Monday, November 24, 2008
It's Broken!
Thursday night Miller was in to something and I thought to grab my camera and take a picture of him well going to do that I realized that the card was not in my camera so I went to go get and put it in. Well as I did that I must have put it in the wrong way and when I did that I bent the prongs that reads the card so now its broken. So Friday I called the canon place and they said for me to send it in to be repaired but they did say I would get it back before Christmas. So Friday at lunch I took it to pack mail to have it shipped out and he told me that they should get it Tuesday or Wednesday well Friday night I realized that the guy at the packing place didn't have me fill out anything or sigh anything so I called the canon place on Saturday and they told me I would have to go back to the packing place and talk to them so I went back there and the same guy was working thank goodness and he gave me the tracking number so I could call them Monday morning, so thats what I did and they told me to call back Friday because they said that it will take a few days for it to get in there system. So I am prying that I will get my camera back be fore Christmas. So thats how are weekend started off but after that it was a good one.
Nick Got A BIG ONE!

Thursday afternoon Nick call me at work and told me that he was going hunting and I said alright. Well by 7:00 he still wasn't home so I figured that he must have killed a deer. Well he killed one alright a huge deer it was 225 and was an 8 point, boy was he excited and know its at the taxidermy being stuffed along with some other animals. Now that was worth the hunt.
Nick Lost His Wedding Band!
Yes that is right Nick lost his wedding band Thursdays while he was shooting his gun. Nick called me at work Thursdays and told me that he had lost his wedding band, I wasn't that surprised because I figured he would have lost it by know any ways. So then on Friday him and Hunter were out looking for it but no sigh of it they were going to have to get a metal detector, to find it. So on Saturday they rented one and guess what they found it. So know I have to think of something to get nick for Christmas know but I am glad they found it. Now we just have to have it sized.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
The Weekend Nicks Been Waiting For!
Well if you are a hunter than your time has come yes thats right its that time of year again HUNTING SEASON! Nick loves this time of year, but this year will be different considerings that he has a new job and that he can't take off when he would like. This is going to be hard on him. He has already started hunting and has already killed 2 deer, during bow season. Oh and did I tell you that nick tough Miller how to say DEER! Yes that is right DEER. So Nick and George Nicks father said that it is time to get Miller a life time hunting and fishing license witch is nice but come on he is only a year old! So with it being opening season this weekend we will have to wait and see if Nick will kill anything.
Getting Ready For The Weekend
Hey everyone we are ready for the weekend, Friday night we are having Thanksgiving with the Evans family Nicks grandfather and step grandmother and all his uncials and aunts this should be fun. They will be surprised to see Miller and how much he has grown. Then on Saturday Mom and Miller and I are going to Birmingham to do some Christmas shopping and to let Miller ride the carousel hope to get some good pictures maybe for a Christmas card! That night Nick and I have some friends that are having a house worming party that we are going to right now we are taking Miller but that my change, considering they don't have any children. But we were told that he was welcome. Then there is Sunday resting day for us, not really because we do have church that morning and that evening. I can't wait for a weekend of rest I can't remember the last time we stayed at home all weekend and did nothing. Maybe we will get one considering thanksgiving is coming up. I will keep you posted on that carousel ride.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
What Miller Can Do Now!
Getting Ready For Millers Birthday!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Breakfast With Santa!
Mallory Turns Another Year Older!
Alabama Homecoming!
We Have Halloween Pictures!
We finally got our pictures on the computer. Nick and I are trying to cut back in some places at home and the Internet was one of them. I have the Internet at work and I am able to use it when I need to so I usually put my pictures on at work, that is why it takes me a little longer to get pictures on the computer. Well I was going to confirm that our Halloween costume was a DOGIE, I have come to find out that everyone thought Miller was a cow. Well we did very well in our costume and left it on the hole night and didn't even try to take his ears off. Are Halloween night started off with a Halloween parade in mom and dads neighborhood that he slept threw, then we went home to pick Nick up and we went to the church to trunk or treat that was a lot of fun, Miller got a lot of candy! Then we went home to get ready for bed. I hope next Halloween will be as successful as our first one was.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Things that are going on!
Things that are going on in the Evans family!
Well we made it threw Halloween and now we are getting ready for thanksgiving and Millers First Birthday! We are staying hear for thanksgiving nick may have to work which will stink but someone has to make the money in our house, so we will visit all the family that is in town. Than after thanksgiving we will really be getting ready for Millers First Birthday! Mom has bought him the cutest First Birthday outfit hope it will work for him. We will be having it the first weekend of December not sure though if it is going to be that sat or Sunday. We are going to be taking our Christmas photo soon we just hope to have the family in it if not it will be Miller in it. We are going to eat with Santa this weekend maybe I can get a picture with him there that would be great and I could for get the family picture. Oh not sure if I told everyone this but they have moved Miller up in his class at school he is now in the Toddler room, and now that we are in that room we only take 1 nap a day and we get snack in the morning and in the afternoon. But we are really liking our new class. Thanks for visiting our Blog come back soon jamie!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Happy Halloween 2008!
Well we survived the costume and the trick or treating, Miller went as a doggies and Nick and I went as well us. We were kind of on the sick side Nick and Miller have had the sinus crude and my throat was starting to hurt. So we went to the church and got or candy and then we had hot dogs and popcorn and went home and we were in the bed by 9:00 boy what a night. The next day we had ALABAMA HOMECOMING, so we had the parade to go to and then we headed home for the evening. So that's what are first Halloween was like. Now we are getting ready for our first BIRTHDAY, my goodness I can't believe it is almost here. We have decided to do Noah's ark as our theme. If anyone has any cute decorating ideas I would love to hear them. This up coming weekend we have breakfast with Santa at Marry Market we can't wait. I hope everyone got our Halloween Picture if not let me know and I can get you one I have extra. I hope everyone had a great Halloween and thanks for visiting the Evans blog hope to have more pics of miller up from Halloween soon!
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