Friday, October 30, 2009
Halloween 2009!

Today Mom picked Miller up at school and when they handed him to her the teacher showed her that he had broken out into a rash. The teacher was in a panic because Miller is allergic to so many foods. So mom took him to get his hair cut and then went to get some medicine. We still are not sure what broke him out but he is on medication right now. But still has a rash, we did not take him to the allergies because we will be seeing a new one in about a week so I hated to start something and then change. So for right now we are going to watch him and make sure nothing else comes up.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Found Another One
Last night we ware over a Judy's eating diner and she said oh I think I found another knot so i felt it and yes there is one there but not sure if its one that has been there or one that has gotten bigger or one that just came up so we are just going to watch him and see what happens next. We go to children's Hospital November 10th.
Monday, October 26, 2009
DR. News
Over the weekend I happen to talk to some people and threw our conversations was told to call children s Hospital and look for an allergist there so this morning I called and got Miller an appointment with a allergist on November 10th and this Dr. looks at allergies and immunology so maybe we can find something out from him but other than that we are doing good.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Millers Knots
Just got the word that Miller still has all 10 swollen lymph nodes, but Dr. P said he looks good and healthy and for this to be the only symptoms he will not worry about it he looks very good. He wants to see him back at the age of 2. But he did say if they get bigger to come in. But we will still go see the ENT on the 30th of November to have blood work done. So we will just keep praying that they will go away.
Dr. Appointment
Well it has been a week now and Miller still has the knot behind his right ear. So mom is going to pick him up and take him to his DR. appointment. Not sure what they will do they may try antibiotics, or go ahead and do blood work not really sure. But I will keep everyone updated.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
The Knot
Well it has been a week now and Miller still has the knot behind his ear, it has gone down some but you can still see and feel it. So I am trying to get a Dr.'s appointment for him tomorrow I would try today but they are closed. So once we see the dr. not sure really what will happen, not sure if he will try antibiotics or send us for blood work. But I do know that in 5 weeks we will have blood work done for sure. Thank you all for all the thoughts and prayers.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Dr. Appointment
I just got the phone call from Judy. Millers Pediatrician found total 6 swollen Lymph nodes: 4 on one side and 2 on the other, Yes this dose include the one behind his ear. He then started checking by feeling his kidneys and liver and abdomen, and said those by feel look or feel good to him and he feel good about it. If you do not understand why he was checking thoughts places, he was checking for Lymphoma . So for right now he would like us to keep an eye out and watch him if they do not go away by this time next week we will take the next step. Millers Pediatrician said if this was an adult he would have sent him for further test. So lets pray that are little swollen Lymph nodes will go away.
What A Night
Yesterday Judy picked Miller up from school about 3:00 and took him back to her house. She cooked us dinner and we all ate before we went to church. Well Miller was not hungry, so we just saved his food for later or for me to pack for school today. Well when we got back from church we went back to Judys to get our stuff and to see daddy. Miller came in and started playing with his toys, around 9:00 I told Miller we needed to get home and take a bath and get to bed. Well then he started saying eat, eat. So I got his food back out and heated it up and gave it to him. While he was eating I was running my hands threw his hair and noticed a knot be hind his ear, I felt behind his other ear but did not notice anything then felt behind my ear's and still nothing. So Judy called a dear Friend that we go to church with that works in the medical filed and we took him over there. I really did not want to take him to the ER due to all the flu stuff going around. So once we got to Mrs. Susan's house she checked him out and said it probably is a lymph notes but I would have it check out by his pediatrician, but would not rush to the ER. So after finding that out we headed back home to go to bed well by know it was 11:30 and Miller is up still and running around. By 1:00 am Miller finally feel asleep and so did I. But he was back up at 5:15 so I put him in the bed with us and he slept till 6:30. So we were very fussy this morning and very tired. So when i got to work this morning I called the pediatrician and they said to bring him in so thank goodness for Judy she is going to get him and take him and let me know. Please keep him in his prayers that it is nothing Major.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Swimming Lessons Part 3!
