Thursday, December 31, 2009
Merry Christmas! 2009
OK well its Christmas time once again and we have been getting ready for the BIG GUY to come to town (Santa). This Christmas we were not very busy doing other things. We had one weekend the hole month that was our busy one I wish we could do that every year. So we got to relax quit a bit. Christmas Eve Nick, Miller and I got up that morning and got ready and headed out to yes WAL_MART what were we thinking OH we were not. I had finished all my shopping the last weekend in November like always but Nick still had a few things to get so to spend family time together we all loaded up and headed out. After a trip to Wal-Mart we all went home and curled up on the couch and took a much needed nap. Around 4:30 I woke up and saw were Miller was having a nose bleed in his sleep. So I tried very hard to clean it up with out waking up Miller or Nick, but Miller popped right up as soon as I started wiping. So then I had it all over me and him. So once I got US cleaned up Miller sat at the table and ate a little something. So while I had Miller under control I decided to get our stuff ready to go to Nicks Aunts house we had to be there at 6. Well while I was getting gifts from under the tree I noticed WATER on the floor yes the tree stand had sprung a leak so I got Nick up and he looked at it and said its coming from under the stand so we need to undecorated the tree. OH this was fun considering it was 5:15 now and I still had to dress MY self and Miller and finish getting are stuff together since it was interrupted by the leaking tree. Well while I was underacting Nick was changing a light bulb in the hall way and the bulb just fell out of the light so now we don't only have water ALL over the floor we have GLASS too Oh and a 2 year old trying to get out of his chair at the table yes we are having fun! So once we got the glass cleaned up we then finished with the tree and Nick threw it out the front door with the stand. So we both then started cleaning up the tree mess and got a fan in there to dry the WOOD Floor. once we got done we loaded the car and was at Nicks aunts house at 5:55 boy are we a team or what!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Today Is Miller's 2nd Birthday!
I can not believe that Mine and Nicks Little boy is 2 today. Everyone always tells you how fast they grow up but you never really seem to realize it until they turn another year older. You look at them and think WOW ware has the time gone. I remember like it was yesterday going to the Dr. and him telling me if you do not go this weekend then we will induce next week. Well then next night I found my self in the hospital waiting for our world to change forever. At 6:45 am Saturday December 15, 2007 Miller Blanton Evans came into this amazing world weighing a big 5 pounds 13oz and 19 inches long. We were so happy and so blessed to have a health baby boy to get to hold and Love. We love you so Much Miller Happy Birthday!
Monday, December 14, 2009
We have been busy
We have been so busy the last few weeks. This past weekend we had Miller Second Birthday Party, we had a great turn out, and Miller got so many toys. Then Saturday night we had our annual Camp house Christmas Party and its always very interesting to see how dirty Santa will end up. This year I ended up with a Very Cute Santa Head Cookie Jar, And Nick ended up with fishing stuff like we need any of that. But I will have to say I thought it went very well and there was a great turn out.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Birthday Party!
Today mom, Miller and I went to Sam's to get the food for Millers Birthday. His Birthday is on the 15th of December but we are having his Birthday party on the 12th. So today I got hotdogs, buns, chips, M&M's for the kids and Gummy Bears also for the kids and Chicken strips for the ones that do not want a hot dog. I also found some Christmas gifts. For Millers Second Birthday he is having a Mickey Mouse Club House Party. I always said I would not do a them Birthday Party I am not a big person on the hole caricature thing but I am going to do it because I know he will just LOVE IT. Sitting here believe 15th writing this its hard to believe that my baby will be 2 years old everyone always tells you how fast they grow up but until it happens you have no clue. Happy Birthday Miller Mommy and Daddy Love you Very much.
Friday, December 4, 2009
The Weekend
Well This weekend should be very relaxing Nick has to work nights so Miller and I I guess are going to eat a bowl of chili and eat pop corn and watch a movie. Well I will watch the movie Miller is not a big T.V. kid. He will say he wants to watch T.V. but want actually sit and watch it so I guess I will put him down a bit early and watch a movie, Oh I can not wait I never get to do this I am always having to clean and pick up well not this weekend. The house is clean and the laundry is done what a blessing. We also will be watching the Football game this weekend with Nick before he go's to work I hate he can't watch the hole thing with us. I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
The Holiday Is Coming To An End
Sunday was here and we all new what that meant that the holiday was coming to an end. We stayed home form church due to Miller and I, and Nick was coming home to sleep. Once Nick got home he said for me to wake him up in a little while and we would go do some shopping. Once nick got up and we all had breakfast we all got dressed and got in the truck and went to academy sports and then to get a Christmas tree. Miller was not to sure what we were doing but he would soon find out when we got home. Once we got back to the house I started cooking lunch for all of us and Nick and Miller were out side tending to the tree, while I was getting lunch ready Nick was ready for the tree to come in so I cleared a spot in the dinning room for it. We got it up and after we ate I and Miller started checking the lights to make sure they all worked before we put them on the tree. Once we got the lights on I started putting the ornaments on, by know Nick was up and getting ready for work that night. Once Nick left for work I had me the tree and Miller to tend to boy was this a fun night. Miller tried to help but if he could not find a branch to hang the ornament on he just threw it on the ground. Yes I made sure he did not pick up any once that could brake. Once I got the tree and the lights and ornaments on I then thought I would bring Millers tree out and let him decorate it ALL by his little self. Well that did not work very well he did not want anything to do with it so I got stuck decorating that tree also. Once I did that I gave Miller a bath and he was in the bed by 7:30 because he did not have a nap that day and he needed the extra sleep since he was a little under the weather. Boy what a wonderful Holiday we had and what a blessing it was to spend it with family.
Lazy Day
Saturday we just lade around the house and did not do much of anything Nick had worked the night before and so he was asleep. So Miller and I did the same thing I love days like that.
Black Friday
