Friday, March 5, 2010
The Joy Of A 2 Year Old
The Day Miller turned 2 I think he new that it was time for him to be his on little person. Since he has turned 2 he is doing so much more he is talking in complete sciences and he can tell you what he wants and he will make sure you hear him and you know that he only want what he is asking for. He also is using the potty but only some times, it usually only when Miller wants to use the potty so we are still working on that. You know you hear people say children go threw so many stages and changes in life well I think we have hit one WAY TO EARLY in life. This week when I go to drop him off at school he starts yelling NO I DON'T WANT TO, I WANT TO GO TO YAYA'S OR GIGI'S. I didn't think this started till like middle school or at least late elementary school. But once I drop him off he is fine and he actually go's in and sits down and waves buy to me so I really don't know what it is. Also We have been putting pull ups on Miller now for about a month or so and a diaper on at night. Lately when I go to change him in the morning to get ready for school he will say no momma I want a diaper on no pull up. I think we are falling behind. I really wanted him potty trained before school started back in the fall but I am not sure this is going to happen but it may. I know y'all are probably wondering why the hurry but when I started this I was hoping he was going to move up at school and the only way to move up is if he is potty trained and if he moves up then our daycare coast go's down. But we had at do or registration for next year already and Christ Harbor has so many 2's that they are making a older 2 class so Miller will move up to that instead of the 3's. Witch I am fine with. Whats one more year of paying 100 dollars a week. Miller also has started calling Tipper in in the mornings, When I get up I put Tipper out side and before we leave for work and school we call her back in. Well this is Millers favorite part he will stand at the back door and yell Tipper come on, its the funnest thing to hear him say. Also in the mornings now Miller I think is turning in to Nick when it comes to eating. Nick LOVES Peanut Butter and miller has found that he likes it as well. Every morning Miller eats mini pancakes and he likes for me to put peanut butter on them and make a sandwich out of then so he has peanut butter pancake sandwiches for breakfast and he loves them. He also likes me to make him a peanut butter sandwich for lunch with a bag of chip so he can take them to school in his lunch box. This age is so fun because they are learning so much and it so funny to hear what is going to come out of there mouth next.
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