Thursday, September 23, 2010
25 weeks
Ok so I have made it to 25 weeks and went to the Dr. Monday and had to take my sugar test and pasted I was so happy about that but my Iron was low so they put me on Iron pills and boy have they made a difference I can actually get out of the bed and get ready know. I hope this continues.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Up and Cleaning
This morning I woke up about 4:30 and decided to get up and do a few things around the house i really should do this more often considering I got so much done plus the house is quit and i have the best energy in the mornings and considering I can go to work and sit for most of the day. Plus you come home to a half way clean house. I will have to do some tonight like clean the rugs I did not want to wake Miller that is the hole point in getting up before him to get stuff done uninterrupted! The only problem is I have a hard time quiting to get ready for work but if I do this every morning then I should not have as much to do. Hear is a list of things I did this morning:
1. Took the dog out
2. took trash out
3. Unloaded and reloaded dishwasher
4. Did 2 loads of laundry
5. Cleaned the potty and bath tub in my room
6. Did some ironing
7. washed ALL blankets that were on the couch and chair
8. Put some of Miller clothes away
I still have a good bit to do but this is a start.
1. Took the dog out
2. took trash out
3. Unloaded and reloaded dishwasher
4. Did 2 loads of laundry
5. Cleaned the potty and bath tub in my room
6. Did some ironing
7. washed ALL blankets that were on the couch and chair
8. Put some of Miller clothes away
I still have a good bit to do but this is a start.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Oh Last Night
Last night I thought I was going to get to watch T.V. in peace and quite but guess what NOPE! I put miller in the bath about 7 and I washed him up then he played for a while then of course I knew it was time to get out when Miller started his fussing. So I said are you sleepy and he said yes so we got out and got dresses. He then said he wanted to watch Buzz and Woody (Toy Storey) so I said OK and went and got him some magic juice (water). Miller then said I want you to lay with me well I knew if I laid down I would be OUT so I told him let me get ready for bed and I will come and lay with you. I was hopping he would be asleep before I got back and i could curl up in the chair and watch some T.V. well 10min later here he comes riding his cycle I said what are you doing he said I ridin my cycle, I said no you need to get in the bed. He then looked at me and said I want to lay with you in the chair so of course I gave in and then I played the lay down game or you will go to your bed game. Finally by 9:30 he was a sleep so I put him in his bed before I fell asleep. I went and got in my bed and went right to sleep next thing I know I feel him claiming in to my bed I woke up and said what are you doing he said I want you. The rest of the night I had Millers feet in my back and the dog scratching it my feet. Then at 5 Nick came home from work and kept asking are you gong to get up your alarm keeps going off I finally said yes we did not have a good night, Miller would not go to sleep then he came in here then the dog would not go to sleep and I kept having to go to the bathroom I will get up in a minute! He then said Why don't you go to the bathroom before you go to bed I gave him that look and he laid down. Maybe tonight we can have a better sleeping arrangement.
Get Into the Habbit
Well I have been telling my self since I found out I was pregnant that I need to do a little physical activity just to make it easier during labor and also after I have baby Fisher. But I have not quit gotten there yet I keep telling my self I will get up a little early and do a little on the Wii but for some reason my hand finds that snooze button every time. So last night I thought OK I am going to get up a little earlier and do something well, we did not have the best night Tipper scratched ALL NIGHT, then miller came and got in the bed with me and then his feet stayed in my back then on top of that I had to pee like 500 times and then my stomach started hurting. So when my alarm went off this morning my hand found that snooze button again. Then Nick came in there and said are you going to get up your alarm has been going off for quit some time. I just looked at him and said we did not have a good night I will get up in a minute. So I am going to try again in the morning and see where it takes me hope i can make it.
This week at church we are having revival, I have never been to one for a whole week due to it lasting way past mine and Millers bed time. I should not look at it this way but when there is a little one involved I do have to consider it. I think we may go Wednesday night it doesn't start till 7 so I could always get home eat dinner and then bath Miller and then go so once we did get home we would be ready for bed. I will have to think about this I would like to go one night this week since we did miss Sunday due to me not feeling well. I will have to let everyone know how it went if I do decide to go.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Bath Time!