Friday Morning I slept in and when I got up I called mom and she said that Miller had been up since 6:30 I told her oh my goodness. She said that he is fine and that she would keep him while I got a few things done. So since I had the day to get some things done I decided to get the chirstmas stuff out since Miller was not at the house it was a perfect time to decorate. I was able to get everything out and put up in about 2 hours. But of course we did not have our tree yet. I even had time to take a nape before the BAMA game came on T.V. Nick had gotten home by the time I had finished the decorating so him and I took a nap together and then watched the first half of the game. I then went over and rescued mom form Miller, Nick had to work that night so I just stayed at moms till about 11 again. Like I said I love some family time.
Thanksgiving 2009!
Well it was Thanksgiving day and I was a little swollen but I would make it so I got up and took some medicine and got ready to go get Miller ready, he was at his Yaya's house. I got over there and got him dressed and then we were headed off to Nick's grandmothers house for lunch. After that I headed to my parents house and Nick went hunting and was going to come over to my parnets house for dinner. Once I got to my mom and dads house I unloaded the car and headed inside to see my uncle and aunt. We had the best time just getting to spend time with the family and telling stories from the past years I love family time I just wish we just had more hoildays to spend with each other. I guess we could always make some up. That night Miller and I and Nick all fell asleep at mom and dads I wake up about 11 so I went ahead and got Nick up and started loading the car back up. Mom said for Miller to just stay the night since it was so late and he was already sound asleep.
Sick & Surgery
Wednesday was a very busy day starting off with Miller sick and I was having surgery that morning in Birmingham. I also had been to the Dr. Tuesday to see if I could have a shot, well no I did not get one I got an antibiotic instead. So Wednesday before I left Judy picked me up and we took Miller to the Dr. to see what he really had hoping to get some kind of medication to help him breath and get that cough under control. Well I ended up having to leave before the Dr. came in so Judy stayed with him and then took him home and Miller stayed with her and Big George while mom was taking care of me. My surgery was scheduled for 10 that morning and we were just getting to hoover around 9:45, so I went ahead and called to let them know we were going to be late. Well we pulled in the parking lot right at 10 so I ran in and signed in and sate down and waited for my turn. My surgery lasted about an hour and then I was free to go home of course I do not remember any of the ride home. Once mom got me home I got in the chair and went right back to sleep once Nick got home mom said she would see me tomorrow. What a day! Oh and Miller just had a little cold.
Tuesday Night
Tuesday Night Nick and I had the Evans thanksgiving for the first time in our house. We loved having everyone over to eat and to spend some family time with each other. Maybe we can do it next year as well.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Its only Tuesday
Please tell me this week is almost over, yes I know its only Tuesday but it feels like it should be Friday on a regular week. Our week did not start off very good Nick woke up Sunday morning in a horrible mood and it just kept getting better! Miller stayed with Judy Monday due to what I thought was pink eye and then I felt like I was coming down with something and this could not happen at a better time. Because I am having thanks giving at my house Tuesday night and then having surgery Wednesday in Birmingham, and then Thanksgiving Thursday at maw maws and my parents house. So in the mean time while I am trying to figure out everything I though I will call my Dr. and see if she will give me a shot. Well she saw me ok and would not give me a shot so now I have to go get a perscription filled after work and I have about 15 people coming to my house to eat I guess they will have to wait. But this is my last day at work for the week thank goodness.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Sunday morning Miller and I got up for church and got ready and headed out the door and after church I noticed his right eye was matting up I though oh goodness what know. SO I just watched it for the rest of the day. It never got pink just the out side of it, so I called Judy and asked her is she did not mind keeping Miller and of course she said no. SO Miller is staying with his Yaya and his Big George today and part of the day tomorrow. I think its just his allergies but not sure so I am going to just keep him out since its a short week. I hope we get better soon.
The Brake In
Saturday night Nick and I were going to go eat at some friends house and he had told me to be ready at 5:30 so I had Miller and I ready to go all we had to do is get up and walk out the door. About 5:45 Nick was still not home I was getting a little frustrated, Miller was getting hungry and so was I. So at 6:00 I called Nick and asked was he on his way and he said I will be there in a minute, I asked were are you he said at the wood house ( his parents old house or in other words the moldy house as what Jessica calls it). I said oh what are you doing there he said it was broken in to Oh I said I did not realize that ( yes this is the house we live right across the street from). Well around 8:15 Nick and his father came over to bring what was left that the robbers did not take and put it in out garage. Well by this time I knew we were not going to our friends house to eat so I had to find something to eat because Miller and I were starving by know and Nick was also. Well Once everything settled down I asked Nick what they took and he said ALL of the deer meat ( those that do not know my husband and father-in-law all they do is hunt and fish) so this we now had 2 empty freezers that were just restocked for the year, well not anymore thanks to someone that couldn't get a job and get there own food. They also took all of Georges fishing rods and everything else you need to fish with. They also took Georges chain saw well I hope they can get gas for that oh but they will probably steel that too. They also did a good bit of damage to the out side of the house also. I just hope that who ever did this that the Lord will burden there harts and let them know what a horrible thing they have done and that they did not have to steel this from them that if they needed food they could have gone to a church or a soup kitchen to get that meal they needed. I will be praying for this person or people that they will find the lord and do the right thing.
Saturday Miller and I went to capital park and I took some Christmas pictures for our Christmas card this year. I am going to have a very hard time trying to decide witch one to pick they all turned out so good. Miller all so had so much fun running around out there, I think I may have to take him back just to play.
