Friday, April 23, 2010
Birthday Party
This Weekend Miller has been invited to his very first Birthday Party and I don't know who is more excited me or Miller I think its me though. The Birthday Party is For Colton and he is turning 2 (such a fun age) and his mom has picked a GREAT time for his party 4-6, you can still get the house clean and get that much needed Nap in before filling there little tummy's with cake and ice cream. Nick was going to go with us BUT they asked him to work Saturday night so he will be at work and we sure are going to miss him. We also are suppose to be in for some bad weather Saturday and that night I just hope the weather will hold of during the party. Happy Birthday Colton can't wait to see you Saturday!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Miller Fishing
Saturday Nick and I took Miller fishing for the first time. I was a little on the nerves side only because I knew how Nick was about fishing so I told Nick remember he is only 2 so I don't know hoe long he will sit still and quit. Nick said oh he will be fine trust me, so I said OK then lets pack up and go! Once we got the boat and truck packed we loaded up and hit the road, I still did not know wear we were going but we kept driving and driving. An hour later we pulled up at the boat landing in Vienna Alabama, this was a new experiment for me I never had gone fishing this far away with a 2 year old well never gone fishing period with a 2 year old. But I was going to try to keep an open mind about this and pray for the best. Once Nick got the boat off the trailer and in the water I stayed with the boat while Nick parked the truck and got Miller out. Once we got settled in the boat we headed out and came to a slew and went down it. There was not much water but we made it to the deeper part of the river. It was SO pretty back there all I wanted to do is take pictures of it but it was very hard to decide what to take a picture of so I just started snapping. Once Nick dropped a line in he started catching like crazy, Miller loved when Nick would get one he would say I touch fish and touch his eye ball I really don't know why but he loved touching the eye. We got to see so many things back there it was like being on a field trip we saw 2 snakes, a tree Frog and a honey bee nest in the tree. All these things wear so interesting to see. while Nick and Miller fished I took a well needed nap and loved every mint. of it. Once I woke up we started packing up and headed back but before we could do that Nick Just Had To Get Us Stuck! Yes that is right we got stuck in the mud in the boat, we tried almost everything. Nick finally had to get out and move the boat so others could get in and out but if they could have see what we went threw they would not want back there. Once we got back to the boat landing we packed the truck back up and headed home for some rest. We had the Beat time fishing.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Millers Room
I have had a hard time with this trying to decide about Millers room. He still sleeps in a baby bed only because he can not clime out. But I really want to change his room up more like a little boys room the only thing is Miller will switch rooms if we ever have another baby. So I guess that is why I have kinda put this on hole because I hate to redecorate and then have to change everything back so I don't know I guess I will just have to pray about it and see what comes out of it.
Teaching Miller
Miller is at the age were he should be learning more and more about Jesus everyday I try very hard to tell him things like Jesus made the Birds the trees and the animals but I don't think he really understands. We are active at our church I would love to say VERY active but I really like family time so most of the time on Sunday nights we stay home or visit family. But we are there on Sundays and Wednesday nights. I still teach the 3 & 4's and Miller is in the Toddler room. Miller also learns about Jesus at school I Love Millers school they teach them so much and all the workers are so nice and friendly. So I know he is being educated about Jesus but pray that one day he will follow Jesus in the right direction and continue to learn more and more about Jesus and take that with him as he gets older.
Praying To God!
Every day I pray! I pray for so much and the glory God answers them day by day. How could anyone live in this world with out God, he has done so much for us in our lives. I have found that the older I get the easier it is to pray to him, not sure why that is but it is. Just today I have had something on my mind that really bothered me and I asked the Lord to take that worry from me and before I knew it it was gone. My goodness what a blessing to have something you have worried about all day just be gone with in such a short amount of time. What an awesome God we have!
Western Day
Today at Millers school they had all the kids dress up for Western Day. Well when I found this out I had to think about this because I new Miller did not have ANYTHING western! If you know me Miller is always dressed to the 9's, if I could get away with putting him in lace I would. But anyways I kept thinking what do I have that I can put him in that is even a little western and then it came to me I had bought some over raw's for him to have some pictures made in them that he has never worn. My next problem was WHAT SIZE ARE THEY! So of course I am last minute I pull them out of the closet and look at the tag and it said 12 months but boy they just looked BIG, so I put them on him and they FIT perfect. I rolled the legs up to were they were they hit his shin and then put a little white t-shirt under it and then his little brown sandals (no he dose not have BOOTS). He looked so cute this morning I wanted a picture but we were running SUPER LATE imagine that (I am always running late). So I think when I get home this afternoon I will just take little Miller out side and start snapping away. I hope to get LOTS of pictures on hear this weekend I am very behind on the picture updating.
