Monday, March 22, 2010


Friday March 19, 2010 Miller had a biopsy done on his left leg. We were told it is a AVM tumor, these types are usually none cancerous but they are still having it tested we hope to hear back some time this week on the results. A AVM tumor is more like a twine of string but it is made up of vessels in the body. Millers AVM is in his left leg, and they do not remove them for 2 reasons 1. there is a very high chance of bleeding to death and 2. they grow back. The little research I have done seem to be on the brain and on the spine. I am still looking for more info on this so I can answer questions the right way that people may ask that may know or find out. In the mean time Miller is doing pretty well he is not walking but we hope that will change soon, so right now we carry him or he scoots across the floor. We go back in 2 weeks to ask questions and to find out if Miller will need to do any type of therapy to strengthen his leg. Once I find out more I will let you know. Thank you for all the prayers!

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