This past Friday I was getting ready to settle in for the rest of my workday when my phone rang. Well when I answered it it was Millers teacher saying Miller has a fever of 102.5 and he did not eat very much for lunch. So I told his teacher to go ahead and give him some Tylenol and I would be there shortly. Well I tell my boss and she said have a nice weekend, So I got all my stuff together so on Monday I could figure out were I left off on Friday. As I was getting in my car I had just realized I had NO Tylenol at our house so I would have to stop on the way to get him. I had thrown away all of it when they did the recall on it and never bought any more, we just do not use it that often how surprising is that considering all the allergies we have. I guess its because all the other medication we are on takes care of that. So I got to school and picked him up and took him home and him and I both took a really good nap on the cough together. Well when Miller woke up he was hot as a fire cracker so I took him in the bathroom and took his temp and it was 103.9 WOW I had a hot little boy on my hands. So I gave him some more medicine and we played and played. Then at dinner time he was not very hungry due to him not feeling very well so I just saved it for later on. Well around 9:15 he started feeling hot again but it was not time to give him any more medicine so I was trying to hold him off till about 10:30 well that did not work he fell fast a sleep around 9:30. Well 11:30 rolled around and he woke up and was Very Hot again so I took his temp and it was back up to 103.9 again so I gave him some more medicine and sent him back to bed. by the next morning he was up and ready to go so I changed his diaper and checked his temp and guess what it was gone I guess we just had a little 12 hour bug thank goodness. So glade we are better now.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Last night when I got home I had a wonderful surprise when I got there. Judy Nicks mother was at my house and was cleaning it for me how nice was that. I told her she did not have to do that but she said that since I offered to have the Evans Thanksgiving at our house then she felt like she need to help me clean since I have to work that Tuesday, and we are having thanksgiving that Tuesday night. Thanks Judy for everything you do for us.
The Grill
yesterday I went home again to eat lunch with nick but he was not there he soon called and asked me to open the fiance so he could drive the truck back there. So nice me I go back there and the dogs get out and start running all over the place boy was that fun on my lunch brake chasing dogs. Once he had pulled up I saw were he had once again bought him /us something a new GRILL. I told him if you don't quit buying stuff no one will have anything to get you for Christmas he said oh well. So I headed back to work and kept thinking why did he go and get a grill that is what I was going to get him for Christmas. Well after I got home last night Judy was at my house and I asked her if she saw ALL of Nicks new toys she said yes and Judy said I was told to watch Cooper (the Lab)to make sure he did not chew the gas piping on this grill. Well come to find out Cooper had chewed the bottom out of the other grill and all the wiring under it so we had to get a new one. So Nick was going to make sure Cooper could not get this one. So this grill will hook up to the gas tank that is hooked up to the logs in the fire place. So all of the piping is underground thank goodness. Maybe Cooper will leave this one alone.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Up And Burning
Day 3 for the fire place Nick worked on the logs, tank, and fire place all day yesterday and around 12 am he finished. So we both sat in the living room and just stared at it like we had never seen anything like it it was kinda funny. Well we both fell asleep in the living room last night, and I woke up around 4:30 this morning to Nicks alarm going off. So I got up and realized Nick had never locked up the night before. So the flood lights were still on and the garage was still up and the back door and the back yard door were unlocked so we were prime candidates to be robbed last night. So at 4:30 I locked everything up turned off lights and set the alarm. Well after I got up and got ready and got miller up and ready we were in the kitchen eating and I heard the fire place come on Nick had woke up and was sitting in his chair with the remote to the fire place and turns it on I thought my goodness could he get any lazier. Yes the fire place dose have a remote to it. Boy our life get more and more entrusting by the day.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Well this week our garage has been a busy place we have had 5 deer come threw there and be cleaned. Nick killed 2 in one day and then his dad yesterday killed 2 and I think Hunter ( my brother-in-law) killed one. Miller loves to sit out in the garage and watch his dad clean those things. I think they kinda stink my self but I have to look at it this way it cuts the grocery bill down so I am all for it. Lets see what the rest of the week brings us.
Fire Place
OK so if you ready my blog yesterday you saw were we are having some logs and a tank installed for the gas fire place. Well as of last night the logs were still in the living room floor and we still had no tank. So I went home to day for lunch and Nick was out side digging a trench for the gas line to go for the tank. Still no tank and the logs are still in the middle of the living room floor. So I will see what we have when I get home tonight.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Well it has been 2 weeks since Miller has been to swimming lessons, not because we have been sick but because we have had so much going on. Like Mallory's birthday and then Millers Dr.s appointments in Birmingham. So he will be going back to night I hope he dose well enough so I do not have to get in the water.
2 Weeks Off!
Nick is off for 2 weeks right now and I am loving it (sometime). SO while he is off he will be Hunting of course and doing things around the house. Like today we have been in our house for 3 years and have never bought any logs for the gas fire place so he went out and bought some logs and a tank for the gas and is going to try to have it hooked up before thanksgiving. So I went home for lunch to see how things were going and the logs were sitting in the middle of the living room and he was sitting in the chair. So I asked him HOW'S it going he never answered me I am assuming not good. So I though I will make me something to eat and watch him try to figure out how to get it hooked up. Well he got up and went out side and so I watched some T.V. and he never came back in so I figured he was out side doing something and would be back in a little while. Well once I finished lunch I had to head back to work and so when I went out side he was GONE. He never told me he was leaving so I am assuming the log thing is not going like he wants help me pray that he will get them working.
Things I Am Thankful For
This year and every year I am so thankful for everything in my life, God has blessed me with so many things How could I ever thank him. The only way I know is to fallow in his foots steps and hope I lead Miller in the right direction. This year I am thankful for:
Nick and Miller
My family
Nicks Family
Our wonderful house that the lord has given us.
Our Jobs so we can have the things we need and want.
Our loving animals even if they are wild sometimes.
Our loving friends
Our church Family
The strength to get up every morning and take that breath of fresh air that the Lord has provided us.
I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe thanksgiving this year I will be praying for each and everyone of you while you visit with friends and family.
