This was in Adin's room on his horse.
Yes this is late but late is better than never. We had a great time in Mobile, yes we did have some rain the night before the run in face we had a storm and it scared me to death. I usually love storms but I guess being in a 200 year old house with 7 foot windows scared me a little. So the next morning we woke up with no electricity so we did what we could to get ready. once I was half way ready the power came back on and found out that the runs had been postponed to start later than normal. Moms was suppose to start at 8 but they pushed it back to 9 and mine was suppose to start at 9:30 and was pushed back to 11:30. Witch was fine by me because I got to eat something be fore I went. Mom finished hers in 1 hour and 52 min. and I finished mine in 15min. I will probably do the 6 mile one next year, I really enjoyed doing this. After we cleaned the house up and all the people were gone we left and headed to the bay house home a way from home I love going to the bay house you feel like you have no worry's there at least that's the way I feel. We stayed there that night and cooked shrimp and fish yum yum! The next morning Chris cooked all of us breakfast and it is always good. After that we got our baths and pack up and we headed home. THANKS FOR SUCH A GREAT WEEKEND CHRIS AND LISA!
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