Miller I never can have enough pictures. Thanks Mom, Dad, Judy, and George.
Well this will be Millers second Easter and boy is it going to be fun! We have a fun filled weekend planed: Friday we are going to have our Easter pictures made in our Easter outfit that I am having made, and then we are headed to the ZOO. Then Saturday we have the egg hunt at church and then after that we will go to Gigi's house to die Easter eggs, oh what fun this should be. Then on Sunday we have church and then Easter basket time. I will probably have the family over to our house so they can see everything that the Easter Bunny brought Miller, or we will figure something out on how to see everyone that day. Can't wait to see millers face when he sees the Easter bunny.
Happy St. Patricks Day!
Well Its that time of year were we celebrate the Irish, and Georges Birthday! That's right It's my father-in-laws Birthday. We celebrated his birthday Friday night or should I say they I was in the hospital, but I hear they had a blast. Happy Birthday George!
Here Comes Another One.
Well Jessica Nicks sister has another shower this week end. I think from this Saturday until the wedding we have something planned every weekend. It s really not that bad I just tell her to let me know time and place and Miller and I will be there. But I have just realized that we only have 3 months to go and I need to get started on Millers wedding outfit. Boy how time fly's.
The ZOO!
I have been dreaming of the day I could take Miller to the ZOO, and I have found the perfect day to go, Good Friday. I am planing an all day trip to the ZOO for us, I figured that it might be a little less crowded on that day than on a Saturday. Plus Miller gets in free and I am only $12 dollars. I figured we would get up eat and pack a lunch and head to the ZOO for a fun field day. can't wait to see his little face when he sees the animals.
Getting Ready For My Fun Run!
Well mom and I are getting ready for the annual azalea run in Mobile. Last year mom ran in it and I wonted to but miller was only 4 months old and I had not trained at all. So this year I told her that I would love to do the fun run. The fun run is only 2 miles but its better than nothing. Mom is running in the 10K, she has been training longer than me so she can go further plus I will have Miller in the stroller and not sure how long he will last. We are super excited on going we are going to stay with family while we are there, this is kind of going to be like our thanks giving and Christmas all to gather because we were not able to get to gather for the holidays. I will let you know how I do and Miller.
Monday, March 16, 2009
The Worst Week Of My Life!
Well last week was pure HELL. It started off bad and went down hill from there. By Thursday I was in the hospital trying to pass a kidney stone and didn't get to go home till Saturday. So I am hoping this week will be better for me. No I haven't passed it yet but hope to soon. I go Thursday to see what they can do for me I hope a lot because Kidney stones suck.
Let It Snow!

Sorry For No New Updates!

Well lest see were I left you off in our life, well I have been sick and so has Nick and Miller. Oh O.K. the last I had written was when Miller had fallen and had hit his head. We are doing better and YES we have had more falls but doing good we all are trying to get over all the crud that is going around. Yes I am still working but don't really care for my job, do like the people I work for but would rather be home with miller. I miss him so much. I will keep you updated.
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