Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Its only Tuesday
Please tell me this week is almost over, yes I know its only Tuesday but it feels like it should be Friday on a regular week. Our week did not start off very good Nick woke up Sunday morning in a horrible mood and it just kept getting better! Miller stayed with Judy Monday due to what I thought was pink eye and then I felt like I was coming down with something and this could not happen at a better time. Because I am having thanks giving at my house Tuesday night and then having surgery Wednesday in Birmingham, and then Thanksgiving Thursday at maw maws and my parents house. So in the mean time while I am trying to figure out everything I though I will call my Dr. and see if she will give me a shot. Well she saw me ok and would not give me a shot so now I have to go get a perscription filled after work and I have about 15 people coming to my house to eat I guess they will have to wait. But this is my last day at work for the week thank goodness.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Sunday morning Miller and I got up for church and got ready and headed out the door and after church I noticed his right eye was matting up I though oh goodness what know. SO I just watched it for the rest of the day. It never got pink just the out side of it, so I called Judy and asked her is she did not mind keeping Miller and of course she said no. SO Miller is staying with his Yaya and his Big George today and part of the day tomorrow. I think its just his allergies but not sure so I am going to just keep him out since its a short week. I hope we get better soon.
The Brake In
Saturday night Nick and I were going to go eat at some friends house and he had told me to be ready at 5:30 so I had Miller and I ready to go all we had to do is get up and walk out the door. About 5:45 Nick was still not home I was getting a little frustrated, Miller was getting hungry and so was I. So at 6:00 I called Nick and asked was he on his way and he said I will be there in a minute, I asked were are you he said at the wood house ( his parents old house or in other words the moldy house as what Jessica calls it). I said oh what are you doing there he said it was broken in to Oh I said I did not realize that ( yes this is the house we live right across the street from). Well around 8:15 Nick and his father came over to bring what was left that the robbers did not take and put it in out garage. Well by this time I knew we were not going to our friends house to eat so I had to find something to eat because Miller and I were starving by know and Nick was also. Well Once everything settled down I asked Nick what they took and he said ALL of the deer meat ( those that do not know my husband and father-in-law all they do is hunt and fish) so this we now had 2 empty freezers that were just restocked for the year, well not anymore thanks to someone that couldn't get a job and get there own food. They also took all of Georges fishing rods and everything else you need to fish with. They also took Georges chain saw well I hope they can get gas for that oh but they will probably steel that too. They also did a good bit of damage to the out side of the house also. I just hope that who ever did this that the Lord will burden there harts and let them know what a horrible thing they have done and that they did not have to steel this from them that if they needed food they could have gone to a church or a soup kitchen to get that meal they needed. I will be praying for this person or people that they will find the lord and do the right thing.
Saturday Miller and I went to capital park and I took some Christmas pictures for our Christmas card this year. I am going to have a very hard time trying to decide witch one to pick they all turned out so good. Miller all so had so much fun running around out there, I think I may have to take him back just to play.
This past Friday I was getting ready to settle in for the rest of my workday when my phone rang. Well when I answered it it was Millers teacher saying Miller has a fever of 102.5 and he did not eat very much for lunch. So I told his teacher to go ahead and give him some Tylenol and I would be there shortly. Well I tell my boss and she said have a nice weekend, So I got all my stuff together so on Monday I could figure out were I left off on Friday. As I was getting in my car I had just realized I had NO Tylenol at our house so I would have to stop on the way to get him. I had thrown away all of it when they did the recall on it and never bought any more, we just do not use it that often how surprising is that considering all the allergies we have. I guess its because all the other medication we are on takes care of that. So I got to school and picked him up and took him home and him and I both took a really good nap on the cough together. Well when Miller woke up he was hot as a fire cracker so I took him in the bathroom and took his temp and it was 103.9 WOW I had a hot little boy on my hands. So I gave him some more medicine and we played and played. Then at dinner time he was not very hungry due to him not feeling very well so I just saved it for later on. Well around 9:15 he started feeling hot again but it was not time to give him any more medicine so I was trying to hold him off till about 10:30 well that did not work he fell fast a sleep around 9:30. Well 11:30 rolled around and he woke up and was Very Hot again so I took his temp and it was back up to 103.9 again so I gave him some more medicine and sent him back to bed. by the next morning he was up and ready to go so I changed his diaper and checked his temp and guess what it was gone I guess we just had a little 12 hour bug thank goodness. So glade we are better now.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Last night when I got home I had a wonderful surprise when I got there. Judy Nicks mother was at my house and was cleaning it for me how nice was that. I told her she did not have to do that but she said that since I offered to have the Evans Thanksgiving at our house then she felt like she need to help me clean since I have to work that Tuesday, and we are having thanksgiving that Tuesday night. Thanks Judy for everything you do for us.