Yes we are still taking swimming lessons and we are still loving them. But mommy has graduated from the water now and I am so excited. Last Tuesday was my first class were I did not have to get in and I LOVED it, But Mrs Cathleen told us to still come like we ware getting in the water just in case they got a little fussy. So last night we went back to swimming lessons and I got to stay out of the water again I loved it. Plus I like to watch what Miller has learned. Its hard to see what he has learned when you are in the water because you are trying to keep him focused while the teacher is teaching another child, But last night there were 2 teacher in the water with them. I hope it contuses.
The Diaper
This morning when Miller got up I went in there to get him out of his bed, and noticed that something looked different. Well of course he had pulled his diaper off in his sleep. But I felt the sheets and they were dry so I don't think it had been to long that he had gone with out it. Oh what the Lord Blesses us with on a daily bases in the Evans house hold.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Potty Time
This past Sunday Miller woke up earlier than normal, so I brought him in the room with me. I still had to take a shower and get ready for church. So I put Miller in the shower with me and took my shower first and then bathed him. Miller likes to stay in the shower after I get out so I let him because I can get ready faster. Well after I got done I said lets get out. So I got him out and dried him off and let him run around with out a diaper on. So I went to the kitchen and came back and saw that someone or thing had had an accident on the floor. At first I thought it was the dog but no she was in the kitchen with me. So I asked Miller did you poo poo on the floor and he said yes, so I told him if he needs to potty he needs to tell mommy or daddy. So then I cleaned it up and put it in the toilet and as I was throwing it in the potty Miller says yea and claps and then says bye bye. All I could do is laugh. So then I told him I was going to get his diaper and I would be right back, well I made it to the den and Miller came running after me mommy mommy I tee teed. So I looked at him and said you tee teed and he said yes. I said show me were you tee teed so he took me by my finger and took me back in to my bathroom and he had POOPED on the floor AGAIN! I said oh Miller and he clapped and said bye bye. I then called my mom to tell her and she said I think its time to start potty training. So I got him a potty and he has used it one time but other than that I think he thinks its a play toy. He will just sit on the potty and look at you but for some reason he thinks you have to take all your clothes off to use the potty I'm not sure were he gets that from. But we will see how far we get with this.
The Bed
Well as you may know I have made Millers bed in to a toddler bed, and as of Sunday night at 11:00 I have turned it back in to a baby bed that is right. Miller would stand be hind his door for 30 min to an hour crying and hitting the door so at 11:00 on Sunday night I got up and changed it out. I had been trying to put him down since 9:00 that night. As soon as I put him in that bed he cried for 5 min and was out. Monday night I put him down at 8:00 and he was asleep by 8:10. So little man was not ready for the big boy thing yet. Maybe closer to the summer he will be ready.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Disney On Ice
This past weekend mom and I were talking about taking Miller to see Disney on Ice. So yesterday at work I got on ticket master and found us some tickets. I am so excited and can't wait to go I know I am more excited them Miller he has no clue what he is in for. I have found out that we have some pretty good seats we are going to be sitting on the ICE! in seats 1 & 2 I could not believe we got that close so I hope this will keep his attention because T.V. dose not.
Family Time
This past weekend we had family in town. Chris My cousin, his son Aidan, My aunt Claudia form mobile. Chris had a racket ball tournament and he did pretty good from what I hear. Saturday for the game My cousin and his wife and 2 boys came in to town from Birmingham. We had so much fun watching all the kids play together. The ages of all the kids were 9 weeks old, 21months, 3 turning 4 this month, and 4. Boy was moms house fun. All the guys watched the game of carouse while we entertained the kids and talked and found out some of the best places to shop online and off. It was great getting to see all of them and the three boys play great together. Lisandra brought some of the cuties cup cakes they were elephants Alabama elephants, and a Alabama cookie it was very yummy! I hope we all can get together again soon.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Work Work Work!
Nick lately all he has done is work he started Friday night and will work till next Thursday morning. He has only had about 2 days off and he has been on nights. Yes we are very blessed for him to have a job right now but would love some family time also. So its just Miller and I at the house at night right now so yes its like I am a single mother. But Miller and I have so much fun at night to gather but we do miss daddy very much.
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