Nick and Miller
My family
Nicks Family
Our wonderful house that the lord has given us.
Our Jobs so we can have the things we need and want.
Our loving animals even if they are wild sometimes.
Our loving friends
Our church Family
The strength to get up every morning and take that breath of fresh air that the Lord has provided us.
I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe thanksgiving this year I will be praying for each and everyone of you while you visit with friends and family.
Giving Thanks
Thanksgiving is coming up faster we can plain for it, and our family seem to be busier than ever this year. Judy has been doing the Evans Thanksgiving for the past 2 years, so I told her that I would do it this year at mine and Nicks house. Well after I had told her that I signed my little self up for mouth surgery the next day. So We will have thanksgiving Tuesday Night and I will go into surgery Wednesday morning at 10 it should only last 2 hours and I should be on my way home after that. Thursday we have Nicks aunts house we will go eat at and then my moms house we will visit. Boy what a day we will have, and I will be worn out so no shopping this year for me I look at it as a money saver for me, plus a new diet plan since I will only be able to eat certain things.
School and Miller
Some of you may know that we have been keeping Miller out of school for the past 2 weeks due to the flu and stomach bug going around. Well last Wednesday I was going to send Miller to school for the first time in 2 weeks, but little did I know THEY WERE CLOSED! I got there and was like WHAT! I had totally for gotten it was a holiday and that they would not be open I have never done that before. So I called my boss and told her that school was closed and I did not have anyone to keep Miller but I am trying to find someone so I will be at work as soon as I found that special person. So I called Yaya (Judy) and I could not get her to answer her phone or the house phone so then I thought I will try my mom well she did not get off till 12 so I thought well I can always go in after she gets him at least I would not be out a whole day. I then thought that Jessica may be off well she was not. So her and I kept trying Judy but I was not having any luck. So I thought well I will just push Miller around in his car till I hear form someone and then the phone rang and it was JUDY! She said to bring him right over. Boy what would I do with out Judy. But Miller did go back Thursday.
Hunting Season!
Well some of you may know that Nick is a big Hunter, he Bow hunts and Gun hunts, any type of hunting Nick dose it. So far this year he has gotten 2 deer, his work schedule has kept him from hunting as much this year. Not sure if that is a good thing or not, but I do know we do need the meat in our freezer, it keeps the grouser bill down.
Potty Training
Well some of you may remember me saying that I was going to try to start potty training, well we have not been very good at it. The only time Miller ever uses his potty is before he gets in the bathtub. At night when we go into the bathroom and he sees the potty he tries so hard to get his clothes off so he can use the big boy potty its so funny. Well the other night we were in the bathroom and he wanted to use his potty so we got undressed and he stood there and used the potty well then once he was threw potting he sat on the potty and I said Miller are you poo pooing and he said NO! So I just left him there and went to get something out of the kitchen ( he was on his potty not a big potty) and when I headed back into the bathroom he was in the living room with Jessica and I said what are you doing and he just looked at me and smiled. I then asked him did you poo poo in the potty and he said NO. Well as soon as he said no he poops on the floor I tell you what the kid has no clue when he has to go so I guess we will just work on the tee teeing for right now.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Dr. Appointment
Well as most of you know Miller had a Dr. appointment November the 10th at children's Hospital with an allergist and to check out our little swollen lymph node. Well we were seen by 3 Dr.'s and they all checked him out very well. it was so nice to sit there and they talk to you one on one and not make you feel rushed. The Dr's were in our room for about an hour and were asking all kind of questions. We were able to tell them everything we could think of. Once the Dr's determent what they wanted to do next with miller we had to go to the lab for some blood work. Once they get the blood work back if any thing comes back positive they will get use back ASAP. If not we will here about the results on the 16Th of December the day after Millers 2nd Birthday. That day we will also meat with a Food Allergy specialist, and she will then do food allergy testing on Miller so we can find out exactly what Miller is allergic too. We also were told he has the early stages of asthma so we now do an inhaler once a day to keep our cough down. Hopefully we can get some answers soon. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers.
Disney On Ice!
On November 6, 2009 mom and I took Miller to see Disney On Ice. Miller loved it he just sat there looking at everything it was so funny just getting to see what his face would look like when all the skaters came out. Well Miller did great during the first part of it but he did get a some ants in his paints during the second part but was still great. We can't wait till next year and go again.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Halloween Day
Friday night we were at moms and we went to give Miller a bath, while I was getting him undressed the rash was spreading pretty fast so I told mom to go ahead and bathe him and I will call the Dr. Of course it is Friday night at 9:30 so I get the answering service and they take a message and say the on call nurse will call you back. So 30min later I was like we are going to the ER, I got his bag ready and packed and the phone rings of course as we are walking out the door and then nurse said no do not take him to the ER just give him some medicine and if it is still there or worse in the morning call us back. So we did that and in the morning when I got him up it was every were, plus his lymph nodes were huge so I called the Dr. back and he told me to get him strait to the ER. Once we got there they took us right back and started paper work and the Nurse doing the computer work asked if he was allergic to anything I just started laughing and handed him Millers list of things he is allergic to. The nurse said OMG out load and said that he had never entered so many allergies in the computer for anyone I said well you have to have your first some time in your life. Once they started checking him out they made sure his throat was not closing up witch it was not thank goodness then they did a strep test on him they said that some times strep can start off as a rash and develop in to a fever boy that was nice to now. Once that came back negative the siad that he must be having an allergic reaction to something but do not know what. Once we got out of the ER we went home and took a nap. Once we got up we got dressed and went to Gigi's house and after that we went to the church. Boy what a day!
Friday, October 30, 2009
Halloween 2009!

