Hello everyone well we are know 6 th months old and having or first 4th of July. We took a family trip to the beach for the hoilday and had a blast. We satyed at Hunters Grandparents beach house. and had so much fun. Miller wasen't to sure about the saind but did ok in the pool. Nick took him into the ocean but he didn't like that he was ready to come back to shore. On the way home from the beach we were leaving with everyone els and we were stuck dead stop in traffic of 4 hours and we were only 1 hour out of gulf shores. so we spent the day in the car which took us 8 hours to get home that day what a night mare. Time we got home Miller was ready to get out and play. Mallory went with us on this beach trip and she was alot of help she really took care of Miller for me and Hunter Gave me a day to my self and Jessica, Hunter, Nick and Mallory took care of Miller for me I got burned and drank to much. Next time I'll tell hunter just to send me to the spa. I hope everone has been enjoying the blog. jamie
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