Busy Week
This week has been a little on the crazy side usually when Nick is on Nights these are are calmer days but not this week. With Mary and Matt bringing home baby Marian Saturday, one of my Friend and I decided to take Mary and Matt Dinner one Night this week. Witch I love to help out if I can, but I was just wondering when I was going to cook the Meal I mean you can't really tell a 2year old don't bother me while I cook Dinner for someone else. Monday I had a Dr. appointment that I thought was only going to take like 20 to 30 min but they had to do a little more then I thought like take my toe nail OFF! Witch was fine but I was going to go home and start the meal before I went to work so then I thought well I can do it tonight well that did not happen. Tuesday Night Miller had Swimming Lessons so it was out of the question on cooking any thing that night. So Wednesday I came home at lunch and put them together and that night when I got home I put one in the oven before church for use to eat so we could take Nick some dinner since I did not cook the night before and we were out of Bread. Plus I had already told Nick Miller and I would bring him dinner tonight. So after church Miller and I took Nick dinner and then headed home on the way out there Miller fell fast asleep and there was no waking him up trust me Nick tried. Once we got home I took Miller and put him in his bed and I cleaned the kitchen up and then ate ( don't worry Miller ate before church). So then I started thinking I will just come home after work and just throw it in the oven to cook for about 30 min. Well that is what I did and it worked out great and we got the food over there by 7 a little late but that's OK at least they had a hot meal to eat. We also got to spend some time with the baby witch I loved. We will be relaxing to night I hope and all weekend.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Baby Marian
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
School Pictures
Miller had school pictures made a couple of weeks ago and they turned out so good the only thing is I never ordered any so no I have to call the person that took them and see if I can still order I hope so if not I may just find some one to take some. If that is the case then I probably go to Birmingham and find someone I have always wanted to have Miller picture taken in the Zoo so may be I can do that.
The Yard
Most of you know how big are yard is well this past weekend I told Nick are grass needed cutting and of course he had to work so there was only one option and that was that I was going to cut the grass. I love to cut the grass but if you could have seen our yard you would have said no thank you because the tractor is not working and we don't have a riding lawn mower. So I was a good wife and pulled out the push mower, I usually do use this every summer but its to cut just right around the house not the HOLE yard. But I did it and survived and know are yard looks great, I even cut the back yard also and the dogs are happy now too!
Swimming for the Leg
Most of you know that Miller has a AVM Tumor in his left leg and that we had a biopsy done right at a month ago. We now are trying to make that leg as strong as the other one if not stronger so we have started swimming again something Miller truly loves. Last Tuesday was Miller first time back since his surgery and loved it. We are going to try this till we go back and then decided if we need more therapy or just let the swimming be it. We have our second night tonight and i can't wait to see him in the water again!
Easter 2010!
My favorite Holiday Easter and when I say my favorite I mean my favorite. I like it better than Christmas, don't get me wrong I like Christmas also but it has to do with the worm air and all the Flowers in bloom its just so pretty. But also these 2 holidays are not just because you get things its a time to remember when Jesus was born and when he died for us. These are the 2 most special holidays threw the year and more of us need to remember that. This Easter was really fun with Miller Nick was off all weekend until Sunday night and then he had to go to work. But the Easter bunny did come see Miller he brought him so many things in his basket in fact it is still sitting in the living room and Miller still is going threw it. Saturday Night we kept telling Miller that if he did not go to bed that the Easter Bunny would not come so that was an easy night of getting him in the bed after that Nick and I played the Easter bunny and then went to bed. The next morning I got up early so I could have everything ready for Miller, and Nick just had to go turkey hunting but was back in time to go to church. When Miller got up I said Miller did the Easter Bunny come he said yes and he went walking to the front door and looked out it and said I don't see bunny! I started laughing it was so cute he thought the Easter bunny stayed once he brought things. I then had to explain to him that the Easter bunny comes in the Middle of the night and leaves goodies and then go's back in to his home till next year he looked at me and said NO momma Daddy POW POW Bunny, I said OH LOVELY! Once Church was over we went back to the house and changed and headed to Mom and Dads house to eat some yummy food after that Miller played and then we had to tell Nick bye so he could go to work. After Nick left we packed up ALL of are stuff and headed to Maw Maw's house for Easter Dinner it was very yummy to! After Dinner we went back to the house and took are bath and snuggled up in the Chair together and miller fell fast a sleep, we had a busy day but truly enjoyed our wonderful day the Lord had made for us. I hope everyone had just as good of a holiday as we did.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Good Friday
Last Friday I was to work all day BUT I got great news around 10 that we would be shutting down around 1:30 for the weekend I was so excited I would be able to go get Miller and spend the day with him and my mom, something I have not done in a while on a Friday. Once I got off I went and got Miller and we went to moms house and she took us to get Miller a RADIO FLAYER bike at Anders Hardware. Miller climbed on that and was off I looked at mom and said I guess he likes it so we got to take it home with us and Miller and mommy were very happy. After that mom and I went back home and let Miller ride his bike around the yard he loves that thing we have to bring it in side and then take it back out again he rides it every were.
Dot News 2
Mrs. Dot has been moved to Forrest Minor rehabilitation center to help her start moving better. I hate to say this but I have yet to visit her since all of this. Dot had the stroke and then we found out about Millers leg and so I have been kinda occupied with that. But I do pray for her daily and hope she can get back to her self again.
Miller's Leg Updates
Judy and I took Miller back to the Dr. Monday for Dr. Seigle to look at Miller leg, he said that all the test and blood work and biopsy all came back negative THANK THE LORD! The bad news is that is it warped around Millers muscle and that is what is keeping him from walking normal. Most people do not realize he walks different unless I point it out or you know about the tumor. Miller still every once in a while will say my boo boo hurts witch means his leg hurts. We started back with are swimming lessons we had taken a few weeks off due to are leg, so we are going to see if this helps and if not then we may have to do some therapy to get that muscle as strong as the other one. Thank you for all the prayers!
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