Friday, April 8, 2011
Yesterday morning as I was getting Miller dressed I found a tick on his little wee wee oh yes so I kept pulling it and it was NOT coming off. Finally miller pulled it off and it was quit red and puffy, so I put some medicen on it but by that night it was the same. So this morning he got crying that it hurt so I called the dr and guess what we are sitting here waiting to see the dr.
Monday, March 28, 2011
This past weekend I had planned for the boys Easter Pictures to be taken and plus it would have been Fishers 3 month pictures as well. But the weather was in control so we canceled! But we are going to try to have them done this Friday morning I hope the weather holds out!
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Big Boy Bed
Well miller slept in his bed all night again I am very happy we have been trying to get him to stay in his bed since I had fisher so 3 months. Even thought it's only been twice this has happened I am still very happy. I hope it stays this way!!
The First time
Last night Fisher slept all night this is the first time this has happened and boy it makes a huge difference for me. I put him down at 10 and he slept till 5:45 wow that is a big stretch, and now he is back asleep man he is one sleepy boy!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Yes I know I just wrote about stopping the whole pumping and nursing thing well I'm having a very hard time letting go it's like I'm addicted to pumping so I thought I will continue to pump and just see how much longer I can keep going. Why I have been getting out I have been freezing so when fisher gets a little cold I will pull that out for him to have instead of formula and he may get one or two Brest bottles a day but I guess until I get just feed up with it I will continue to pump.
This Saturday I am having the boys pictures made. One because it's Easter and two because Fisher is 3 months old. I can't wait to see how they turn out!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
At the Evans house you take sleep when you can get it witch is not much. When I was put on bed rest I was not able to pick Miller up so he would just sleep with me and I would get him dressed in the bed. Now that Fisher is here we are of course having a hard time getting Miller back in his bed. We let him sleep with us while Fisher was in our room but we now have moved Fisher to his room and I put Miller in his bed every night and Miller gets up and gets in our bed and I get back up and put him back in his bed and of course Fisher dose get up at one point durning the night so I get probably a good 3 full hours asleep with out being bothered and boy it feels good. I know this will not last for ever and will pass by very fast and I will miss it once it is gone because I will know that my babies are all grown up. But will enjoy the sleep.
Nursing and pumping
The time has come for me to stop nursing and pumping. I have given Fisher 12 weeks of my milk. I am feeling a little on the sad side though, because I wanted to keep giving him my Milk for a lot longer but since I have been back to work I can not keep up with him so I feel that it is time to let it go. I am still pumping but just not as much so once I dry up I will be done :(
Fisher is growing!
Well Fisher turned 3 months old Sunday gosh how time flys. He is starting to open up and smile and coo it's so fun to hear and see. Miller also likes to watch Fisher smile he will go up to him and rub him on the head and give him a kiss. This is usually in the morning when this happens because fisher is in such s good mood. All the other times Miller is throwing a fit an fisher is crying or sleeping.
Fisher is now taking 6 oz every 3 hours unless he is going threw a growing spurt he will take 6 ever 2 1/2 hours, it's hard keeping this baby full!
Fisher is now taking 6 oz every 3 hours unless he is going threw a growing spurt he will take 6 ever 2 1/2 hours, it's hard keeping this baby full!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Miller and his Helmet
This past weekend mom bought Miller a bike helmet to ride his bike and when he is riding on the 4 wheeler. Well little did we know HOW MUCH Miller liked wearing it. The child will NOT take it off! He watched T.V. in it he went in CVS with it on he loves that hat. I think mom will get her moneys worth.
Updates on Miller
Well while I was out we meat with Millers Oncologist about his leg and found out the it is growing in length and width so we are waiting on Children's hospital to do another MRI. We have been waiting since Dec. Yes they are very slow when its not an emergence.
Also Miller has really bad nose bleeds so Monday at the ENT Dr. B decided that Miller was now old enough to have his nose cauterised BUT he would have to be put to sleep to do so. It only takes about 15 min to do so but its the part of them having to put him to sleep that will take a while. Maybe this will help I hope so.
Miller also is only 25 pounds and 35 inches tall Fisher is catching up!
Also Miller has really bad nose bleeds so Monday at the ENT Dr. B decided that Miller was now old enough to have his nose cauterised BUT he would have to be put to sleep to do so. It only takes about 15 min to do so but its the part of them having to put him to sleep that will take a while. Maybe this will help I hope so.
Miller also is only 25 pounds and 35 inches tall Fisher is catching up!
Fishers 2 month check up
Monday I was off so I had made Dr appointments for both boys. Fisher had his 2 month check up and I was excited to see what we weighed now! So we got there and I put him on the scale and he is now at 11.2 pounds and is 22 1/2 inches long he is a growing little boy I have a feeling him and Miller will be wearing the same size one day.
Fisher at 6 weeks
We didn't have to go back to the Dr. till are 2 month check up but I did want to know what Fisher weighed at 6 weeks old since Miller only weighed 6 pounds at 6 weeks old. So took him in and he weighed in at 10.5. Wow I have a chunky Monkey on my hands.
Fishers 2 Week Check up
On Fishers 2 week check up he was up to 7.8 pounds Dr. P was very pleased since starting weight was 7.2 and we droped to 6.10. I new he had gained considering he LOVES to eat. We had another billy rubin check and this one was very good to the point of I did not have to use formula any more he could be put on full brest milk. We are headed in a good direction!
Getting Back on Track
Most of you know I have been out of the loop for about 4 months with bed rest and then recovering after having baby so I am going to try very hard to update once a week but don't hold that to me! Well I started back at work on Feb 7 and they had been very slow since I had left so once I came back my hours were cut pretty good witch I am not complaining Nick on the other hand is not so happy! But I know work Mondays and Fridays 12-5 and Tues-Thurs 10-5 like I said I LOVE MY NEW HOURS!!!! Fisher started daycare and it is going very well, at first I was having issues with sending him ( I think it was hormonal) but new that he would be fine. Miller also had to start back full time witch he was not use to since he had been going part time while I was out, we are still having a hard time getting up and going in the mornings. I am still nursing/ Pumping and it is going well I hope I can do this at least till Fisher starts eating foods but if not I know he has gotten a very good supply for me. I hope to get some pictures up soon but since I have 2 at home its a little harder to do so now.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Baby Fishers Arriveal
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