Hey everyone we had a great Christmas I hope you did also. Miller got so many things this year we lost count. Just about everything he got makes noise or has balls to it so we are chasing balls ever were fun fun. Miller also got a DVD player for the car and loves it. Now instead of him pitching a fit to get in his car seat I just turn that movie on and its an automatic silencer, it is great and I have a remote control and it works from the front seat. To tell a little bit about our Christmas it started Christmas eve we went over to aunt cherry's house and ate dinner and opened gifts there and Miller got a lot of net things. We got so much there that we had to go home before we went to Yaya's and big Georges house to do Christmas. We didn't get there till 10:00 and we weren't sure how much longer Miller was going to hold up, we had had a long day already. Well Miller got lots of stuff from Santa there to, he got this toy that makes all these noises and he also got some link in logs (nick was excited about that) he also got some blocks that make some noise. From there house we got home around 1:00 am and got to bed and the next morning Nick and I got up around 8:00 and had to be at moms at 9:30 not sure if that was going to happen because Miller was still asleep. So Nick and I got ready before we woke Miller up and then we got Miller up and dressed about 9:15 he was not ready to get up yet, but we still had to do Santa at our house. once we opened gifts we cleaned up really fast and got in the car to go do Santa at gigs and bos house we made it by I think 10:00 we were late. When we walked in the den there seat a chair with Millers name on it his very own chair it was red and just his size he loved it and went right to it. If anyone has ever had Christmas with us everyone has there own chair there stocking is always sitting in there chair waiting on them. I have my chair Mallory has hers Nick has his dad has his mom has heres and Miller has his now. It was great, and after we got done doing gifts we headed over to nicks grandfathers house to do Christmas. This is always entrusting to see what kind of gift dot picks out for everyone and to see how much she wonts us to believe she paid for it because she leaves the price tag on it. So thin we eat and then we go home. I think we got home around 8:00 and we all went to bed thank goodness I had to work the next day and so did nick Mom kept Miller for us that was nice. I hate to say this but Christmas was such a rush this year I guess its because we really didn't get to rest any. Well I hope everyone had a good one next year is on its way.
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