Today Mom picked Miller up at school and when they handed him to her the teacher showed her that he had broken out into a rash. The teacher was in a panic because Miller is allergic to so many foods. So mom took him to get his hair cut and then went to get some medicine. We still are not sure what broke him out but he is on medication right now. But still has a rash, we did not take him to the allergies because we will be seeing a new one in about a week so I hated to start something and then change. So for right now we are going to watch him and make sure nothing else comes up.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Found Another One
Last night we ware over a Judy's eating diner and she said oh I think I found another knot so i felt it and yes there is one there but not sure if its one that has been there or one that has gotten bigger or one that just came up so we are just going to watch him and see what happens next. We go to children's Hospital November 10th.
Monday, October 26, 2009
DR. News
Over the weekend I happen to talk to some people and threw our conversations was told to call children s Hospital and look for an allergist there so this morning I called and got Miller an appointment with a allergist on November 10th and this Dr. looks at allergies and immunology so maybe we can find something out from him but other than that we are doing good.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Millers Knots
Just got the word that Miller still has all 10 swollen lymph nodes, but Dr. P said he looks good and healthy and for this to be the only symptoms he will not worry about it he looks very good. He wants to see him back at the age of 2. But he did say if they get bigger to come in. But we will still go see the ENT on the 30th of November to have blood work done. So we will just keep praying that they will go away.
Dr. Appointment
Well it has been a week now and Miller still has the knot behind his right ear. So mom is going to pick him up and take him to his DR. appointment. Not sure what they will do they may try antibiotics, or go ahead and do blood work not really sure. But I will keep everyone updated.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
The Knot
Well it has been a week now and Miller still has the knot behind his ear, it has gone down some but you can still see and feel it. So I am trying to get a Dr.'s appointment for him tomorrow I would try today but they are closed. So once we see the dr. not sure really what will happen, not sure if he will try antibiotics or send us for blood work. But I do know that in 5 weeks we will have blood work done for sure. Thank you all for all the thoughts and prayers.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Dr. Appointment
I just got the phone call from Judy. Millers Pediatrician found total 6 swollen Lymph nodes: 4 on one side and 2 on the other, Yes this dose include the one behind his ear. He then started checking by feeling his kidneys and liver and abdomen, and said those by feel look or feel good to him and he feel good about it. If you do not understand why he was checking thoughts places, he was checking for Lymphoma . So for right now he would like us to keep an eye out and watch him if they do not go away by this time next week we will take the next step. Millers Pediatrician said if this was an adult he would have sent him for further test. So lets pray that are little swollen Lymph nodes will go away.
What A Night
Yesterday Judy picked Miller up from school about 3:00 and took him back to her house. She cooked us dinner and we all ate before we went to church. Well Miller was not hungry, so we just saved his food for later or for me to pack for school today. Well when we got back from church we went back to Judys to get our stuff and to see daddy. Miller came in and started playing with his toys, around 9:00 I told Miller we needed to get home and take a bath and get to bed. Well then he started saying eat, eat. So I got his food back out and heated it up and gave it to him. While he was eating I was running my hands threw his hair and noticed a knot be hind his ear, I felt behind his other ear but did not notice anything then felt behind my ear's and still nothing. So Judy called a dear Friend that we go to church with that works in the medical filed and we took him over there. I really did not want to take him to the ER due to all the flu stuff going around. So once we got to Mrs. Susan's house she checked him out and said it probably is a lymph notes but I would have it check out by his pediatrician, but would not rush to the ER. So after finding that out we headed back home to go to bed well by know it was 11:30 and Miller is up still and running around. By 1:00 am Miller finally feel asleep and so did I. But he was back up at 5:15 so I put him in the bed with us and he slept till 6:30. So we were very fussy this morning and very tired. So when i got to work this morning I called the pediatrician and they said to bring him in so thank goodness for Judy she is going to get him and take him and let me know. Please keep him in his prayers that it is nothing Major.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Swimming Lessons Part 3!
Yes we are still taking swimming lessons and we are still loving them. But mommy has graduated from the water now and I am so excited. Last Tuesday was my first class were I did not have to get in and I LOVED it, But Mrs Cathleen told us to still come like we ware getting in the water just in case they got a little fussy. So last night we went back to swimming lessons and I got to stay out of the water again I loved it. Plus I like to watch what Miller has learned. Its hard to see what he has learned when you are in the water because you are trying to keep him focused while the teacher is teaching another child, But last night there were 2 teacher in the water with them. I hope it contuses.
The Diaper
This morning when Miller got up I went in there to get him out of his bed, and noticed that something looked different. Well of course he had pulled his diaper off in his sleep. But I felt the sheets and they were dry so I don't think it had been to long that he had gone with out it. Oh what the Lord Blesses us with on a daily bases in the Evans house hold.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Potty Time
This past Sunday Miller woke up earlier than normal, so I brought him in the room with me. I still had to take a shower and get ready for church. So I put Miller in the shower with me and took my shower first and then bathed him. Miller likes to stay in the shower after I get out so I let him because I can get ready faster. Well after I got done I said lets get out. So I got him out and dried him off and let him run around with out a diaper on. So I went to the kitchen and came back and saw that someone or thing had had an accident on the floor. At first I thought it was the dog but no she was in the kitchen with me. So I asked Miller did you poo poo on the floor and he said yes, so I told him if he needs to potty he needs to tell mommy or daddy. So then I cleaned it up and put it in the toilet and as I was throwing it in the potty Miller says yea and claps and then says bye bye. All I could do is laugh. So then I told him I was going to get his diaper and I would be right back, well I made it to the den and Miller came running after me mommy mommy I tee teed. So I looked at him and said you tee teed and he said yes. I said show me were you tee teed so he took me by my finger and took me back in to my bathroom and he had POOPED on the floor AGAIN! I said oh Miller and he clapped and said bye bye. I then called my mom to tell her and she said I think its time to start potty training. So I got him a potty and he has used it one time but other than that I think he thinks its a play toy. He will just sit on the potty and look at you but for some reason he thinks you have to take all your clothes off to use the potty I'm not sure were he gets that from. But we will see how far we get with this.
The Bed
Well as you may know I have made Millers bed in to a toddler bed, and as of Sunday night at 11:00 I have turned it back in to a baby bed that is right. Miller would stand be hind his door for 30 min to an hour crying and hitting the door so at 11:00 on Sunday night I got up and changed it out. I had been trying to put him down since 9:00 that night. As soon as I put him in that bed he cried for 5 min and was out. Monday night I put him down at 8:00 and he was asleep by 8:10. So little man was not ready for the big boy thing yet. Maybe closer to the summer he will be ready.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Disney On Ice
This past weekend mom and I were talking about taking Miller to see Disney on Ice. So yesterday at work I got on ticket master and found us some tickets. I am so excited and can't wait to go I know I am more excited them Miller he has no clue what he is in for. I have found out that we have some pretty good seats we are going to be sitting on the ICE! in seats 1 & 2 I could not believe we got that close so I hope this will keep his attention because T.V. dose not.
Family Time
This past weekend we had family in town. Chris My cousin, his son Aidan, My aunt Claudia form mobile. Chris had a racket ball tournament and he did pretty good from what I hear. Saturday for the game My cousin and his wife and 2 boys came in to town from Birmingham. We had so much fun watching all the kids play together. The ages of all the kids were 9 weeks old, 21months, 3 turning 4 this month, and 4. Boy was moms house fun. All the guys watched the game of carouse while we entertained the kids and talked and found out some of the best places to shop online and off. It was great getting to see all of them and the three boys play great together. Lisandra brought some of the cuties cup cakes they were elephants Alabama elephants, and a Alabama cookie it was very yummy! I hope we all can get together again soon.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Work Work Work!
Nick lately all he has done is work he started Friday night and will work till next Thursday morning. He has only had about 2 days off and he has been on nights. Yes we are very blessed for him to have a job right now but would love some family time also. So its just Miller and I at the house at night right now so yes its like I am a single mother. But Miller and I have so much fun at night to gather but we do miss daddy very much.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Bed Time
OK for all of you that want to know how bed time went last night, well I got in the bed with him and read I think 5 books and then told him it was time to turn the lights out and of course he said no. I told him that all little boys had to go night night and it was time for him to go night night. So yes I laid there with him and of course I fell asleep and woke up at 11:30 last night and stumbled to bed. I am hoping this will get better to night we will do the book thing again but I am going to try to read only 1 book and then leave and let him go to sleep by him self. I will let you know!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Christmas Shopping and The Book
Well if you don't know by now you will after you read this blog. I always start my Christmas shopping between July and August because Millers Birthday is the week before Christmas and I wont to enjoy ever minute of his birthday. Usually in July I am brain storming on the gifts on what to get and for who and how much money I will need. This defiantly helps if you are on a budget because you can buy a little at a time and not spend a chunk at one time I love doing it this way, and if you think about it most stores start putting there Christmas stuff out in July. During August I start by shopping for Millers teachers and the kids in Millers class at school and my Sunday school class. I start with the little things that add up during the holidays and then the big things. By September I am thinking about Christmas cards and I start seeing how many I may need. Well this year I went to get my book out and guess what there was no book. I have looked every ware I have cleaned out closets I have cleaned out dowers, cars, bags you name it I have looked and cleaned it out I have no clue ware it could be. So at lunch today I went out and bought another one. So far I have almost managed to refill it with names and addresses. I will keep up with this one a little better this time.
Its pumpkin time again and Yaya and Big George have a friend that lives right up the street from them that have pumpkins. They told Yaya to bring Miller up their and let him pick one or have pictures made with them. So after we got home last night I put Miller in some paints and we loaded up and went to check out the pumpkins. Once we got there they had already picked a pumpkin from the patch that had not gone bad yet so we just took a few pictures with that one. They also h ad these other little pumpkins that I had never heard of called egg pumpkins they are small pumpkins but look like eggs. You can do all kinds of crafts with them. So Yaya and I got a bag and started picking them sounds like I have my Sunday school activity already planed for Sunday.
Well I finally got a hole nights sleep since we have moved in to our big boy bed. We got on the coach about 8:45 and Miller fell asleep around 9:00 so I put him in his bed and he stayed there till this morning around 7:10 when I went in to get him up it was so nice. Tonight we will try getting in our bed and reading a book and then going to sleep let see who wins tonight Miller or I.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Nap Time and Bed Time

