Tuesday, May 25, 2010
8 Weeks
I turned 8 Weeks Sunday, and lets just say I feel like I should be 8 months! I feel HUGE plus I STILL don't feel so hot. Yes I am still taking my medication but it dose not always work. The Weekend's seem to be the worse and you would think those should be the best. I get up at 2 every morning to use the bathroom and usually don't go back to sleep till 4 yes it takes me a little longer to fall back asleep not sure why but it dose. I think I am going to make the couch my NEW bed for some reason I sleep SO good on it I can't sleep worth a dame in the bed I just can't get comfy. I will be 3 months on Sunday and I am counting down the days till I am in my second trimester, I have 5 more weeks to go.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Millers Program
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Millers First Program
Now that Miller is in the 2 year old class they will be having the end of the year program for the graduates that are going o kindergarten. But the other children in the 2's and 3's also will have a little pic in the program. Millers class will be singing 2 songs I thing I am very excited to see my little man up on stage. Get ready we have the video camera and camera ready for Thursday night.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Miller and Baby
Miller is very excited about getting a baby sister or brother (we are praying for sister), when you ask him what is in mommy's tummy he will tell you my big sister. And when you ask him were the baby is going to sit in the car he says next to me. It is quiet funny to ask him questions about the baby. He told his teacher the other day that he was getting a big sister so they asked him well what dose that make you then and he looked at them and said the big brother.
7 Weeks
This Sunday I became 7 weeks prego and due January 3, 2011, if some of you don't remember Miller was due January 4, 2008 but he decided to come December 15, 2007. I am still sick and trying to deal with it while I take care of Miller, Nick has been a BIG help trying to do more with Miller but I am hear a lot just Miller and I due to Nick working Nights but I am making it. I went to the Dr. Monday and he gave me some Zofran THANK GOODNESS! So far so good I am feeling much better. I go back June 1st for a sonogram and a sugar test, Yes I am taking my sugar test quit early because I had diabetes with Miller and he wants to keep it under control and catch it sooner. For those of you don't know we have twins that run in the family so any time someone get prego the question is is it 2? But when I go to have my sonogram that will tell the answer. I will also go back on June the 22nd for a regular if I fail my sugar test then I may have to be seen twice a month just to monitor me a little closer but I am trying to get off on the right foot this time and eat better this go around. Nick and I are both every excited and I know I want a little girl but I think Nick dose as well so we will have to wait and see. We should find out the last week of July or the first week of August.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
6 Weeks
On Sunday I am know 6 weeks pregnant and still sick. This go around has been totally different from when I was prego with Miller so I am having to adjust to it and plus chase Miller around hoping I don't throw up on him. I am going to the Dr. Monday to find out my estimated due date if I have calculated right I should be due Jan 2 2011, but considering I had Miller at 36 weeks I am going to have my self ready the first week of Dec that means Millers Birthday party will be in November OR we could have a October birthday a lot considers how I am doing. I am going to try to give weekly updates so stay tuned!
6 weeks and A Wedding
On Sunday I turned 6 weeks and Mallory got engaged to Darren. We are so happy, We don't know any dates but I told her I needed to know ASAP so Nick could put in for. I will give more detail when given.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
New Additon
Nick and I are Happy to announce we are adding a New Addition to the family. We will be expecting a baby in the month of December. I go to my Doctor May the 17th to find out the Due date but if I have figured up I think it will be Dec 30. I will keep every one updated.
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