The Grill
yesterday I went home again to eat lunch with nick but he was not there he soon called and asked me to open the fiance so he could drive the truck back there. So nice me I go back there and the dogs get out and start running all over the place boy was that fun on my lunch brake chasing dogs. Once he had pulled up I saw were he had once again bought him /us something a new GRILL. I told him if you don't quit buying stuff no one will have anything to get you for Christmas he said oh well. So I headed back to work and kept thinking why did he go and get a grill that is what I was going to get him for Christmas. Well after I got home last night Judy was at my house and I asked her if she saw ALL of Nicks new toys she said yes and Judy said I was told to watch Cooper (the Lab)to make sure he did not chew the gas piping on this grill. Well come to find out Cooper had chewed the bottom out of the other grill and all the wiring under it so we had to get a new one. So Nick was going to make sure Cooper could not get this one. So this grill will hook up to the gas tank that is hooked up to the logs in the fire place. So all of the piping is underground thank goodness. Maybe Cooper will leave this one alone.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Up And Burning
Day 3 for the fire place Nick worked on the logs, tank, and fire place all day yesterday and around 12 am he finished. So we both sat in the living room and just stared at it like we had never seen anything like it it was kinda funny. Well we both fell asleep in the living room last night, and I woke up around 4:30 this morning to Nicks alarm going off. So I got up and realized Nick had never locked up the night before. So the flood lights were still on and the garage was still up and the back door and the back yard door were unlocked so we were prime candidates to be robbed last night. So at 4:30 I locked everything up turned off lights and set the alarm. Well after I got up and got ready and got miller up and ready we were in the kitchen eating and I heard the fire place come on Nick had woke up and was sitting in his chair with the remote to the fire place and turns it on I thought my goodness could he get any lazier. Yes the fire place dose have a remote to it. Boy our life get more and more entrusting by the day.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Well this week our garage has been a busy place we have had 5 deer come threw there and be cleaned. Nick killed 2 in one day and then his dad yesterday killed 2 and I think Hunter ( my brother-in-law) killed one. Miller loves to sit out in the garage and watch his dad clean those things. I think they kinda stink my self but I have to look at it this way it cuts the grocery bill down so I am all for it. Lets see what the rest of the week brings us.
Fire Place
OK so if you ready my blog yesterday you saw were we are having some logs and a tank installed for the gas fire place. Well as of last night the logs were still in the living room floor and we still had no tank. So I went home to day for lunch and Nick was out side digging a trench for the gas line to go for the tank. Still no tank and the logs are still in the middle of the living room floor. So I will see what we have when I get home tonight.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Well it has been 2 weeks since Miller has been to swimming lessons, not because we have been sick but because we have had so much going on. Like Mallory's birthday and then Millers Dr.s appointments in Birmingham. So he will be going back to night I hope he dose well enough so I do not have to get in the water.
2 Weeks Off!
Nick is off for 2 weeks right now and I am loving it (sometime). SO while he is off he will be Hunting of course and doing things around the house. Like today we have been in our house for 3 years and have never bought any logs for the gas fire place so he went out and bought some logs and a tank for the gas and is going to try to have it hooked up before thanksgiving. So I went home for lunch to see how things were going and the logs were sitting in the middle of the living room and he was sitting in the chair. So I asked him HOW'S it going he never answered me I am assuming not good. So I though I will make me something to eat and watch him try to figure out how to get it hooked up. Well he got up and went out side and so I watched some T.V. and he never came back in so I figured he was out side doing something and would be back in a little while. Well once I finished lunch I had to head back to work and so when I went out side he was GONE. He never told me he was leaving so I am assuming the log thing is not going like he wants help me pray that he will get them working.
Things I Am Thankful For
This year and every year I am so thankful for everything in my life, God has blessed me with so many things How could I ever thank him. The only way I know is to fallow in his foots steps and hope I lead Miller in the right direction. This year I am thankful for:
Nick and Miller
My family
Nicks Family
Our wonderful house that the lord has given us.
Our Jobs so we can have the things we need and want.
Our loving animals even if they are wild sometimes.
Our loving friends
Our church Family
The strength to get up every morning and take that breath of fresh air that the Lord has provided us.
I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe thanksgiving this year I will be praying for each and everyone of you while you visit with friends and family.
Nick and Miller
My family
Nicks Family
Our wonderful house that the lord has given us.
Our Jobs so we can have the things we need and want.
Our loving animals even if they are wild sometimes.
Our loving friends
Our church Family
The strength to get up every morning and take that breath of fresh air that the Lord has provided us.
I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe thanksgiving this year I will be praying for each and everyone of you while you visit with friends and family.
Giving Thanks
Thanksgiving is coming up faster we can plain for it, and our family seem to be busier than ever this year. Judy has been doing the Evans Thanksgiving for the past 2 years, so I told her that I would do it this year at mine and Nicks house. Well after I had told her that I signed my little self up for mouth surgery the next day. So We will have thanksgiving Tuesday Night and I will go into surgery Wednesday morning at 10 it should only last 2 hours and I should be on my way home after that. Thursday we have Nicks aunts house we will go eat at and then my moms house we will visit. Boy what a day we will have, and I will be worn out so no shopping this year for me I look at it as a money saver for me, plus a new diet plan since I will only be able to eat certain things.