OK so if you have been keeping up with us you know that Miller has moved from a baby bed to a toddler bed, well lets just put it this way I NEED SLEEP! So the first night went well and the second night went well then he spent the night with my parents and so I guess the new wore off during his stay with them. So all weekend long we had a little problem getting him to lay down to go to sleep. Like Saturday he decided he wonted to get up at 5:30 and play and he never went back to sleep and then would not go down for a nap till 4:00 but I had to lay down with him, so we took a nap Saturday from 4:00 to 6:00 and then we didn't go to bed till 11:00 that night, so then Sunday he was back up at 6:30am. This is the child I could put in his BABY BED at 7:45 and he would go to sleep and not wake back up till 7:00 the next morning BOY have we changed since we have changed out the bed I think I wont the baby bed back. So Sunday after church we ate down in the fellow ship hall and Miller Slept for about 30 minutes but was up and ready to go after that and never lad back down till it was time for bed and then I had to lay down with him to get him to go to sleep and I fell asleep. This will be a long week I am praying it will get better.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Big Day Sunday
This Sunday Big George is going to be baptized at church. There are also several other people being baptized Sunday. Along with my best friend Mary-Virginia, we are so excited for them and after church we will be having something in the gym. I hope to have pictures monday.
The Weekend Is Hear
Miller and I are going to start are weekend off by eating dinner at GiGi and Bo's house. Nick is on nights this weekend so we try to plan not to be home during the day so Nick can sleep. But this weekend we may just have to stay at the house witch is fine since it is a 80% chance of rain, there is plenty for me to do like always. I can't wait to see what I find to clean out I will let you know.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Baby Bed
Well last night before church Nick and I changed Millers bed to a toddler bed how sad is that. I have been thinking about changing it for a while now and just could not do it, and Miller kept wanting to sleep in are bed. So I decided I just had to do it I came to the fact that I loved his baby bed and that was the reason for not wanting to change it. But it had to be done so I just did it. Miller was at yaya's and big Georges while Nick and I were doing this so he had no clue. When we got home from church I took him back there and let him see it he had the biggest smile on his face like he had just gotten a new toy it was the cutest think ever. He crawled in his bed and looked at Nick and I and said night night and Nick and I just laughed. He kept going back there and claiming in the bed I think that he like the fact that he could get out by him self. After we had a bath I told him it was night night time and he said no I told him he had to sleep in his new bed. So we went in there and he looked at me and said momma and pointed to the pillow, I asked him if he wonted me to lay down with him and he said yes. So I told him that I would lay down with him but only if he went to sleep, well that lasted about a minute and he was up again. So then I said get a book Miller and I will read you a story and then we have to go night night and he said OK. So we got a book and he looked at it he would not let me read it to him so after that he still would not lay down I was starting to wounder what have I done. So I told him that I was going to clean up the kitchen and I would be right back but he had to stay in his bed he said all right that is his new word all right every thing is all right. After i cleaned up I went back in there to check on him and he was sound asleep. Even though there are rials on the bed I was still afraid that he was going to fall off so I asked Nick do you think should put pillows on the floor just in case he falls off Nick looked at me and said why. I looked at him and said well I don't wont him to hurt him self, so he said well if you want to so I put just one pillow down for him but we did not use it. I guess we will see how tonight go's.
The Biggest Loser 2!
That's right last Tuesday night The Biggest Loser started up again and I was in heaven. Miller has swimming lessons on Tuesday nights so I recorded it so I would not miss anything. I love this show and look forward to Tuesday nights. Its amazing how much weight these people have already lost.
The McWane Center

