Monday, November 29, 2010
Millers Birthday
Miller's birthday is fast approaching (Dec 15th) and we decided to celebrate it a few weeks early. while we had family in town for thanksgiving I had his little party saturday Nov 27th it was just family so nothing BIG. I was going to have it at our church but once I was put to bed I canceled that idea. But it was nice just to have it at the house.
What I can Do
Well now that I am on bed rest I am allowed to get up and use the bathroom and that is about it. NO driving NO picking Miller up No house work. But when you have a 2 year old you know that is a little impossible so thanks to all the help from family and friends I have been able to do a pretty good job laying down. When I went in labor at 30 weeks I was already 1cm witch some stay that what the hole time. At my last Dr. appointment I am now at 2cm so they said they know I have been doing what I suppose to do considering I have not made a huge change. Now I am at week 35 I can stay up a little longer and do a few more things, I did start this a week early considering it was thanksgiving the week before 35. I go back to the Dr Tuesday Nov 30 and I hope to hear some good news! I had Miller at 36 weeks so If I go in to labor they will not stop it this time.
30-35 Weeks
OK so the once that did not know I have been put on BED REST till I have little Fisher! I went in to labor Wednesday October 27th at 30 weeks and came home Friday October 29th that night. I had to stay with mom and dad due to Nick having the stomach bug! Boy has it been adjustment but we have had very yummy food that people have been so nice to cook for us. We have had to toss Miller around a little and go threw some screaming fights with him but it will all get better I'm hopping. The Lord has blessed Nick with a great job to were I can stay home while on bed rest and not have to worry about money that has been nice. You know I have people everyday ask OMG I would be going crazy if I couldn't do anything but you know I have always been on the RUN I will have to say it has been nice just to relax and play the waiting game on Fisher. Now yes there are days that I would like to have visitors but other than that I have had a plot of ME TIME that most do not get on the second child. We just want Fisher to be good and healthy But it is out of my hands its in Gods hands and what ever he has chosen for Nick and I to go threw we will together.
Friday, October 22, 2010
The Hunt
Well last January Nick started planing a hunting trip with the guys little did both of us know we would find out we would be having another little one in December/January and Nicks hunting trip is in early November witch most people would say OH you are OK but if you knew Miller came early. So I will be praying that baby Fisher will stay in till his daddy comes home. Miller was just right at a month early so we will just be waiting in the month of November/December to see when Fisher wants to make his arrival date.
Hunting has begun
Well its that time of year and Nick has started his hunting schedule for the year witch means little sleep on his part due to work and means LOTS of miller and mommy time!!! But Nick has taken some time out to spend with Miller I just ask for quit and T.V. time and I am happy! Nick took Miller on his first dove hunt and from what I heard Miller did very good. Nick was I guess filling brave the Saturday he took Miller hunting because he also took Cooper the dog so there was Nick with Miller a 2 1/2 year old and Cooper a very wild 1 year old lab but Cooper dose wear a shock Collier when hunting so he had more control over the dog then the kid. But I was very surprised to hear how well they did. that day I did not know what to do with my self I had all this time to do what I wanted I am not use to that at all. It's amazing how much time a Gods creation takes up your time but I would not triad it for anything I love my Miller and mommy time!!
The Wallet Got WD40
OK if anyone knows Nick he is so cheap when it comes to stuff HE thinks we don't need but of course when it comes to fishing or hunting there is no LIMIT! Well for my birthday George and Judy gave Jessica and I both some money to get a new cell phone, of course I want a IPhone but due to Nick paying the bill I new that was not going to happen he was not about to spend the extra money on Internet for the phone when we have it at home. Well I guess I was not the only one that wanted one in are house because he surprised me one Friday night with an IPhone I was so excited. I think I was more shocked then anything, he must have used to much WD40 on his wallet that month LOL!!! So the next day we made a family tripe to the AT&T store to have them hooked up (by the way don't take a 2 year old when you do this). The hole way home Nick played with his phone come to find out HE really wanted one also! Don't worry I was driving not Nick!
Busy Busy Busy!!!
It fills like for ever that I have updated or blog other than doing the weekly prego updates so I have a good bit to talk about. Well we are all doing great just getting ready fro baby Fisher to come. Trying to deal with Millers MOOD swings Oh My Gosh I'm not sure how much more I can handle. But we I guess will manage God wouldn't give us things we could not handle. I'm sitting hear deciding were to start I have so much I want to tell just having a hard time deciding what to start telling first! I Guess I need to take a brake and let God tell me what to start with!
29 Weeks
Hello third trimester thank goodness you are hear! Well I went to the Dr. Monday and was shocked by gaining 6 pounds. But Dr. Harbin said not to worry that I am measuring 1-2 weeks ahead so that would put me around thanks giving if Fisher decided to come don't think that will happen, plus really don't want it to. Yes I am ready but i want to bring little man home with Nick, Miller and I the day I come home so stay in there Fisher and come out healthy.
Monday, October 11, 2010
28 Weeks
OK I am in my 3rd trimester wow how time has flown by. But boy how the second pregnancy is so hard with having another one running around. You know yes I loved Miller before I had him but LOVEING him so much more know getting to see him grow and achieve so many things everyday its amazing how fast they grow. But I love Fisher already I guess with the first one you don't know really what kind of love you will have between you and your child till you have them but on that second time around you love them before you ever know what you are having. Its amazing how God allowed us to love so many people in our lives.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Baby Fisher and Miller
We have been talking more and more about baby Fisher's arrival. So yesterday I did a little organizing and put all of Millers colors and coloring books in a box and put his stickers in a box that he could get to and get them out when he wanted. I really did not think he wold have notices but I was wrong he said momma what is this I said that is your colors and stickers and of course he said WHY? I said mommy was trying to pick up some we need to practice picking up more because when baby Fisher gets hear he will put things in his mouth and get sick. Miller said Oh OK and then looked at me and said well can baby Fisher ride my cycle with me LOL I said one day he can but not when he first gets home from the hospital, Miller looked at me and said OH OK and rode off. It will be quit interesting that first day home with Baby Fisher. Poor tipper she will not know what to do.
27 Weeks
OK 12 weeks to go and I guess I better get my stuff in order considering I had Miller at 36 weeks. I guess I need to have a bag packed and the car seat in at least by thanks giving. Also I was thinking last night that I may need to put a list up in the bathroom on what to get that can't be packed until the last min um good Idea!
26 weeks
Well we are moving right along. 13 weeks to go WOW how time fly's. This past weekend nick got both him and I a new phone iPhone ton top of that so I have been using that quite sometime now. I am still trying to figure out how to blog from it I will learn one day! But I hope to continue on Blogging from the real computer it is a little easier to use I will say.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
25 weeks
Ok so I have made it to 25 weeks and went to the Dr. Monday and had to take my sugar test and pasted I was so happy about that but my Iron was low so they put me on Iron pills and boy have they made a difference I can actually get out of the bed and get ready know. I hope this continues.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Up and Cleaning
This morning I woke up about 4:30 and decided to get up and do a few things around the house i really should do this more often considering I got so much done plus the house is quit and i have the best energy in the mornings and considering I can go to work and sit for most of the day. Plus you come home to a half way clean house. I will have to do some tonight like clean the rugs I did not want to wake Miller that is the hole point in getting up before him to get stuff done uninterrupted! The only problem is I have a hard time quiting to get ready for work but if I do this every morning then I should not have as much to do. Hear is a list of things I did this morning:
1. Took the dog out
2. took trash out
3. Unloaded and reloaded dishwasher
4. Did 2 loads of laundry
5. Cleaned the potty and bath tub in my room
6. Did some ironing
7. washed ALL blankets that were on the couch and chair
8. Put some of Miller clothes away
I still have a good bit to do but this is a start.