Tonight Miller said he wanted to wash his cycle as he calls in the bath tub I told him that it could not go in the bath tub! Miller: why momma, Me: because Miller I said, Miller: but I want it, Me: No! now get in! Miller rides this threw the house just about every night thanks goodness it doesn't leave marks on the floor. Once Miller gets in he usually says I swimming momma come watch me so I will peek my head in there and say way to go! We tend to battle with bath and bed time I hope it gets better!
Dinner Time
For those that have ever looked at my fridge I have a magnet that says: I understand the concept of cooking and cleaning just not how they apply to me! Well I will have to say that is so TRUE! My house is always a disaster and I never know what to cook because I am hoping it will be done for me before I get home knowing it wont. So everyday I sit at work and think what to have for dinner I hat that I wish I had all this time to cook for my boy's. I think if I had the time I would cook more or at least I think I would I would still find something to say for not having something cooked, and on the cleaning thing my bathrooms and dishes and clothes are cleaned weekly its just the picking up that I let slide quit often well all the time I think sometimes Miller will just pull it out again why pick it up. but since I have been prego I have my moments that I will go threw the house and pick up and I will think gosh this looks so good I think I may keep it this way and two weeks later it back to the same old thing. So tonight since nick is on nights I will probably do a little house work till baby Fisher gets in one of his knots and i can no longer stand and then I will sit and watch the T.V. or I will go home and find something to eat and just sit and watch what I want to watch since Nick is on nights this is really the only time I get to do this so I like to take advantage of it during those 4 nights I have. Well we will see what will happen.
Not sure if any of you new this but I started Blogging when I had Miller can you believe that it will be 3 years that I have been doing this! When I finally have baby Fisher I can not wait to put up pictures of the family at the hospital and the people that come to visit Yes there will be a limit this time. Those of you that know that I had quit a few people one night know what I am talking about. But I do want lots of pictures. When I went to the hospital I had nothing with me except the clothes on my back due to I thought I would be coming home Boy was I surprised I did not get my stuff till the next day and Nick had no clue I didn't even have my car with me that had everything in it. So I guess this go a round I will just take a bag every were I go with a Camera in it I have no pictures of any of it now Jessica dose so I guess I need to get a copy of them from her to at least have them for his book. Oh and the Book thing I am so bad at I really never started or Finished Millers gosh that really makes me sound like a bad mother. Well I am going to try blogging better for now on I have gotten better but I really need to do more!
Getting Better
OK so I feel like a bad mom because I am not the type that walks around following my child with a camera taking pictures and then rush to my computer to put them on FB or my Blog! Is that BAD?
I am going to try to get better about it I may have to stay up late or get up earlier than normal to do so but I do want them on here. I guess if I took a class or had someone show me a easy way to get them on the computer I may do it more often. I also have asked for a mac book also for the past 2 years because I guess if I was able to sit in the living room or out side with Miller I would write more witch I probably would. But with my schedule it is hard to sit down and get on the computer. I normally do not get on if Miller is there or awake due to he will want to play on it and I would not get anything done, and then when I do get on I always check my mail fist then FB then I blog. This should be the other way around Blog, Mail, then FB. But I am going to try to get better with it before baby Fisher gets here. I'm sure once I am at home with the little Munchkin I will get to do more blogging I hope at least! Well we will see
I am going to try to get better about it I may have to stay up late or get up earlier than normal to do so but I do want them on here. I guess if I took a class or had someone show me a easy way to get them on the computer I may do it more often. I also have asked for a mac book also for the past 2 years because I guess if I was able to sit in the living room or out side with Miller I would write more witch I probably would. But with my schedule it is hard to sit down and get on the computer. I normally do not get on if Miller is there or awake due to he will want to play on it and I would not get anything done, and then when I do get on I always check my mail fist then FB then I blog. This should be the other way around Blog, Mail, then FB. But I am going to try to get better with it before baby Fisher gets here. I'm sure once I am at home with the little Munchkin I will get to do more blogging I hope at least! Well we will see
Foot Ball & Things
Fishing with Daddy!