Last Saturday mom and I decided to take Miller to the McWane Center for the day WOW is all I have to say. We arrived the around 11:15 and we were kinda concerned about what we were going to feed Miller considering he would be getting hungry soon. Little did we know that the McWane Center has a lunch room for all of there visitors, they have hamburgers, hot dogs, subway, smoothies and pizza hut and its all very healthy other than the pizza hut they are big on nutrition there. While we were in line to order one of the workers over heard us trying to decide what to get Miller because of his food allergies, she said it is our job hear to get him what he needs to eat we try are hardest to provide for those that have food allergies. So we ordered him something and we did not have to pay full price considering it was not a full meal. It was very nice considering it is very hard to find places that will help you out on food. After we ate we bought our tickets and headed in to the museum. It was amazing all the different things that Miller could do I new it was for all ages but I had no idea. He could do every thing it was really fun even though he did unplug one of the machines. After going to ALL 4 floors we headed back home around 4:30 and Miller fell asleep on the way home. We had a great time can't wait to go back.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
We Went Riding

Claudia's Birthday
Our Trip To Mobile

Thursday, September 3, 2009
Boy What A Morning

Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Millers Gater

Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Miller Riding the Tractor

Monday, August 31, 2009
The Weekend
Are weekend was quit good I will have to say even thought Nick had to work Friday night, It was not as busy as are weekends have been. Nick worked Friday night, so Miller and I took Mary V some ice cream and I got Miller some so he could eat it but he really did not like it. So I ate his yum yum it was so good. Saturday we had Nicks cousin's wedding to attend and we also were going to some friends house to eat dinner. The wedding was wonderful and Miller slept threw that hole thing but was awake for the reception. After that we went home to get ready to go to are friends house to eat dinner we had a wonderful time there, and the food was so good like always. Sunday we had church and then we came home and had lunch and took a really good nap. Then back to church for the puppet show. I took Miller thinking he would love it but he really was not entrusted in it so he went to the nursery to play. That night at church we had a little incident someone truck was broken into that is so sad we can't even go to church with out something happening. They did catch the kids that did this and the persons truck they got into was nice enough to let the police file a report. But he did not wont charges to be filed. Other than that we had a great weekend.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Ahead of my self
My mom tells me all the time how organized I am when it come to a closet or planing something well I guess I am. I have already started my Christmas shopping and all I have left is 3 people and Millers teachers boy does it feel good. I also already have Millers birthday planed part way I know what day and I have a time. But I still have to do invitations and cake. The cake will be easy I just have to find the invitations and take one to the bakery and let them copy it. Oh and I have Millers birthday present already to no its not raped but I can have that done tonight if anyone would like. Nick and I decided to get Miller a BIG tonka truck he loves to push things around this will be perfect. I will keep everyone updated on the birthday party.
It's Friday
It is finally Friday and Nick has to work tonight so I think Miller and I will go home and eat some dinner and then we may go get son Ice Cream not sure though. We have several free ice cream coupons that we have gotten the past few times we have gone to are doctors appointment and have not used them yet so we may just take a trip there just the 2 of use. I love Friday nights just the two of use it is so much fun.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
After school had started I decided Miller needed some new school shoes, Yes he had some but they sis not fit him. So in the mean time the children's shoe store here in town closed and the wonderful store belk was remodeling and they were not getting any more in till they were done so that left us with going to birmingham. So mom and Miller and I got to the Mall and found him his shoes and did a little shopping for Miller of course. That monday i sent him to school in his new shoe and guess what he came home with mud all over them yep that was lovely to see. Yes i did get it cleaned up and they don't looke good as new but they are close enough.
last Friday I went to pick up Miller at school and they showed me a ant bite or I guess a bug bite. I looked at it and just said yea he get them so easy and didn't think any thing of it. That Saturday morning i went to get him up and I saw a few more on his face still didn't think any thing of it. Well that Sunday I went to get him up for Sunday school and sow that he had more I though Oh no he has the chicken pocks. Well the more I looked no he had ants in his bed FIRE ANTS in his bed. They were under his pillow they were under the matters on the floor everywhere. So I striped his bed got us ready fro church and headed out the door. When we got home I started cleaning up and saw that they were also in the den on the floor. This should have told me that this week was not going to be good. Monday I and Miller went for a run and when I got home I had a plate in the sink and it was yellow but not monday night it was black. Yes it was covered in FIRE ANTS, I then looked on the floor and saw were they were coming from Every Ware! They were in the dinning room in the kitchen. So I cleaned that up also. So far no more ants we will have to see what the rest of the week will bring us.
Some Pictures of The Wedding

The Month of August
Well this month we were tiring to get read for school Miller start in the 2's and I had to get some things ready for his first day. Miller needed a sleep mat and a back pack and a lunch box, one we got that we then had to get names on everything. School started August the 10th and Miller had a GREAT 1st day, and so far we have only been in time out 1 time good job Miller man.
The Month of July

The Month Of Junes

It's Been A While Again!

Thursday, June 4, 2009
The Beach Trip!

Miller Is Sick!
Well this went on about 3 weeks. I picked Miller up one day at school and they said that it looked like he has getting pink eye so I looked at it and YES there was no I think he had pink eye he had the full blown pink eye so I called the Dr. and they called me in something for it, so we did that and the next week the school was calling me telling me that he had pink eye in the other eye so I went and got him and was out of work again. So then the next week they called me and said that he had a fever so I left work and took him to the Dr. and they checked for strep and the flu all was good the only thing they could come up with was it is a fever vi rise so I said OK. He ran a fever from Tuesday to Friday at 103.0 the highest it ever got was 103.8. Poor little guy. But we are better now.
Last Month!
OK well last month Miller went to the Dr. and he had a little cough so he put us on an antibiotic to help the cough but he also gave us a prescription for an inhaler. But he only said fill it if the antibiotic did not work. So we were on that for 10 days and 4 days later the cough was back so I called the Dr. and he told me to fill the inhaler so I did. Well that was like fighting with a cat, so I called back and then they put him on a liquid steroid and I tried putting it in everything so he would take it so then I though I am going to try it. OMG that was the nastiest stuff I had ever had I dumped it out there was no way he was going to take that. So finally the cough went away thank goodness.
It's Been A While!