1. Took the dog out
2. took trash out
3. Unloaded and reloaded dishwasher
4. Did 2 loads of laundry
5. Cleaned the potty and bath tub in my room
6. Did some ironing
7. washed ALL blankets that were on the couch and chair
8. Put some of Miller clothes away
I still have a good bit to do but this is a start.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Oh Last Night
Last night I thought I was going to get to watch T.V. in peace and quite but guess what NOPE! I put miller in the bath about 7 and I washed him up then he played for a while then of course I knew it was time to get out when Miller started his fussing. So I said are you sleepy and he said yes so we got out and got dresses. He then said he wanted to watch Buzz and Woody (Toy Storey) so I said OK and went and got him some magic juice (water). Miller then said I want you to lay with me well I knew if I laid down I would be OUT so I told him let me get ready for bed and I will come and lay with you. I was hopping he would be asleep before I got back and i could curl up in the chair and watch some T.V. well 10min later here he comes riding his cycle I said what are you doing he said I ridin my cycle, I said no you need to get in the bed. He then looked at me and said I want to lay with you in the chair so of course I gave in and then I played the lay down game or you will go to your bed game. Finally by 9:30 he was a sleep so I put him in his bed before I fell asleep. I went and got in my bed and went right to sleep next thing I know I feel him claiming in to my bed I woke up and said what are you doing he said I want you. The rest of the night I had Millers feet in my back and the dog scratching it my feet. Then at 5 Nick came home from work and kept asking are you gong to get up your alarm keeps going off I finally said yes we did not have a good night, Miller would not go to sleep then he came in here then the dog would not go to sleep and I kept having to go to the bathroom I will get up in a minute! He then said Why don't you go to the bathroom before you go to bed I gave him that look and he laid down. Maybe tonight we can have a better sleeping arrangement.
Get Into the Habbit
Well I have been telling my self since I found out I was pregnant that I need to do a little physical activity just to make it easier during labor and also after I have baby Fisher. But I have not quit gotten there yet I keep telling my self I will get up a little early and do a little on the Wii but for some reason my hand finds that snooze button every time. So last night I thought OK I am going to get up a little earlier and do something well, we did not have the best night Tipper scratched ALL NIGHT, then miller came and got in the bed with me and then his feet stayed in my back then on top of that I had to pee like 500 times and then my stomach started hurting. So when my alarm went off this morning my hand found that snooze button again. Then Nick came in there and said are you going to get up your alarm has been going off for quit some time. I just looked at him and said we did not have a good night I will get up in a minute. So I am going to try again in the morning and see where it takes me hope i can make it.
This week at church we are having revival, I have never been to one for a whole week due to it lasting way past mine and Millers bed time. I should not look at it this way but when there is a little one involved I do have to consider it. I think we may go Wednesday night it doesn't start till 7 so I could always get home eat dinner and then bath Miller and then go so once we did get home we would be ready for bed. I will have to think about this I would like to go one night this week since we did miss Sunday due to me not feeling well. I will have to let everyone know how it went if I do decide to go.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Bath Time!
Tonight Miller said he wanted to wash his cycle as he calls in the bath tub I told him that it could not go in the bath tub! Miller: why momma, Me: because Miller I said, Miller: but I want it, Me: No! now get in! Miller rides this threw the house just about every night thanks goodness it doesn't leave marks on the floor. Once Miller gets in he usually says I swimming momma come watch me so I will peek my head in there and say way to go! We tend to battle with bath and bed time I hope it gets better!
Dinner Time
For those that have ever looked at my fridge I have a magnet that says: I understand the concept of cooking and cleaning just not how they apply to me! Well I will have to say that is so TRUE! My house is always a disaster and I never know what to cook because I am hoping it will be done for me before I get home knowing it wont. So everyday I sit at work and think what to have for dinner I hat that I wish I had all this time to cook for my boy's. I think if I had the time I would cook more or at least I think I would I would still find something to say for not having something cooked, and on the cleaning thing my bathrooms and dishes and clothes are cleaned weekly its just the picking up that I let slide quit often well all the time I think sometimes Miller will just pull it out again why pick it up. but since I have been prego I have my moments that I will go threw the house and pick up and I will think gosh this looks so good I think I may keep it this way and two weeks later it back to the same old thing. So tonight since nick is on nights I will probably do a little house work till baby Fisher gets in one of his knots and i can no longer stand and then I will sit and watch the T.V. or I will go home and find something to eat and just sit and watch what I want to watch since Nick is on nights this is really the only time I get to do this so I like to take advantage of it during those 4 nights I have. Well we will see what will happen.
Not sure if any of you new this but I started Blogging when I had Miller can you believe that it will be 3 years that I have been doing this! When I finally have baby Fisher I can not wait to put up pictures of the family at the hospital and the people that come to visit Yes there will be a limit this time. Those of you that know that I had quit a few people one night know what I am talking about. But I do want lots of pictures. When I went to the hospital I had nothing with me except the clothes on my back due to I thought I would be coming home Boy was I surprised I did not get my stuff till the next day and Nick had no clue I didn't even have my car with me that had everything in it. So I guess this go a round I will just take a bag every were I go with a Camera in it I have no pictures of any of it now Jessica dose so I guess I need to get a copy of them from her to at least have them for his book. Oh and the Book thing I am so bad at I really never started or Finished Millers gosh that really makes me sound like a bad mother. Well I am going to try blogging better for now on I have gotten better but I really need to do more!
Getting Better
OK so I feel like a bad mom because I am not the type that walks around following my child with a camera taking pictures and then rush to my computer to put them on FB or my Blog! Is that BAD?
I am going to try to get better about it I may have to stay up late or get up earlier than normal to do so but I do want them on here. I guess if I took a class or had someone show me a easy way to get them on the computer I may do it more often. I also have asked for a mac book also for the past 2 years because I guess if I was able to sit in the living room or out side with Miller I would write more witch I probably would. But with my schedule it is hard to sit down and get on the computer. I normally do not get on if Miller is there or awake due to he will want to play on it and I would not get anything done, and then when I do get on I always check my mail fist then FB then I blog. This should be the other way around Blog, Mail, then FB. But I am going to try to get better with it before baby Fisher gets here. I'm sure once I am at home with the little Munchkin I will get to do more blogging I hope at least! Well we will see
I am going to try to get better about it I may have to stay up late or get up earlier than normal to do so but I do want them on here. I guess if I took a class or had someone show me a easy way to get them on the computer I may do it more often. I also have asked for a mac book also for the past 2 years because I guess if I was able to sit in the living room or out side with Miller I would write more witch I probably would. But with my schedule it is hard to sit down and get on the computer. I normally do not get on if Miller is there or awake due to he will want to play on it and I would not get anything done, and then when I do get on I always check my mail fist then FB then I blog. This should be the other way around Blog, Mail, then FB. But I am going to try to get better with it before baby Fisher gets here. I'm sure once I am at home with the little Munchkin I will get to do more blogging I hope at least! Well we will see
Foot Ball & Things
Fishing with Daddy!
24 Weeks
Yes that is right another week has past and time is flying by. The only thing is Kidney stone season is approaching so I have got to drink drink drink my water! Maybe I can make it threw this one with out having one. This past weekend I thought baby Fisher was going to jump out of my tummy he moves so much more than Miller not sure if that is a good thing or not. So far Mom, Mallory and Jessica have been able to feel him, he really likes to KICK! I have started having some pretty strong braxton hicks to the point I started timing them to make sure that is what is was not contractions we need him to stay a little bit longer.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Gigi's Day
On Friday's my mother Gigi always picks Miller up from school right after his nap. They always have so much fun on there Fridays together. Mom usually takes him to CHOM the children's hands on museum and Miller loves it. We even bought a yearly pass Miller could play all day there. But soon there will be 2 and Gigi is having a hard time taring to figure out who to spend time with both and not leave one out. I had told her to rotate every other Friday one Friday get Miller the next get Fisher that way she feels like she has had both the fair one on one attention BUT Gigi said I wont be able to walk in the school and only get one I will feel so bad. So I told her you do what you feel best, and that is were we stand. Gigi will come up with something!
