Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Getting Back on Track

Most of you know I have been out of the loop for about 4 months with bed rest and then recovering after having baby so I am going to try very hard to update once a week but don't hold that to me! Well I started back at work on Feb 7 and they had been very slow since I had left so once I came back my hours were cut pretty good witch I am not complaining Nick on the other hand is not so happy! But I know work Mondays and Fridays 12-5 and Tues-Thurs 10-5 like I said I LOVE MY NEW HOURS!!!! Fisher started daycare and it is going very well, at first I was having issues with sending him ( I think it was hormonal) but new that he would be fine. Miller also had to start back full time witch he was not use to since he had been going part time while I was out, we are still having a hard time getting up and going in the mornings. I am still nursing/ Pumping and it is going well I hope I can do this at least till Fisher starts eating foods but if not I know he has gotten a very good supply for me. I hope to get some pictures up soon but since I have 2 at home its a little harder to do so now.

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