Thursday, April 23, 2009
For those that have no clue what Mallory has been up to I will be glade to feel you in. This passed week she has been sick with all the mess going around. She also is playing softball for my church. She played last year and really liked playing with all the girls on the team. So she thought she would do it again this year. Mallory currently has a really cute apartment that she has been in for several months now and seem to really like it. Just a little update.
Planting Time
It's that time of year again and Nick has been working in the yard. He has planted the Garden and we have done a little landscaping also, Nick planted 2 apple trees and 4 blueberry bushes, he has also planted strawberry bushed and he also was every nice and planted my rose bushes. The rose bushes seem to be the only thing I can keep alive at out house. We also pulled up the land scape timbers that we had but down the year we found out I was pregnant. Well since then we have gotten 2 dogs and they are in the back yard and now there is no back yard. Anything we plant they dig up or eat those monsters. But so far they leave the grass a lone thank goodness because that is all we have. In Nicks garden he has planted corn, tomato's, peppers, cucumbers, watermelon, squash, peas, beans, okra, there may be some other things he had planted but this seem like hall I can remember. I will keep you updated on the yard plus the garden.
Monday, April 20, 2009
This Weekend!

Friday, April 17, 2009
The Day Before Easter

The OutFit

Not sure if you remember me saying that the outfit that Miller is wearing in Jessica's wedding is the same one he will wear for Easter. Well on the Wednesday before Easter I was calling to see if our outfit had come in because we also were having pictures made Friday but we were told it would be ready that Wednesday. So as I was saying I called and the girl that answered the phone said no that they had not come but would defiantly be there Thursday so I said OK. Well Thursday came and still no outfit. From what I was told the guy that makes these out fits never got the fax at least that is what I was told so it was never made, but I was also told that he forgot to put it in the box with the rest of the outfits he had made who knows what really happened. But anyways then I was told that it would be here on Friday at 12 so we were going to have pictures made at 9 had to push those back to 3:00, so at 12 I called up there and still no outfit so then I ether had to cancel or find another out fit for Miller to wear in his pictures. Well we found another outfit for him and got there around 2:25 for his pictures. Now we are just waiting on them to come in. Also Miller go to hold real Bunny's in his pictures. Once we figured the outfit was not coming in on Friday we just decided to head to the house to relax. Then Saturday came and we got the magical call that it was in so I ran over there and picked it up it is gouges. I couldn't wait to get it on him and start taking pictures.
Easter 2009

Monday, April 6, 2009
The Zoo Tripe
Oh our ZOO tripe has been canceled due to weather. Yes we were going to go to the ZOO this Friday but it is suppose to be raining so I decided to save it for another weekend. When I told Nick that he said that we didn't need to go anyways because Miller won't know what is going on. i told him that if you wait till a child knows what is going on than he will be behind he needs to learn early, I told him the Miller dose know what the animals are. We will go we just won't tell Nick when we go. Ha ha ha
This Past Week

Our Trip

This was in Adin's room on his horse.
Yes this is late but late is better than never. We had a great time in Mobile, yes we did have some rain the night before the run in face we had a storm and it scared me to death. I usually love storms but I guess being in a 200 year old house with 7 foot windows scared me a little. So the next morning we woke up with no electricity so we did what we could to get ready. once I was half way ready the power came back on and found out that the runs had been postponed to start later than normal. Moms was suppose to start at 8 but they pushed it back to 9 and mine was suppose to start at 9:30 and was pushed back to 11:30. Witch was fine by me because I got to eat something be fore I went. Mom finished hers in 1 hour and 52 min. and I finished mine in 15min. I will probably do the 6 mile one next year, I really enjoyed doing this. After we cleaned the house up and all the people were gone we left and headed to the bay house home a way from home I love going to the bay house you feel like you have no worry's there at least that's the way I feel. We stayed there that night and cooked shrimp and fish yum yum! The next morning Chris cooked all of us breakfast and it is always good. After that we got our baths and pack up and we headed home. THANKS FOR SUCH A GREAT WEEKEND CHRIS AND LISA!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
This Week
Well this week is going be quit nice I may say, Nick is on nights and Miller, Mom, Dad and I leave friday for mobile I am so excited. I am so ready for a nice little out of town weekend just to get a way and enjoy some different air to breath and also to see the family. It is suppose to be raining this weekend there but I am hopping that the weather will change for us. I will keep you posted on how our trip went.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Well to start off my day I had to take my car to have the oil changed and then I had a dental appointment. While I was there mom received an e-mail from he brother letting us know some horrifying news that my cousins wife, her parents house had burned yesterday. I couldn't believe that, they said it had started in the office of the house. But the Lord was watching over them her and her mother and Paxton there little boy were just there. They had just left for lunch and they got the phone call from the alarm company letting them know that the smoke alarms were going off. When they got there the house was in flames and the told them that they had animals in side, the fire fighters were unable to rescue the animals due to some guns that her father had in the house. The guns started going off and they could not take the chance of one of there mean getting hurt. Everyone is fine other than the lose of there animals. So please pray for them while they put there life back to gather.
Kidney Stone!
Well I went to the Dr. today for the kidney stone that I had not passed yet, and yes it is still there. So the Dr. had looked at all the test that they had ran in the hospital and the X-Rays and the test said that everything looked normal. But the X-Rays show that I have several kidney stones in both kidneys, so now he wont's me to do a 24 hour pee test and then send it off so they can find what is cosign them. This should be fun considering I have to catch evey single bit of tee tee and they said that it would be good if I could stay at home to do the test, UH yea right. I don't think they realize that I work M-F 8-5 and I have a 15th month old when would they like me to stay home. So when I get home I will call the number that they gave me and they will send me a kit to pee in as of right know I will keep straining my pee.
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