Going Out to Eat
Last night we went to Nicks in the Sticks a favorite in T-town and a favorite for Nicks cousins that are in town for the game. We had told Judy that we would go and she had told me the time they wanted to eat witch was 7:30 well I told her that we would try it but Miller tends to turn in to the devil child at 8 that is bath and bed time. So we got there and Miller was doing pretty good but it was a matter of time before the other child came out, and of course it did. Don't get me wrong we had a great time visiting but next time we may take a rain check on eating out if it is going to be that late. Just to let you know we were walking out after 9. Lets just say miller didn't get in the bed or asleep till after 10:30. But this morning I was very pleases with how he did getting up. I think he will take a good nap today at school.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Miller and Daddy day
Well Nick finally took the plunge he kept Miller for the day yes this is his first time doing so. On that note I had to check up on them so I went home at lunch and they were both in the chair asleep. So I quietly fixed my lunch and started eating. During that Miller woke up and was ready to go. Nick was still asleep this was not a good sign, those that know Nick know he is a BIG sleeper and can usually sleep threw anything considering Miller was playing with a toy with LOUD sound to it and Nick did not wake up, I was getting a little concerned considering I needed to be leaving in a few mints to go back to work. I told Miller to wake daddy up and tell him you were ready to go poor Miller he tried and tried. I finally went over there and hit him on the leg and said GIT UP you have a 2 year old you have to watch, I said I am leaving to go back to work bye. As soon as I left I called Judy and asked her if she or George would not mind checking on them in about 30 min. I guess the Lord was watching out for me and them because Mary-V called and needed to get something from the house so of course I said yes anything to get someone over there to check on them. Once she got what she needed she called me to thank me and I asked was Miller dresses or was he still in his P.J.'s she said oh no he was dresses. After that Nick called me and said did you come home for lunch? I thought OMG! and I left my child with you. But I was nice about it and said yes why? He said well I thought you were here. Oh gosh and they still had the rest of the day to go. Once I got off work I called Judy to see if Nick had dropped Miller off and she said no they just walked in the door to clean the doves and Miller went with them to the field I said well ok then I will be their soon to get him and go to church. Nick was also off today but did not volunteer to keep him today so Miller went to school I guess Nick didn't like not being able to sleep when he wanted to this will probably be the last time nick volunteers keeping him when he would rather sleep. But I know Miller enjoyed every minute with his daddy.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Oh What A Weekend
This past weekend was a holiday and I love holiday weekends because that means I don't have to go to work. But with it being that we were very busy we had family in town and LOTS of kiddos to keep entertained. We had two 6 year old's a 4 year old and a 2 1/2 year old. Friday night Nick and Miller and I went over to mom and dads house to welcome the family in and to eat dinner and of course we were late Dinner was between 6:30 and 7 of course we got there at 7:30 I think and boy were we hungry or at least I was. We had yummy lasagna that mom made and salad. We got home I guess around 10:30 and Miller was worn out. They next day was opening dove season so Nick was doing that of course and mom was making her famous Mickey Mouse Pancakes and Miller and I were the first to arrive so we got them while they were still worm, and yes they were very yummy I may have to make that for dinner one night. After we ate we let the kids play in moms front yard for awhile and then headed to my house considering I have the BIG toys as they told me. So we loaded the kids up and headed to the country as I call it. once we got there we unloaded and got the bounce out and blew it up and let them have at it of course we had to feed the deer first and poor thing I think all the kids scared her I know it would have me! After playing out side for quite some time and none of the little ones had had a nap they all came in side and sat down to watch a movie and have a snack boy was this nice because we had adult time them and sat around the table and did what we do best EAT! After all said and done Miller and I settled down to and waited for daddy to come home. That Sunday Nick had to work and Miller and I went to church after that we headed out to the lake for some more family fun. Miller was not to sure about the lake yes he has been but he was not to sure about getting in the water. After a while he decided if I got in that he would get in and of course once he got in he was fine and loved every minute of it. But I think it was me that could not handle all the people the splashing and the jumping in and out of the water. Since I have been pregnant my patients have not been the same it seems that I have VERY little patients with certain things pulse even if I am in a swim suit I still don't like getting splashed. Once we were done swimming or what ever you want to call it we road around the lake for a few minutes and then headed back of course Miller took a little nap while we were out there. That night We Celebrated my aunt Claudia's Birthday by grilling out and and eating cake and Ice Cream yum yum! After that Nick and Miller and I headed home to go to bed plus Nick had to get up and head to work the next day and all the family had to get ready for there drive home in the morning. Monday the HOLIDAY while Nick was at work Miller and I had a much needed lazy day. We took a 3 hour nap witch I will sadly miss once baby Fisher makes his arrival, and watched T.V. That night we got all of our stuff ready for the next day, this was going to be a little hared for me considering I always have Monday mornings off even though It was Tuesday it still felt like a Monday and that I should not have to go in till 12. But once we got settled in and new that we had to get ready for the next day we were OK. We love or time off but it has to end sometime.
23 Weeks
I am officially 6 months prego, boy how time flays. I am finally over my sinus infection thank goodness still coughing but better then before. I tell you what being pregnant and sick is for the birds no one should have to be sick unless its the normal sickness you get with being pregnant. Well I can honestly say baby Fisher is a MOVER this little guy kicks all day long Miller defiantly did not do that Miller would move right after lunch and a little at night but little Fisher he likes to let me know that he is with me. If he moves this much already he may be running time we take him home from the hospital. But I do love feeling him move, there are days that I just sit and watch my belly move and start to laugh it kinda tickles sometimes.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Oh the Joy of Potty Traning
Last night we were out side playing with the dogs and the deer our new pet, and I looked over and Miller had his pants down around his ankles witch is nothing new. I said Miller what are you doing he said I tee tee and poo poo mommy I said no you poo poo in side.Well it was to late he had done all his business out side I thought OMG! Now I have to clean not only the deer up but I have to clean the child up to. Once I got over there to see what type of mess I was up against it was not as bad after all so I cleaned Miller up and said Miller we only poo poo in the potty its OK to tee tee out side if you have to but remember to use the potty inside. All I kept thinking last night after Miller went to bed was Oh my goodness I will have 2 boys Lord what will they get into. But the Lord only gives you what you can handle so I thought well he knows what he is doing, He is giving me more stories to add to my blog!
Bath Time Muffin
Yesterday I went home for lunch like I usually do and while I was there I decided to make Chocolate Chocolate chip muffins oh they were so yummy. That afternoon once I got home and feed the deer and feed Miller it was time for Millers bath so I ran his bath water and got Miller in the tub as I was putting Miller in the tub I was eating one of the muffins I had made at lunch time Miller looked at me and said I want one so of course I thought perfect you can eat it in the bath and all I have to do it wash it off of you of course you can have a muffin. So once I gave it to him I told him Miller when you are done throw a way what you don't eat, Miller: OK mommy. While Miller was in the tub I sat down at the computer witch is just in the next room and Miller and I always sing or talk while he is in there. Next think I know I her him letting the water out of the bath tub I said Miller what are you doing! Miller: I ready to get out, ME: But we have not washed your hair yet, Miller: OH OK so he stops the water from getting out. He then tells me I ready right now mommy to get out so I said OK I am coming. Little did I know what I was in for when I got to the bathroom. I walked in and there was Miller sitting in a tub FULL of Chocolate Chocolate Chip muffin it was floating everywhere and it was all over the wall the side of the tub everywhere I said Miller what happened and of course he said I DON'T KNOW! A child's favorite word. I looked at him and said get back I have to turn the water on and give you a bath and wash your hair. So I did that very fast got him out and then sprayed the tub down and started to scrub it but before I could do that I had to wash the tub before I could even scrub it. I tell you what little boys can throw the biggest mess but it is always so funny! I love my Miller Man.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Birth Plan
OK so when you are pregnant you hear all theses people talk or ask you OH do you have a birth plain? Well I am hear to tell you mine and it is to just have a healthy baby! Yes I would love for it to go like Millers only a little less pushing but considering I have not had the best pregnancy this go around I don't think the delivery will be as Millers was. But if I had to have a DREAM birth plain this is kinda how it would go: I wake up one morning on a Monday of course and Nick is OFF and I look at him and say Nick Lets go its time to have the baby, we get Miller up and drop him off at Yaya's or Gigi's witch ever one we can get to first. Then we head to the hospital and get there and they say come right on in start my IV and get me going By Lunch I have a baby with no pain and everyone is happy! Remember this is JUST a Dream, and some of you are probably wondering why a Monday Well that means I will go back to work on a Monday after my time off I like to make it even none of this odd stuff that's just me. But I know that this Dream birth Plain is yes a BIG Dream it will not even go anything like this I can bet money on that. When the time comes I can probably tell you kinda how its going to go Nick will be working nights and I will start contracting in the middle of the night I will have to get Miller up and in the car by my self I will be calling who ever I can get on the phone first so I can drop or they meet me and we do the swap with Miller and then I call Nick and he is in one of his really good moods (if you have a husband that works shift work you know what I am talking about) and he will probably say well OK well call me when you get there to make sure they are keeping you because he will know my mom will be there. So I will call him and say YES it is time get your ass to the hospital (yes we do love each other). Time he gets there it will be time to push witch he will love because he did not have to do the waiting this go around BUT I will probably Push at least 6 hours if not longer so we will be very tired and then Miller will come in to see baby Fisher and want to hold and kiss on him and mommy and daddy will want to sleep. But you know as I wright this and complain I am really thankful for such a adventurous family were always something new and unexpected things happen on a spear of the moment . So even if I don't have a BIRTH PLAIN it is God's birth plain for me and my Crazy family and NO, NO mommy's are to be in the delivery room I will have it the same way I had it with Miller ME of course Nick, Jessica, and Mallory oh and this time Mallory promises she will not have been drinking when she gets the phone call I just learned about this Friday night I had no clue she had been out with friends drinking she did a great job hiding it at least from me.
