Friday, January 13, 2012

Busy Week

We normally are house bums during the week and on the go on the weekends, but this week we have been on the GO! Nick has been off from Dec 23 to Jan 12 YES a long time, so this week we stayed home Monday but Tuesday Miller started swimming again. Then on Wednesday we went to CHOM that afternoon and did groovin & Movin Miller said he didn't like it but he hasn't stopped talking about it so we will be trying that again. Wednesday night Thanks to yaya and Big George they kept the kids and Nick and I went to Chucks Fish to Eat with Jessica and hunter it was Very Yummy!! Thursday came and it was time for Nick to go back to work and us to get back in a routine I guess you would say haha. Nick went back on days so the boys and I hung out at the house till about 3 and then we went to the store to buy some things to make Chili that was also yummy. Friday came and we had an early play date at CHOM (9:30) of course we were late because nothing can go normal in the mornings. The first thing was Miller got up at 5 saying he was ready to go I said go back to bed I will wake you up Lord that child will NOT sleep for nothing. Then my alarm went off and of course I hit the snooze button at least 5 times, once I was ready fisher was up by then and ready to go I bathed him the night before but lord that hair was out of control so I had to wet it down! I got Fisher ready sat him down to eat and then it was Millers turn to get up (yes he fell back asleep thank the lord) this was the challenge as always! Once he was up and dressed he had to cry/win about his socks not fitting right so we changed shoes that didn't work then we changed socks and shoes and I then had a happy boy thank goodness. By know it was 9:15 and yes we were to be there at 9:30 so as I go load the car I open the door the cat comes in and the dog go's out and the cat had left us a NICE gift at the back door Thanks Lucy! After that was cleaned up and the kids were strapped in the car it was time to go thank goodness and it was now 9:30. Once we got to CHOM we headed down stairs and joined are fun play dates, the kids had a blast everyone left around 11:30 but we stayed and Miller and Fisher played some more we finally left at 12:30 and headed over to eat lunch with Gigi at as Miller calls it Chick a lay (chick ful a) and the little bugger played more he did eat first. after lunch we headed home and crashed I put Fisher down for a nap (he was way past do) and Miller went out side to play. Boy what a day I'm pooped!

Thanks for Reading

The Evans !

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

We Won!

So I don't have to tell anyone that Alabama Won the National Championship!!!!

Last night I knew would be a long night so I feed Fisher early and he was in the bed by 6, yes he likes his sleep thank goodness because Miller doesn't sleep for nothing. So after I put him down Nick, Miller and I sat down to watch the Tide Bring home #14. We started off eating hamburgers and fries yum! I put Fisher down early because I just new Nick or I would wake Fisher up but guess what he never moved I guess he was out until 11:30 he wakes up and is ready to play. Miller on the other hand is now asleep thank goodness. I guess Fisher just wanted to join the after party at the house with Nick and I. Oh don't worry it wasn't a big bash it was just Nick and Miller and I But I developed a headache after the game so I guess Fisher and my headache were ready to go.Once I put fisher back down I went to bed Nick slept in the chair I guess to watch the 5,00000 reruns on ESPN of the game and the interviews. But all I can say is boy what a game! ROLL TIDE!!!!!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Night and Day

Since I have had fisher we have noticed that Miller and him are NOTHING alike haha. Fisher eats EVERYTHING and Miller wont eat anything! They are so different, both boys birthdays are in December and so of course we had fishers 1 year check up along with Millers a few days later. Fisher is 21.3 pounds and Miller is 31.2 pounds not much different. We keep telling Miller he better watch out Fishers going to get him once he gets old enough.

Leg update!

I think most of you know that we saw a new surgeon back in November and he told us good and negative things:

Good things:

Miller can have a surgery to help reduce the pain in his leg and may only have to have this done every 5 to 15 years depending on how well everything go's the first time.

Negative things:

Miller will have to be in the hospital for 1 to 2 nights in ICU at UAB.

Miller is VERY small for his age (witch we already new that)!

Millers leg is not getting the blood flow that is needs for the leg to grow or work the way it needs.

Miller has one leg shorter then the other but not enough to worry about at this moment.

These are just a few things we have learned good and bad as you read you saw there were more bad then good! But Nick and I know God is in control and will guide us in the direction we need to take to get miller better. When we went to meat this new Dr. I was excited but very nerves just because its the unknown to what they have to say about the whole thing. The last one we meat with brushed us off and never contacted us again very upsetting. When I told Millers oncologist he sent us to this new Dr. Dr. Taylor is a Very Nice man the best part of the appointment (well there were several) was that he said the only one that knows the out come is God I think I was in shock just to hear those words because its not everyday you have a Dr bring the lord into his appointment. He also has three small children around millers age and used them several times as examples and of course that makes a momma feel so good. He told us that he would like us to monitor miller for the month of Dec and if he complains more then once a week then it would be in the best interest of Miller to go ahead with the surgery if not then he would like us to wait till he is a little older to do anything. Well threw the month I have written EVERYTHING down and BOY he complains more then I thought the least amount was 3 times a week so now Nick and I have to make a choice on when to have this done. Of course Dr. Taylor has to get a team together to work with him so this may take a while as does everything else with UAB. Oh don't get me wrong I LOVE UAB But when it comes to children they are kinda stand off a little. But with the tumor Miller has Children's is out of the question they will not see us. So with that said we will pray and wait for the perfect team to be put together for Miller.

Thanks for reading

The Evans

Read before wrighting

So after I posted the new post I went back to read it and saw that I had writton after I had Fisher boy do I feel stupied! I guess I need to make sure I read before I post next time. But I hope that wont happen again I hope to update at least once a week I would love to update everyday BUT with two kids at home I'm not so sure that will happen.

Way way to long!!!

Well the last time I posted I was on bed rest prego with fisher well it has now been a year later!!! Yikes that's way to long to let this blog go. So I'm going to try really hard to update better. Well as I said it has been a year since I had updated miller turned 4 on dec 15 an fisher turned the BIG 1 on dec 20th. We have had such a blessed year with both boys. Of course bringing fisher in to our family was a big blessing and finding a surgeon that told us WHY millers leg hurts him and that he can help the pain those were too BIG blessings that we are so thankful for. Also threw the year I was able to quit work and stay at home with both boys! Yes that is right we pulled both boys out of daycare and they are at home with me full time. It has taken some adjustment but we are making it. I am working with miller daily on his letters and as of right now we are working on how to spell his name this is very frustrating for him and I! But the Lord defiantly helps him and I out daily with this. Fisher started walking sat still a little wobbly but that's ok because he is everywhere!! Hope to share pictures better also so everyone can see how both boys are growing!