School and Miller
Some of you may know that we have been keeping Miller out of school for the past 2 weeks due to the flu and stomach bug going around. Well last Wednesday I was going to send Miller to school for the first time in 2 weeks, but little did I know THEY WERE CLOSED! I got there and was like WHAT! I had totally for gotten it was a holiday and that they would not be open I have never done that before. So I called my boss and told her that school was closed and I did not have anyone to keep Miller but I am trying to find someone so I will be at work as soon as I found that special person. So I called Yaya (Judy) and I could not get her to answer her phone or the house phone so then I thought I will try my mom well she did not get off till 12 so I thought well I can always go in after she gets him at least I would not be out a whole day. I then thought that Jessica may be off well she was not. So her and I kept trying Judy but I was not having any luck. So I thought well I will just push Miller around in his car till I hear form someone and then the phone rang and it was JUDY! She said to bring him right over. Boy what would I do with out Judy. But Miller did go back Thursday.
Hunting Season!
Well some of you may know that Nick is a big Hunter, he Bow hunts and Gun hunts, any type of hunting Nick dose it. So far this year he has gotten 2 deer, his work schedule has kept him from hunting as much this year. Not sure if that is a good thing or not, but I do know we do need the meat in our freezer, it keeps the grouser bill down.
Potty Training
Well some of you may remember me saying that I was going to try to start potty training, well we have not been very good at it. The only time Miller ever uses his potty is before he gets in the bathtub. At night when we go into the bathroom and he sees the potty he tries so hard to get his clothes off so he can use the big boy potty its so funny. Well the other night we were in the bathroom and he wanted to use his potty so we got undressed and he stood there and used the potty well then once he was threw potting he sat on the potty and I said Miller are you poo pooing and he said NO! So I just left him there and went to get something out of the kitchen ( he was on his potty not a big potty) and when I headed back into the bathroom he was in the living room with Jessica and I said what are you doing and he just looked at me and smiled. I then asked him did you poo poo in the potty and he said NO. Well as soon as he said no he poops on the floor I tell you what the kid has no clue when he has to go so I guess we will just work on the tee teeing for right now.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Dr. Appointment
Well as most of you know Miller had a Dr. appointment November the 10th at children's Hospital with an allergist and to check out our little swollen lymph node. Well we were seen by 3 Dr.'s and they all checked him out very well. it was so nice to sit there and they talk to you one on one and not make you feel rushed. The Dr's were in our room for about an hour and were asking all kind of questions. We were able to tell them everything we could think of. Once the Dr's determent what they wanted to do next with miller we had to go to the lab for some blood work. Once they get the blood work back if any thing comes back positive they will get use back ASAP. If not we will here about the results on the 16Th of December the day after Millers 2nd Birthday. That day we will also meat with a Food Allergy specialist, and she will then do food allergy testing on Miller so we can find out exactly what Miller is allergic too. We also were told he has the early stages of asthma so we now do an inhaler once a day to keep our cough down. Hopefully we can get some answers soon. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers.
Disney On Ice!
On November 6, 2009 mom and I took Miller to see Disney On Ice. Miller loved it he just sat there looking at everything it was so funny just getting to see what his face would look like when all the skaters came out. Well Miller did great during the first part of it but he did get a some ants in his paints during the second part but was still great. We can't wait till next year and go again.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Halloween Day
Friday night we were at moms and we went to give Miller a bath, while I was getting him undressed the rash was spreading pretty fast so I told mom to go ahead and bathe him and I will call the Dr. Of course it is Friday night at 9:30 so I get the answering service and they take a message and say the on call nurse will call you back. So 30min later I was like we are going to the ER, I got his bag ready and packed and the phone rings of course as we are walking out the door and then nurse said no do not take him to the ER just give him some medicine and if it is still there or worse in the morning call us back. So we did that and in the morning when I got him up it was every were, plus his lymph nodes were huge so I called the Dr. back and he told me to get him strait to the ER. Once we got there they took us right back and started paper work and the Nurse doing the computer work asked if he was allergic to anything I just started laughing and handed him Millers list of things he is allergic to. The nurse said OMG out load and said that he had never entered so many allergies in the computer for anyone I said well you have to have your first some time in your life. Once they started checking him out they made sure his throat was not closing up witch it was not thank goodness then they did a strep test on him they said that some times strep can start off as a rash and develop in to a fever boy that was nice to now. Once that came back negative the siad that he must be having an allergic reaction to something but do not know what. Once we got out of the ER we went home and took a nap. Once we got up we got dressed and went to Gigi's house and after that we went to the church. Boy what a day!
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