OH Chocolate
Today I was having a chocolate attack the first for my pregnancy I have had it is usually fruit. So I went home at lunch and made Chocolate chocolate chip muffins and brought some to work with me of course some of the guys saw them and I decided I needed to share but I did eat most of them my self don't worry I really only had 3. Well after I was done I had heart burn really bad and thought well that did not go over very well with me but soon after that baby Fisher started moving A LOT but the more I watched my tummy it was in the same place poor thing I gave him the hiccups so I guess this is a news flash that when I have him NOT to eat chocolate while I am nursing him it dose not settle well. I would hate to have a scramming baby on my hands with a 3 year old running around this would happen only the days that Nick would be at work and I would have no help! I think I may wright this down so i will remember once that day comes not to eat chocolate.
Monday, August 30, 2010
22 Weeks and Counting!
Well I am 22 weeks and not feeling great but baby Fisher is filling good considering he is moving all over the place. I have had a Sinus infection since Wednesday and I still don't fell any better. I did get someone to see me last Wednesday and the did give me meds but that is all they can do I hope by the end of the week I am feeling much better. Miller has finally said what the baby's name is you can asked Miller what is the baby's name and he will say Fisher its so cute I try to get Miller to talk to the baby and he will a little bit but not much.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
The Deer!
Well most of you know that Nick and one of his friends found a baby deer 2 or 3 weeks ago and I tell you wait it is the cutes and sweeties thing ever and so easy there are some days I think about trading my husband and child in for another one, more the husband then the child. She is very small and we are having to bottle feed her and help her use the bathroom. She Stace's on our screened in porch while we are not there and we will let her in the house when we are there. When she has to use the bathroom she go's to the back door and we let her out to go and when she is hungry she will go to the fridge it is quit funny to see. We hope she will grow big and strong and once she leaves use will come back to visit but we have no control over that it is up to her and the Lord to decide that. We have to keep in mind she is a wild animal and once they grow out of the baby part they have there own life.
Miller and his Hat
This is quit funny! I don't know why boys have to name there you know wee wee as we call it but they do. Well Miller has named his his HAT I have no clue were he came up with this. but the other day he was on the potty and he said mommy my hat hurts get it off I had to tell him it doesn't come off he said YES get it off I then had to tell him that he was going to have to ask daddy to help him with that. I had no clue what to say to him poor thing. Oh the things kids say!
Potty Training
Well I think we have done it we have had no accidents since the first day of school thank the LORD! We now only wear a pull up at night and usually only have one accident a week so talk about saving money gosh I am loving not have to by diapers and pull ups every week. But Miller will now tell you when he has to use the bathroom and he will go I have only had one time that he has told me and we have gotten in there and he decided he did not have to go. After Miller gets threw using the bathroom he loves to wash his hands his Gigi got him a stool to stand on but he will need to get a little taller to reach the water.
20 & 21 Weeks
OK so I am putting these two weeks together since they both are about the same I am feeling pretty good considering I am 5 1/2 months prego and its been 100 out side but feels like 200 to me. We are getting very excited for Fishers BIG DAY in just 4 months. Yes that is right I can't believe that just in 4 months we will become a family of 4. I am kinda sad about it but happy to I will defiantly miss my Miller and mommy time we have when Nick is at work but I know that Miller will soon be going with Nick or his Big George to hunt or fish and I will get that time with baby Fisher like I did with Miller. I have already started seeing Miller wanting to be with nick more and more this could be a good thing once the baby gets hear. This past weekend I felt the best I have felt threw my hole pregnancy and got quit a few things done that needed to be done like cleaning the bath room OH don't worry I have been cleaning it but I really got it good this weekend. I hope I stay feeling this good it makes it easy to do things around the house.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Millers Day
Yesterday when I went to pick Miller up he was still in the same clothes I dropped him off in I was so excited we are getting this potty thing down! So last night I told him OK Miller we have church what do we do when we get to Church he said GO POTTY I said that is right so we don't have any accidents. Well during church time I took him and another little boy to the bathroom and Miller saw him standing while he went potty so Miller thought he was going to try that and he did great! so know every time we go potty we have to stand up know! This morning when Miller went potty he told me OK momma you can push the button and you get a sticker. I was like OK and I made a BIG deal about it. I know y'all are probably wondering WHAT is the button well I ordered this potty training kit thing several months back before I ever knew we would be having another one and it came with this button that Miller can push and it makes the sound of the potty being flushed and then a man saying YOU DID A GREAT JOB! and an audience cheering and clapping in the back ground he loves it and then he gets a sticker. So when I got my sticker this morning I put it on my shirt and didn't think anything of it until I got to work and one of the guys said whats with the sticker I said ITS A POTTY THING he just laughed. I have learned when trying to get your child to do what you need or want him/her to do you will do anything and you don't care what people think especially if you will be saving MONEY in the end. If i have to wear a sticker everyday to get Miller to use the potty with no accidents then I will. Today my sticker is a mouse and it says EXCELLENT!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Baby Fisher
Everyday we get more and more ready for baby Fisher to make his arrival even though we need him to stay in a few more months. I went over to mom's house last night and got Millers Car Seat that we will be using for baby Fisher or as Miller calls him Fisher Baby. Well once Miller saw it he said what that mommy I said that is baby Fishers Car Seat he said OH and started pulling out everything and claimed right into it and little did I know Miller still fists in it and still is the weight for it poor kid just can't gain the weight. Once I got Miller out of the baby car seat and into the car we headed home form a long day!
School Day 2
Well this was school day 2 and I I was hoping it was going to be better then yesterday. We walked in well Miller ran in I walked and Miller ran to his OLD class room and I said Miller this is your new class he said I not like that class I want this one and he was NOT going to go in there his teacher had to come out in the hall and get him for me. I hope it gets better! While I was at lunch today I called to check on him and they said he was doing fine and he was dancing all around the room Boy that makes a mommy fell so good to hear her baby is doing good!
Monday Part 2
After our Daintiest appointment I said OK lets go get our things and head to school Miller said I not want to go! He was a little stuffy and kept telling me I tiered mommy and my head hurts so I ended up keeping him home and boy I am so glade I did he slept from 11-3 and I got quit a few things done in the house plus I got to snooze a little also.
on Monday Miller had his FIRST daintiest appointment! He did better then most but I thought he would have at least let them Brush his teeth. One time when they were trying to clean them he told then I done now and tyred to get up! But once everything was said and done I got to brush his teeth and he did let the Dr. look in his mouth so I felt pretty good about it I guess we will give it another try in 6 months!
New School Year!
Miller started his new school year Tuesday at his school he will still have the same teacher but he will just be in a different class. When I dropped him off I told him to tell his teacher to let her know when he has to use the bathroom and he said OK. But I still was uneasy about the hole day. First he did not want to go in his class then he sis not want to sit at his seat this is not like Miller he is always running to his class and can't wait to get there. Well when i picked him up yesterday he had had 3 accidents that day I kinda thought that this would happen wit all the change going on specially since there are only 2 other kids from his old class in there. But the day went on and we made it threw I guess even little people have Bad day's I hope the week gets better!
Grayson Is 1
My cousins little boy turned One this month and we celebrated this past weekend with a BIG Birthday party! Lisandra did a great job on all the food and decorations GO LISANDRA!
