It is Tuesday November 18th and we are in the planing mod for Millers 1st Birthday. I am sad but also HAPPY. It has been so neat to watch Miller grow his first year, everyone always said that it would go by so fast but boy I had no idea how fast. It seems like yesterday I was going to the Dr. to see how much longer and to ask if it would be ok for me to go out of town for the holidays. I don't think he would have let me go if he new that I was going to have him 2 weeks later, but we maid it. I went today to look at invitations and found some at one of the gift shops here in town they are so cute hope to order them Saturday and we still have to order the cake and yes we have picked one out already. We are going to have Millers Birthday Party at moms house, and the them is going to be Noah's Ark . Millers Birthday falls on a Monday this year so we are going to have it the Saturday before the 13th of December. Be looking out for your invitation in the mail it will be soon.
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