24 Weeks
Yes that is right another week has past and time is flying by. The only thing is Kidney stone season is approaching so I have got to drink drink drink my water! Maybe I can make it threw this one with out having one. This past weekend I thought baby Fisher was going to jump out of my tummy he moves so much more than Miller not sure if that is a good thing or not. So far Mom, Mallory and Jessica have been able to feel him, he really likes to KICK! I have started having some pretty strong braxton hicks to the point I started timing them to make sure that is what is was not contractions we need him to stay a little bit longer.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Gigi's Day
On Friday's my mother Gigi always picks Miller up from school right after his nap. They always have so much fun on there Fridays together. Mom usually takes him to CHOM the children's hands on museum and Miller loves it. We even bought a yearly pass Miller could play all day there. But soon there will be 2 and Gigi is having a hard time taring to figure out who to spend time with both and not leave one out. I had told her to rotate every other Friday one Friday get Miller the next get Fisher that way she feels like she has had both the fair one on one attention BUT Gigi said I wont be able to walk in the school and only get one I will feel so bad. So I told her you do what you feel best, and that is were we stand. Gigi will come up with something!
Going Out to Eat
Last night we went to Nicks in the Sticks a favorite in T-town and a favorite for Nicks cousins that are in town for the game. We had told Judy that we would go and she had told me the time they wanted to eat witch was 7:30 well I told her that we would try it but Miller tends to turn in to the devil child at 8 that is bath and bed time. So we got there and Miller was doing pretty good but it was a matter of time before the other child came out, and of course it did. Don't get me wrong we had a great time visiting but next time we may take a rain check on eating out if it is going to be that late. Just to let you know we were walking out after 9. Lets just say miller didn't get in the bed or asleep till after 10:30. But this morning I was very pleases with how he did getting up. I think he will take a good nap today at school.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Miller and Daddy day
Well Nick finally took the plunge he kept Miller for the day yes this is his first time doing so. On that note I had to check up on them so I went home at lunch and they were both in the chair asleep. So I quietly fixed my lunch and started eating. During that Miller woke up and was ready to go. Nick was still asleep this was not a good sign, those that know Nick know he is a BIG sleeper and can usually sleep threw anything considering Miller was playing with a toy with LOUD sound to it and Nick did not wake up, I was getting a little concerned considering I needed to be leaving in a few mints to go back to work. I told Miller to wake daddy up and tell him you were ready to go poor Miller he tried and tried. I finally went over there and hit him on the leg and said GIT UP you have a 2 year old you have to watch, I said I am leaving to go back to work bye. As soon as I left I called Judy and asked her if she or George would not mind checking on them in about 30 min. I guess the Lord was watching out for me and them because Mary-V called and needed to get something from the house so of course I said yes anything to get someone over there to check on them. Once she got what she needed she called me to thank me and I asked was Miller dresses or was he still in his P.J.'s she said oh no he was dresses. After that Nick called me and said did you come home for lunch? I thought OMG! and I left my child with you. But I was nice about it and said yes why? He said well I thought you were here. Oh gosh and they still had the rest of the day to go. Once I got off work I called Judy to see if Nick had dropped Miller off and she said no they just walked in the door to clean the doves and Miller went with them to the field I said well ok then I will be their soon to get him and go to church. Nick was also off today but did not volunteer to keep him today so Miller went to school I guess Nick didn't like not being able to sleep when he wanted to this will probably be the last time nick volunteers keeping him when he would rather sleep. But I know Miller enjoyed every minute with his daddy.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Oh What A Weekend
This past weekend was a holiday and I love holiday weekends because that means I don't have to go to work. But with it being that we were very busy we had family in town and LOTS of kiddos to keep entertained. We had two 6 year old's a 4 year old and a 2 1/2 year old. Friday night Nick and Miller and I went over to mom and dads house to welcome the family in and to eat dinner and of course we were late Dinner was between 6:30 and 7 of course we got there at 7:30 I think and boy were we hungry or at least I was. We had yummy lasagna that mom made and salad. We got home I guess around 10:30 and Miller was worn out. They next day was opening dove season so Nick was doing that of course and mom was making her famous Mickey Mouse Pancakes and Miller and I were the first to arrive so we got them while they were still worm, and yes they were very yummy I may have to make that for dinner one night. After we ate we let the kids play in moms front yard for awhile and then headed to my house considering I have the BIG toys as they told me. So we loaded the kids up and headed to the country as I call it. once we got there we unloaded and got the bounce out and blew it up and let them have at it of course we had to