Birthday Parties
This past weekend we were VERY VERY busy we had open house at Millers school and 3 birthday parties. Open House was from 12-1 and then we had a Birthday Party from 2-3:30, Then we had another Birthday party in Mississippi at 6 I decided we better skip out on the Mississippi one not that I did not want to go but were we had to go in Mississippi was a 2 hour drive so we really needed to leave at 3 and that was not going to work so I hated to miss but somethings you just have to miss. After that Miller went to Gigi and Bo's house to stay while Nick and I had a date night with Jessica and Hunter Miller was to spend the night with Gigi and Bo but at 8 my phone was ringing and it was Gigi telling me that Miller wanted to come home. So I said put miller on the phone and as soon as she did he said I want to come home momma so I got up and went to go get my little man. As soon as I walked threw the door he was handing me his stuff and said lets GO! The next day we got up and went to church, after that we headed to mom's (Gigi's) to get a bite to eat we had another party for my cousins little boy at 4 that afternoon so we left at 2 to give us plenty of driving time Miller took a good and well needed nap on the way! Once the party was over we headed back to town to get ready for the next day BOY what a Weekend!
That is right we at the Evans house are potty training and so far we are doing good! We still have at least one accident a day but other than that we are in Big Boy underwear or as Miller would call it Panties. We do still wear a pull up at night because mommy dose not get enough sleep as it is getting up to PEE every hour it seems and this is the last thing I want to do at 3 in the morning. Yes that is lazy on my part but I am a happier person in the morning! One day I will take that challenge and put Miller to bed with just big boy underwear on but for know we LOVE are pull ups!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
19 Weeks
Well this past Sunday I hit the 19 Week mark WOW how times has flown by. We (mom and I) have been working very hard on getting the room's ready Millers is done other than a few little things and Baby Fisher's is almost complete. Yes the Name is still Fisher But Nick informed me this past weekend that he was not sure about Berkeley and I told him that there was no changing it i had already made the announcement on my Blog! So still not sure on the full name but defiantly know it is Fisher!
Monday, August 2, 2010
We Have A Name!
Yes this is right we have finaly come up with a name Nick has named this child because he informed me that I named Miller (I did not know that I had the only say so in Millers name but he say's I did) so I said ok but pick a good one! So he came up with:
Fisher Berkeley Evans!
This will be are little mans name! I think he did a great job GO NICK!
Fisher Berkeley Evans!
This will be are little mans name! I think he did a great job GO NICK!
18 Weeks
We are now 18 weeks along witch is 5 months WOW how time flies by. This past weekend mom and I spent the hole weekend moving Millers stuff to his NEW room as he would call it. And getting the nursery back into a nursery. Well we did get Millers room organized enough to were he could sleep in it but we have a few more little things that we need to do like hang pictures and move some stuff out of the closet but for the most part Millers room is completed. After we finished with miller's room I was so tired that I waited til this morning to do a few things in the nursery. I raised the bed on the baby bed and put the front railing up and the bumper pad back on and changed the sheets on it. Miller helped me so much during this process that I final had to say OK we are done. He thought that since I put the railing up that it was OK for him to climb in the bed and say I in the baby's bed witch he still calls sister. Boy is it intrasting to watch Miller and all this New baby stuff but he is very excited he asked me this mornign if his baby was coming today I said no not to day the baby is not threw cooking in mommy's tummy he just looked at me! But i think he will do just fine once baby evans comes home.
Monday, July 26, 2010
17 Weeks and IT'S A BOY!!!!!!
Well Sunday I hit 17 weeks and we went to day and we are having a BOY!!! We are very excited I think Nick was a little surprised he kept asking are you sure He thought it was a girl just like I did. But This little man was not scared to show his stuff and let us know very fast that he was indeed a BOY! We still have no names but hope to soon. We are going to keep the room the same and Miller will move rooms we will just have to take Millers name down and put up a new name. I will let everyone know what the name will be as soon as we pick one out.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Getting Ready for Baby Evans
Well I will be in my last week of my 4 months boy how time fly's and we will find out what we are having Monday. So I thought I should go threw some of Millers clothes to see what I can use no matter if its a boy or girl. If its a Girl I will use just about all of Millers gowns no matter what color they are. I think its a Girl, But if its a boy then no problem I will have all the clothes I need. But I want to go ahead and wash some of them and have them ready for the BIG day even thought they have been washed before I put them up they need to smell fresh. I'm sure Miller will love to help me of course his way of helping is different then mine but that is ok I just love the fact that he thinks he is helping. I hope that he continues to want to help as he gets older.
This weekend Mom and Dad are going to be out of town and Judy and Jessica are out of town so this gives Miller and I some time to do something together. I know you are probably thinking well don't you get that time with him and yes I do but I do not like to take Yaya and Gigi time away so anytime they want to see him I do so most of the time. So I thought I would take Miller to CHOM this weekend for those that do not know what it is it is a children's museum where they can touch anything and everything. Mallory is going to meat me there at 10 when they open and then we are going to play and then eat lunch and head to the house for a nap. I LOVE naps these days! I thought this is better than trying to fight with Miller on NOT going out side I hope Miller likes chom he has never been before!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
16 Weeks
I am 16 Weeks and still getting sick not everyday but at least 3 out of the 7. This past weekend I'm not sure what I had but I had a terrible headache and felt sick to my stomach all weekend mom had to come over to help with Miller. If it was not for her than I'm not sure what I would be like today it was sure nice to have her take him while I got some shut eye for a while. What would we do with out mothers. Well this upcoming Monday we will hopefully find out what we are having we are praying for a GIRL!!!!! I will let everyone know BEFORE it makes it to FB (Facebook).
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
The Past Few Weeks
The Weekend of the 4th Nick had decided to divide the back yard up so the dogs had there own place and we had our own. Once he was done with that we moved all of Millers out side toys to the back yard and boy is it nice I know have a garage that is half way clean at least my side is. Nick still has some work to do on his side but that may take a while. Since we have fix the back yard Miller has played out side every afternoon and it has been so nice because I can cook and watch him out my window. We can't wait to see what else we are going to be able to do now since the yard has been dogie proofed.
15 Weeks
I am 15 weeks now witch is 4 months pregnant but I feel like I should be at least 7 months. Feeling better I still have some mornings that I don't feel so hot but I am hoping it all will pass. Nick and I will find out July the 26th what we are having and I am getting excited. I already have some bedding picked out if its a girl and it is so cute! Miller keeps telling his teachers at school that mommy is having a baby sister I guess we will have to wait and see!
Friday, July 9, 2010
Nicks 28th Birthday!
Yesterday Nick celebrated his 28Th Birthday with family by going out to eat. We had such a good time even thought Jessica and I would have chosen something else but it was still good. Happy Birthday Nick we love you Jamie, Miller and Nugget.
The 4th Of July
Happy 4th Of July everyone I hope you all had a wounderful holiday! We had a nice relaxing one and can't wait till next year so the new baby can join us. We went up to the country to eat with Judy's side of the family and had so much fun Miller got to play and run around. He was worn out and fell asleep on the way home. But we sure did miss Nick, he was having to work this weekend. Maybe next year he can join us.
14 Weeks
Lets have a party I am now 14 weeks pregnant and its like over night that I am feeling so much better I have more energy thank the Lord and can tolerate a little more food. We are still throwing names around Nick finally said NO to Charley so now we are back on the name hunt. I really liked Charley but we need a name that we both like. I have started getting things ready for the baby because I just realized I only have 5 more months and yes I know some of you think that is far away but when you work and don't have time during the week to do anything then it will creep up on you very fast. So this past weekend I cleaned Millers old closet out and cleaned his New closet out. He still dose not understand what is going on but he will soon. I hope to have things done soon enough to were I have at least a month before baby Evans shows up.
13 Weeks
Well we have made it to 13 weeks and boy I'm I glade it is here. Still don't feel all there but hopefully it will hit soon. I went for my monthly check up and everything looks good baby's heart rate was 166 and I am measuring normal. Next time I go we will find out what we are having how exciting and boy has the time flown by it feels like yesterday that we were just finding out that we were having a baby.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Baby Name's
Well I have had some people ask me if Nick and I have thought about any names. We have thought but we are still throwing some out but there is one name that keeps coming up. If its a girl witch I REALLY think it is I love the name Charly Virginia Evans. We have not really talked about any boy names so I guess we will have to pray really hard for a girl. But more will be set in stone once we find out what we are having.
