Tuesday, January 10, 2012

We Won!

So I don't have to tell anyone that Alabama Won the National Championship!!!!

Last night I knew would be a long night so I feed Fisher early and he was in the bed by 6, yes he likes his sleep thank goodness because Miller doesn't sleep for nothing. So after I put him down Nick, Miller and I sat down to watch the Tide Bring home #14. We started off eating hamburgers and fries yum! I put Fisher down early because I just new Nick or I would wake Fisher up but guess what he never moved I guess he was out until 11:30 he wakes up and is ready to play. Miller on the other hand is now asleep thank goodness. I guess Fisher just wanted to join the after party at the house with Nick and I. Oh don't worry it wasn't a big bash it was just Nick and Miller and I But I developed a headache after the game so I guess Fisher and my headache were ready to go.Once I put fisher back down I went to bed Nick slept in the chair I guess to watch the 5,00000 reruns on ESPN of the game and the interviews. But all I can say is boy what a game! ROLL TIDE!!!!!

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