feed the deer first and poor thing I think all the kids scared her I know it would have me! After playing out side for quite some time and none of the little ones had had a nap they all came in side and sat down to watch a movie and have a snack boy was this nice because we had adult time them and sat around the table and did what we do best EAT! After all said and done Miller and I settled down to and waited for daddy to come home. That Sunday Nick had to work and Miller and I went to church after that we headed out to the lake for some more family fun. Miller was not to sure about the lake yes he has been but he was not to sure about getting in the water. After a while he decided if I got in that he would get in and of course once he got in he was fine and loved every minute of it. But I think it was me that could not handle all the people the splashing and the jumping in and out of the water. Since I have been pregnant my patients have not been the same it seems that I have VERY little patients with certain things pulse even if I am in a swim suit I still don't like getting splashed. Once we were done swimming or what ever you want to call it we road around the lake for a few minutes and then headed back of course Miller took a little nap while we were out there. That night We Celebrated my aunt Claudia's Birthday by grilling out and and eating cake and Ice Cream yum yum! After that Nick and Miller and I headed home to go to bed plus Nick had to get up and head to work the next day and all the family had to get ready for there drive home in the morning. Monday the HOLIDAY while Nick was at work Miller and I had a much needed lazy day. We took a 3 hour nap witch I will sadly miss once baby Fisher makes his arrival, and watched T.V. That night we got all of our stuff ready for the next day, this was going to be a little hared for me considering I always have Monday mornings off even though It was Tuesday it still felt like a Monday and that I should not have to go in till 12. But once we got settled in and new that we had to get ready for the next day we were OK. We love or time off but it has to end sometime.
23 Weeks
I am officially 6 months prego, boy how time flays. I am finally over my sinus infection thank goodness still coughing but better then before. I tell you what being pregnant and sick is for the birds no one should have to be sick unless its the normal sickness you get with being pregnant. Well I can honestly say baby Fisher is a MOVER this little guy kicks all day long Miller defiantly did not do that Miller would move right after lunch and a little at night but little Fisher he likes to let me know that he is with me. If he moves this much already he may be running time we take him home from the hospital. But I do love feeling him move, there are days that I just sit and watch my belly move and start to laugh it kinda tickles sometimes.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Oh the Joy of Potty Traning
Last night we were out side playing with the dogs and the deer our new pet, and I looked over and Miller had his pants down around his ankles witch is nothing new. I said Miller what are you doing he said I tee tee and poo poo mommy I said no you poo poo in side.Well it was to late he had done all his business out side I thought OMG! Now I have to clean not only the deer up but I have to clean the child up to. Once I got over there to see what type of mess I was up against it was not as bad after all so I cleaned Miller up and said Miller we only poo poo in the potty its OK to tee tee out side if you have to but remember to use the potty inside. All I kept thinking last night after Miller went to bed was Oh my goodness I will have 2 boys Lord what will they get into. But the Lord only gives you what you can handle so I thought well he knows what he is doing, He is giving me more stories to add to my blog!
Bath Time Muffin
Yesterday I went home for lunch like I usually do and while I was there I decided to make Chocolate Chocolate chip muffins oh they were so yummy. That afternoon once I got home and feed the deer and feed Miller it was time for Millers bath so I ran his bath water and got Miller in the tub as I was putting Miller in the tub I was eating one of the muffins I had made at lunch time Miller looked at me and said I want one so of course I thought perfect you can eat it in the bath and all I have to do it wash it off of you of course you can have a muffin. So once I gave it to him I told him Miller when you are done throw a way what you don't eat, Miller: OK mommy. While Miller was in the tub I sat down at the computer witch is just in the next room and Miller and I always sing or talk while he is in there. Next think I know I her him letting the water out of the bath tub I said Miller what are you doing! Miller: I ready to get out, ME: But we have not washed your hair yet, Miller: OH OK so he stops the water from getting out. He then tells me I ready right now mommy to get out so I said OK I am coming. Little did I know what I was in for when I got to the bathroom. I walked in and there was Miller sitting in a tub FULL of Chocolate Chocolate Chip muffin it was floating everywhere and it was all over the wall the side of the tub everywhere I said Miller what happened and of course he said I DON'T KNOW! A child's favorite word. I looked at him and said get back I have to turn the water on and give you a bath and wash your hair. So I did that very fast got him out and then sprayed the tub down and started to scrub it but before I could do that I had to wash the tub before I could even scrub it. I tell you what little boys can throw the biggest mess but it is always so funny! I love my Miller Man.
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