12 Weeks
I turned 12 weeks Sunday and good gosh I was hoping to feel a little better but for some reason I still don't feel so hot! I mean I can look at something and it makes me want to throw chunks. Next week will be my last week in my first trimester and boy am I counting down the days. Everyone keeps telling me it gets better well when. I have to keep asking people when will it get better because I was not like this at all with Miller. But I will have to say it has calmed down just a little at least when my feet hit the floor in the morning I don't start feeling bad till later on in the day but some days I feel great like I am not pregnant at all I wish I had more days like that. I go back to the Dr. on monday June the 28th and get to Liston to the heart again I love that part. I will let you know how it go's.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
The 2's
OH Miller and these 2's are about to kill me! while we were at the beach Jessica and I were in the back room playing with Miller and Miller said something to Jessica and so Jessica pretended to be crying and Miller said I hurt Jessies feeling and I said what do you say then and he said I don't know I looked at him and said you tell her you are sorry and give her a huge and he said NO I said yes and right as I thought he was going to he hauls off and KICKS Jessica in the eye oh gosh I was crushed I grabed Miller and gave him a spanking and put his little but in time out. I felt so bad I made him apologize over and over again even the next morning I made him tell her he was sorry again I will be glade when this ends good grashes.
The Oil On The Beach
While we were at the beach everyone was on the look out for the oil we never saw any until late Friday afternoon. It was very sad it could have been stopped from ever reaching the shore it would wash up in big clumps were it looked like it could have been skimmed off the top of the water but instead they were just letting it wash up on the sand. So then people would step in it and bring it back to were ever they were staying. But by the next day we saw no signs of it in front of were we were staying I'm sure it was still there but we just never saw any of it.
11 Weeks
I turned 11 weeks on Sunday and I am felling a little better every day I only have 2 more weeks and I will be in my second trimester boy how time fly's I should be able to find out what we are having at the end of July if my appointments work out but I will be fine to find out in August. Nick and I are both wanting a little girl very badly so maybe God will answer our prayers!
Beach Trip
Well we left Wednesday for our beach trip and we could not wait to get there Miller kept saying I want to go to the beach and I would tell him we are we are almost there. Once we did get there we unloaded and got in the room and Miller ran around the coffee table 4 times and then looked at me and said I ready to go home! I just looked at him and said sorry we are hear for a week. Every day Miller would tell me I ready to go home momma and I would just say I'm sorry we have a few more days. He usually did this when he was very tired. Millers favorite part was the pool he loved it he would tell me every morning I going swimming and I would say OK lets go. Miller did not care to much for the sand he was just as happy at the pool so we just stayed there. Monday Morning came and Miller got up and looked at me and said momma I ready to go home and I said baby we are going home he was so happy you would thought I gave him the best toy ever.
Sugar Test
Well Tuesday before we left for the beach I went and had my 3 hour sugar test done. Lets just say a few things have changed since I had mine with Miller. I decided to take Miller with me that day only because I remember being able to leave between sticks so I though well I will go and let them get started and thin I can drop Miller off at daycare and then go back WELL that is not how they do it anymore you can NOT LEAVE so needless to say I had a 2 1/2 year old with me for 4 hours. OH YES boy did we have fun and I know they were happy to see me go. But it is done and over with and I called Thursday and I got great news I PASSED! Maybe the stress helped with that but I guess we will never know just so happy I passed this time.
Millers Leg round 5
We had a follow up appointment with our leg last monday at UAB and our morning did not quit go as planed. Our appointment was at 9:20 and we FINALLY got there at 9:45, I took the wrong exit and boy did I get us lost I was in the North part of down town b-ham and needed to get to the south side and I had to PEE! Once we got there they called us back and the Dr. saw us and gave us good news he said that the rest for the test came back really good and that the tumor should gradually go away thank the lord. But he would like to see us in 6 months for another fallow up and do a ultrasound to see how everything is growing. Once we were done there I called mom so she could tell me how to get back on the interstate and well that didn't quit work out very well the street I needed to turn on was closed do to consrtuction so she had to rerought me another way. I needed to get to hoover and lets just say I ended up at the ZOO! I should have stayed there and just crowled in the cage with the monkey's. We left the dr.'s office at 10:30 and did not get to hoover till 1:00. Boy what a day that was but once we found the chick-fil-a we were good and had a blast with the Miller's.
10 Weeks
I turned 10 weeks on Sunday June the 6th and feeling a little better but know 100%. We are leaving for the beach on Wednesday the 9th for 6 days ho how am I going to handle the HEAT! But before we leave Miller has a Dr. appointment in b-ham with his leg. then we are going to eat and play with the Miller Family can't wait so much fun to hang out with them. Then on Tuesday I have my 3 hour sugar test boy dose that sound fun or what! Then the beach and relaxation for several days. I will let you know how the week go's.
9 weeks
OK Yes I am behind on the Blog but I have been out of town so I am going to try to keep you updated by memory. On June the 1 I had a Dr.'s appointment and had my first ultrasound and I am right on target with my due date witch is January 3. 2011 if I hold off that long. Baby Looks good It was moving all around and the heart rate was 168. I had not gained a full pound but boy I felt like I had gained 10. Still not feeling very good still taking my med's I hope this dose not last threw the hole pregnancy. I also had to go ahead and do my sugar test since I had diabetes with Miller and of course I failed it so I know have to go back for my 3 hour one. Yeppp can't wait for that! I will let y'all know what next week brings.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
8 Weeks
I turned 8 Weeks Sunday, and lets just say I feel like I should be 8 months! I feel HUGE plus I STILL don't feel so hot. Yes I am still taking my medication but it dose not always work. The Weekend's seem to be the worse and you would think those should be the best. I get up at 2 every morning to use the bathroom and usually don't go back to sleep till 4 yes it takes me a little longer to fall back asleep not sure why but it dose. I think I am going to make the couch my NEW bed for some reason I sleep SO good on it I can't sleep worth a dame in the bed I just can't get comfy. I will be 3 months on Sunday and I am counting down the days till I am in my second trimester, I have 5 more weeks to go.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Millers Program
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Millers First Program
Now that Miller is in the 2 year old class they will be having the end of the year program for the graduates that are going o kindergarten. But the other children in the 2's and 3's also will have a little pic in the program. Millers class will be singing 2 songs I thing I am very excited to see my little man up on stage. Get ready we have the video camera and camera ready for Thursday night.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Miller and Baby
Miller is very excited about getting a baby sister or brother (we are praying for sister), when you ask him what is in mommy's tummy he will tell you my big sister. And when you ask him were the baby is going to sit in the car he says next to me. It is quiet funny to ask him questions about the baby. He told his teacher the other day that he was getting a big sister so they asked him well what dose that make you then and he looked at them and said the big brother.
7 Weeks
This Sunday I became 7 weeks prego and due January 3, 2011, if some of you don't remember Miller was due January 4, 2008 but he decided to come December 15, 2007. I am still sick and trying to deal with it while I take care of Miller, Nick has been a BIG help trying to do more with Miller but I am hear a lot just Miller and I due to Nick working Nights but I am making it. I went to the Dr. Monday and he gave me some Zofran THANK GOODNESS! So far so good I am feeling much better. I go back June 1st for a sonogram and a sugar test, Yes I am taking my sugar test quit early because I had diabetes with Miller and he wants to keep it under control and catch it sooner. For those of you don't know we have twins that run in the family so any time someone get prego the question is is it 2? But when I go to have my sonogram that will tell the answer. I will also go back on June the 22nd for a regular if I fail my sugar test then I may have to be seen twice a month just to monitor me a little closer but I am trying to get off on the right foot this time and eat better this go around. Nick and I are both every excited and I know I want a little girl but I think Nick dose as well so we will have to wait and see. We should find out the last week of July or the first week of August.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
6 Weeks
On Sunday I am know 6 weeks pregnant and still sick. This go around has been totally different from when I was prego with Miller so I am having to adjust to it and plus chase Miller around hoping I don't throw up on him. I am going to the Dr. Monday to find out my estimated due date if I have calculated right I should be due Jan 2 2011, but considering I had Miller at 36 weeks I am going to have my self ready the first week of Dec that means Millers Birthday party will be in November OR we could have a October birthday a lot considers how I am doing. I am going to try to give weekly updates so stay tuned!
