Well this past week has been a little crazy, Thursday we had some pretty scary storms come through Tuscaloosa and Northport. So they decided to let school out early so I got to leave work at 2:30 I loved that. I went and got Miller and we went home and I cleaned house thank goodness, because little did I know that Friday that the school would once call again and tell me that Miller was running a fever. So I got to leave work at 12:15, I loved that to, considering that my throat was hurting a little. After I got Miller from school I took him to the Dr. and they said it was the started of CROUP. But they couldn't give me anything for it because his was the start of it and he was really not showing any sighns of infection. Well by that night he still had a fever and I was getting sick as well, my nose was running and my head was hurting and I had a lot of presher in my head. I hated that we were getting sick because we had a full weekend planed. We were supose to go have lunch with some friends had to cancel that, but her little boy also woke up with a runny nose, and after lunch we were going to the air show to see the BLUE ANGLES I was so excited about going. Well we canceled that to but I think that was a good thing because we had 2 motoercycles come by the house and the noise scared Miller hafe to death he came running back to me crying, I guess it was a good thing that we didn't go. But little did we know that Nick was at work video taping it for us so we did get to see some of it. I hope we get to felling better soon.
1 comment:
We enjoyed having everyone over for the Azalea Trail Run party! It went by way too fast! We look forward to seeing you real soon. Kiss Miller for me (Im not "infected" anymore)! ;)
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