6 weeks and A Wedding
On Sunday I turned 6 weeks and Mallory got engaged to Darren. We are so happy, We don't know any dates but I told her I needed to know ASAP so Nick could put in for. I will give more detail when given.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
New Additon
Nick and I are Happy to announce we are adding a New Addition to the family. We will be expecting a baby in the month of December. I go to my Doctor May the 17th to find out the Due date but if I have figured up I think it will be Dec 30. I will keep every one updated.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Birthday Party
This Weekend Miller has been invited to his very first Birthday Party and I don't know who is more excited me or Miller I think its me though. The Birthday Party is For Colton and he is turning 2 (such a fun age) and his mom has picked a GREAT time for his party 4-6, you can still get the house clean and get that much needed Nap in before filling there little tummy's with cake and ice cream. Nick was going to go with us BUT they asked him to work Saturday night so he will be at work and we sure are going to miss him. We also are suppose to be in for some bad weather Saturday and that night I just hope the weather will hold of during the party. Happy Birthday Colton can't wait to see you Saturday!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Miller Fishing
Saturday Nick and I took Miller fishing for the first time. I was a little on the nerves side only because I knew how Nick was about fishing so I told Nick remember he is only 2 so I don't know hoe long he will sit still and quit. Nick said oh he will be fine trust me, so I said OK then lets pack up and go! Once we got the boat and truck packed we loaded up and hit the road, I still did not know wear we were going but we kept driving and driving. An hour later we pulled up at the boat landing in Vienna Alabama, this was a new experiment for me I never had gone fishing this far away with a 2 year old well never gone fishing period with a 2 year old. But I was going to try to keep an open mind about this and pray for the best. Once Nick got the boat off the trailer and in the water I stayed with the boat while Nick parked the truck and got Miller out. Once we got settled in the boat we headed out and came to a slew and went down it. There was not much water but we made it to the deeper part of the river. It was SO pretty back there all I wanted to do is take pictures of it but it was very hard to decide what to take a picture of so I just started snapping. Once Nick dropped a line in he started catching like crazy, Miller loved when Nick would get one he would say I touch fish and touch his eye ball I really don't know why but he loved touching the eye. We got to see so many things back there it was like being on a field trip we saw 2 snakes, a tree Frog and a honey bee nest in the tree. All these things wear so interesting to see. while Nick and Miller fished I took a well needed nap and loved every mint. of it. Once I woke up we started packing up and headed back but before we could do that Nick Just Had To Get Us Stuck! Yes that is right we got stuck in the mud in the boat, we tried almost everything. Nick finally had to get out and move the boat so others could get in and out but if they could have see what we went threw they would not want back there. Once we got back to the boat landing we packed the truck back up and headed home for some rest. We had the Beat time fishing.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Millers Room
I have had a hard time with this trying to decide about Millers room. He still sleeps in a baby bed only because he can not clime out. But I really want to change his room up more like a little boys room the only thing is Miller will switch rooms if we ever have another baby. So I guess that is why I have kinda put this on hole because I hate to redecorate and then have to change everything back so I don't know I guess I will just have to pray about it and see what comes out of it.
Teaching Miller
Miller is at the age were he should be learning more and more about Jesus everyday I try very hard to tell him things like Jesus made the Birds the trees and the animals but I don't think he really understands. We are active at our church I would love to say VERY active but I really like family time so most of the time on Sunday nights we stay home or visit family. But we are there on Sundays and Wednesday nights. I still teach the 3 & 4's and Miller is in the Toddler room. Miller also learns about Jesus at school I Love Millers school they teach them so much and all the workers are so nice and friendly. So I know he is being educated about Jesus but pray that one day he will follow Jesus in the right direction and continue to learn more and more about Jesus and take that with him as he gets older.
Praying To God!
Every day I pray! I pray for so much and the glory God answers them day by day. How could anyone live in this world with out God, he has done so much for us in our lives. I have found that the older I get the easier it is to pray to him, not sure why that is but it is. Just today I have had something on my mind that really bothered me and I asked the Lord to take that worry from me and before I knew it it was gone. My goodness what a blessing to have something you have worried about all day just be gone with in such a short amount of time. What an awesome God we have!
Western Day
Today at Millers school they had all the kids dress up for Western Day. Well when I found this out I had to think about this because I new Miller did not have ANYTHING western! If you know me Miller is always dressed to the 9's, if I could get away with putting him in lace I would. But anyways I kept thinking what do I have that I can put him in that is even a little western and then it came to me I had bought some over raw's for him to have some pictures made in them that he has never worn. My next problem was WHAT SIZE ARE THEY! So of course I am last minute I pull them out of the closet and look at the tag and it said 12 months but boy they just looked BIG, so I put them on him and they FIT perfect. I rolled the legs up to were they were they hit his shin and then put a little white t-shirt under it and then his little brown sandals (no he dose not have BOOTS). He looked so cute this morning I wanted a picture but we were running SUPER LATE imagine that (I am always running late). So I think when I get home this afternoon I will just take little Miller out side and start snapping away. I hope to get LOTS of pictures on hear this weekend I am very behind on the picture updating.
Busy Week
This week has been a little on the crazy side usually when Nick is on Nights these are are calmer days but not this week. With Mary and Matt bringing home baby Marian Saturday, one of my Friend and I decided to take Mary and Matt Dinner one Night this week. Witch I love to help out if I can, but I was just wondering when I was going to cook the Meal I mean you can't really tell a 2year old don't bother me while I cook Dinner for someone else. Monday I had a Dr. appointment that I thought was only going to take like 20 to 30 min but they had to do a little more then I thought like take my toe nail OFF! Witch was fine but I was going to go home and start the meal before I went to work so then I thought well I can do it tonight well that did not happen. Tuesday Night Miller had Swimming Lessons so it was out of the question on cooking any thing that night. So Wednesday I came home at lunch and put them together and that night when I got home I put one in the oven before church for use to eat so we could take Nick some dinner since I did not cook the night before and we were out of Bread. Plus I had already told Nick Miller and I would bring him dinner tonight. So after church Miller and I took Nick dinner and then headed home on the way out there Miller fell fast asleep and there was no waking him up trust me Nick tried. Once we got home I took Miller and put him in his bed and I cleaned the kitchen up and then ate ( don't worry Miller ate before church). So then I started thinking I will just come home after work and just throw it in the oven to cook for about 30 min. Well that is what I did and it worked out great and we got the food over there by 7 a little late but that's OK at least they had a hot meal to eat. We also got to spend some time with the baby witch I loved. We will be relaxing to night I hope and all weekend.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Baby Marian
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
School Pictures
Miller had school pictures made a couple of weeks ago and they turned out so good the only thing is I never ordered any so no I have to call the person that took them and see if I can still order I hope so if not I may just find some one to take some. If that is the case then I probably go to Birmingham and find someone I have always wanted to have Miller picture taken in the Zoo so may be I can do that.
The Yard
Most of you know how big are yard is well this past weekend I told Nick are grass needed cutting and of course he had to work so there was only one option and that was that I was going to cut the grass. I love to cut the grass but if you could have seen our yard you would have said no thank you because the tractor is not working and we don't have a riding lawn mower. So I was a good wife and pulled out the push mower, I usually do use this every summer but its to cut just right around the house not the HOLE yard. But I did it and survived and know are yard looks great, I even cut the back yard also and the dogs are happy now too!
Swimming for the Leg
Most of you know that Miller has a AVM Tumor in his left leg and that we had a biopsy done right at a month ago. We now are trying to make that leg as strong as the other one if not stronger so we have started swimming again something Miller truly loves. Last Tuesday was Miller first time back since his surgery and loved it. We are going to try this till we go back and then decided if we need more therapy or just let the swimming be it. We have our second night tonight and i can't wait to see him in the water again!
Easter 2010!
My favorite Holiday Easter and when I say my favorite I mean my favorite. I like it better than Christmas, don't get me wrong I like Christmas also but it has to do with the worm air and all the Flowers in bloom its just so pretty. But also these 2 holidays are not just because you get things its a time to remember when Jesus was born and when he died for us. These are the 2 most special holidays threw the year and more of us need to remember that. This Easter was really fun with Miller Nick was off all weekend until Sunday night and then he had to go to work. But the Easter bunny did come see Miller he brought him so many things in his basket in fact it is still sitting in the living room and Miller still is going threw it. Saturday Night we kept telling Miller that if he did not go to bed that the Easter Bunny would not come so that was an easy night of getting him in the bed after that Nick and I played the Easter bunny and then went to bed. The next morning I got up early so I could have everything ready for Miller, and Nick just had to go turkey hunting but was back in time to go to church. When Miller got up I said Miller did the Easter Bunny come he said yes and he went walking to the front door and looked out it and said I don't see bunny! I started laughing it was so cute he thought the Easter bunny stayed once he brought things. I then had to explain to him that the Easter bunny comes in the Middle of the night and leaves goodies and then go's back in to his home till next year he looked at me and said NO momma Daddy POW POW Bunny, I said OH LOVELY! Once Church was over we went back to the house and changed and headed to Mom and Dads house to eat some yummy food after that Miller played and then we had to tell Nick bye so he could go to work. After Nick left we packed up ALL of are stuff and headed to Maw Maw's house for Easter Dinner it was very yummy to! After Dinner we went back to the house and took are bath and snuggled up in the Chair together and miller fell fast a sleep, we had a busy day but truly enjoyed our wonderful day the Lord had made for us. I hope everyone had just as good of a holiday as we did.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Good Friday
Last Friday I was to work all day BUT I got great news around 10 that we would be shutting down around 1:30 for the weekend I was so excited I would be able to go get Miller and spend the day with him and my mom, something I have not done in a while on a Friday. Once I got off I went and got Miller and we went to moms house and she took us to get Miller a RADIO FLAYER bike at Anders Hardware. Miller climbed on that and was off I looked at mom and said I guess he likes it so we got to take it home with us and Miller and mommy were very happy. After that mom and I went back home and let Miller ride his bike around the yard he loves that thing we have to bring it in side and then take it back out again he rides it every were.
Dot News 2
Mrs. Dot has been moved to Forrest Minor rehabilitation center to help her start moving better. I hate to say this but I have yet to visit her since all of this. Dot had the stroke and then we found out about Millers leg and so I have been kinda occupied with that. But I do pray for her daily and hope she can get back to her self again.
Miller's Leg Updates
Judy and I took Miller back to the Dr. Monday for Dr. Seigle to look at Miller leg, he said that all the test and blood work and biopsy all came back negative THANK THE LORD! The bad news is that is it warped around Millers muscle and that is what is keeping him from walking normal. Most people do not realize he walks different unless I point it out or you know about the tumor. Miller still every once in a while will say my boo boo hurts witch means his leg hurts. We started back with are swimming lessons we had taken a few weeks off due to are leg, so we are going to see if this helps and if not then we may have to do some therapy to get that muscle as strong as the other one. Thank you for all the prayers!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Update on Dot 2
In the past few weeks Dot has been moved from UAB to DCH and now she is in a nursing home. She is still suffering from the massive stroke she had. I hope she gets better so she can go back home and enjoy life the way she did before this happened. We are praying for you Dot!
Update on Miller round 2
Well it will be a week tomorrow that Miller had surgery and we still have not heard anything. I am taking this is a good thing. But they did tell use that if we heard anything before Wednesday then that would be really good so I am thinking we may hear something Friday I hope. Thank you for all the prayers!
Miller and the Cats
While I was at lunch I called to check on Miller at Judy's. Judy said that Miller and George were out looking for Turkeys. Well in the mean time while we were talking they came in and I started hearing Miller go POW POW I said what is he doing and Judy said oh he is shooting the cats with his fake gun I said OH Lord help me. Our poor animals have no clue what they are in for when he gets older. But it was quit funny to hear him. OH the joys of little boys!
Afternoon Play Date
After I got off yesterday I went and picked Miller up at Judy's house. I had decided not to go to church due to Millers leg, so we went home and I asked Miller if he wanted to help mommy wash her car. Miller was such a big help! Once we were done and I started cleaning the inside and Miller was still trying to clean the out side. Once Miller was broad doing that he heard Cody out side and walked down the hill to see him. I told Miller not to go down the hill but Miller turned around and said I goin to see Cody. Well Cody was standing at the end of his drive way saying Miller come over. Then Miller said to Cody look the moon up there and he was pointing to the sky. I stood there listening to them for at least 5 min it was so funny. Finally Miller and I walked over there and Cody let Miller throw the basket ball a few times. After that Cody and McKenzie brought him back home. He had such a good time playing with them.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Today for Miller
While I had a little time to day I called to check on Miller, Judy said he was fine. That they had gone to visit Maw Maw down the street and stopped to see bob the horse. Miller LOVES bob we have to stop and wave at bob when ever we go over to Judy and Georges house. After visiting with Bob they headed to see Maw Maw. Once they got there Maw Maw wanted to go for a rid on the golf cart Miller loves to ride the Golf cart. After that they went back to Maw Maws and played in the yard some. After playing they went in side and had a yummy little bit to eat. Miller has had some fun this week being out of school he is not going to like going back next week.
Miller and Walking
Since Miller has had surgery on his leg he has not wanted to walk on it. This has been a challenge in the mornings because Miller is waking up before I am ready for work and he want let me get ready, all he wants is to be held. Monday Judy kept him and her and George got him to walk some, this is really good. Miller also stayed with them Tuesday and walked a little more. Mornings are the worse for us Millers leg hurts him really bad he will keep it drown up and not let you put him down. Nick is ready for him to go back to school but I'm not so sure he is ready maybe next week.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Millers Easter Outfit
So last year I had Millers Easter out fit made, and this year I ordered it. Well it still has not come in I am hoping I will get it some time this week I am getting a little nerves. I think I may have to get a back up just in case. I ordered it February 1, and they said 7-10 weeks but promised that if you ordered before the 28Th of February that you would get it in time for Easter I guess they meant the week before and I am hoping not the day before. We will see what happens.
This weekend Mom, Miller, Me, Mallory, Darrin and Tank are all taking a road trip to Mobile. Mom, Miller and I are leaving Friday morning and Mallory, Darrin and Tank (the dog) are leaving after Mallory get off work. This is the yearly trip we take were mom runs in the azalea run. I ran last year in the fun run and was going to do it this year but since Miller just had surgery then I did not want him to have to be watched by some one else or have to have a bumpy ride. So I am going to sit out this year but we still will have fun. Dad is going to stay home and keep Molly moms dog and play golf and Nick will be working. Yes this is all Nick dose is work. After the run we will load the car up and head to the bay and stay at the bay house for the night it is so pretty to wake up on the water in the morning. We also get some really good family time in with my aunts and uncles and cousins. They weather should be really nice as well I can't wait.
SO My dad read my blog the other day and called me to let me know that he was not in the blog so I am going to say a few good things about him so he can say HE MADE THE BLOG!
My Dad:
He is caring
sings funny songs
Always there for you
always helps me when I need help
and he LOVES his Miller
He also sends me a text every morning telling me he loves me and hopes I have a Great day and to check on Miller.
My dad is the BEST! I Love You Dad
My Dad:
He is caring
sings funny songs
Always there for you
always helps me when I need help
and he LOVES his Miller
He also sends me a text every morning telling me he loves me and hopes I have a Great day and to check on Miller.
My dad is the BEST! I Love You Dad
Monday, March 22, 2010
Friday March 19, 2010 Miller had a biopsy done on his left leg. We were told it is a AVM tumor, these types are usually none cancerous but they are still having it tested we hope to hear back some time this week on the results. A AVM tumor is more like a twine of string but it is made up of vessels in the body. Millers AVM is in his left leg, and they do not remove them for 2 reasons 1. there is a very high chance of bleeding to death and 2. they grow back. The little research I have done seem to be on the brain and on the spine. I am still looking for more info on this so I can answer questions the right way that people may ask that may know or find out. In the mean time Miller is doing pretty well he is not walking but we hope that will change soon, so right now we carry him or he scoots across the floor. We go back in 2 weeks to ask questions and to find out if Miller will need to do any type of therapy to strengthen his leg. Once I find out more I will let you know. Thank you for all the prayers!
Friday, March 19, 2010
Update On Miller
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Today is one of those days were you can't wait till 5 to get off and get things rolling. Most of you know that Miller is having Surgery on his leg in the morning, but before we can do that we need to celebrate Big Georges Birthday. So tonight when Jessica and I get off and get home we all are going out to eat to Celebrate if you read that right you saw were I said Jessica and I that is right we are the only ones working today. George and Judy are retired so they don't work Nick is off and Hunter worked last night. After that I am going to try to keep Miller up as late as possible so at the wee hour of the morning (4:15 am) I will just move him from the bed to the car and hope that he dose not wake up and we will be off to b-ham. Nick and I were told that Miller did not have to stay over night but it was up to us. I am taking a bag just in case , if he starts getting sick then we will be staying. I am NOT going to drive 45 min with a child throwing up in the back seat all the way home. But we hope to be home by lunch.
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