Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Birth Plan

OK so when you are pregnant you hear all theses people talk or ask you OH do you have a birth plain? Well I am hear to tell you mine and it is to just have a healthy baby! Yes I would love for it to go like Millers only a little less pushing but considering I have not had the best pregnancy this go around I don't think the delivery will be as Millers was. But if I had to have a DREAM birth plain this is kinda how it would go: I wake up one morning on a Monday of course and Nick is OFF and I look at him and say Nick Lets go its time to have the baby, we get Miller up and drop him off at Yaya's or Gigi's witch ever one we can get to first. Then we head to the hospital and get there and they say come right on in start my IV and get me going By Lunch I have a baby with no pain and everyone is happy! Remember this is JUST a Dream, and some of you are probably wondering why a Monday Well that means I will go back to work on a Monday after my time off I like to make it even none of this odd stuff that's just me. But I know that this Dream birth Plain is yes a BIG Dream it will not even go anything like this I can bet money on that. When the time comes I can probably tell you kinda how its going to go Nick will be working nights and I will start contracting in the middle of the night I will have to get Miller up and in the car by my self I will be calling who ever I can get on the phone first so I can drop or they meet me and we do the swap with Miller and then I call Nick and he is in one of his really good moods (if you have a husband that works shift work you know what I am talking about) and he will probably say well OK well call me when you get there to make sure they are keeping you because he will know my mom will be there. So I will call him and say YES it is time get your ass to the hospital (yes we do love each other). Time he gets there it will be time to push witch he will love because he did not have to do the waiting this go around BUT I will probably Push at least 6 hours if not longer so we will be very tired and then Miller will come in to see baby Fisher and want to hold and kiss on him and mommy and daddy will want to sleep. But you know as I wright this and complain I am really thankful for such a adventurous family were always something new and unexpected things happen on a spear of the moment . So even if I don't have a BIRTH PLAIN it is God's birth plain for me and my Crazy family and NO, NO mommy's are to be in the delivery room I will have it the same way I had it with Miller ME of course Nick, Jessica, and Mallory oh and this time Mallory promises she will not have been drinking when she gets the phone call I just learned about this Friday night I had no clue she had been out with friends drinking she did a great job hiding it at least from me.

OH Chocolate

Today I was having a chocolate attack the first for my pregnancy I have had it is usually fruit. So I went home at lunch and made Chocolate chocolate chip muffins and brought some to work with me of course some of the guys saw them and I decided I needed to share but I did eat most of them my self don't worry I really only had 3. Well after I was done I had heart burn really bad and thought well that did not go over very well with me but soon after that baby Fisher started moving A LOT but the more I watched my tummy it was in the same place poor thing I gave him the hiccups so I guess this is a news flash that when I have him NOT to eat chocolate while I am nursing him it dose not settle well. I would hate to have a scramming baby on my hands with a 3 year old running around this would happen only the days that Nick would be at work and I would have no help! I think I may wright this down so i will remember once that day comes not to eat chocolate.

Monday, August 30, 2010

22 Weeks and Counting!

Well I am 22 weeks and not feeling great but baby Fisher is filling good considering he is moving all over the place. I have had a Sinus infection since Wednesday and I still don't fell any better. I did get someone to see me last Wednesday and the did give me meds but that is all they can do I hope by the end of the week I am feeling much better. Miller has finally said what the baby's name is you can asked Miller what is the baby's name and he will say Fisher its so cute I try to get Miller to talk to the baby and he will a little bit but not much.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Deer!

Well most of you know that Nick and one of his friends found a baby deer 2 or 3 weeks ago and I tell you wait it is the cutes and sweeties thing ever and so easy there are some days I think about trading my husband and child in for another one, more the husband then the child. She is very small and we are having to bottle feed her and help her use the bathroom. She Stace's on our screened in porch while we are not there and we will let her in the house when we are there. When she has to use the bathroom she go's to the back door and we let her out to go and when she is hungry she will go to the fridge it is quit funny to see. We hope she will grow big and strong and once she leaves use will come back to visit but we have no control over that it is up to her and the Lord to decide that. We have to keep in mind she is a wild animal and once they grow out of the baby part they have there own life.

Miller and his Hat

This is quit funny! I don't know why boys have to name there you know wee wee as we call it but they do. Well Miller has named his his HAT I have no clue were he came up with this. but the other day he was on the potty and he said mommy my hat hurts get it off I had to tell him it doesn't come off he said YES get it off I then had to tell him that he was going to have to ask daddy to help him with that. I had no clue what to say to him poor thing. Oh the things kids say!

Potty Training

Well I think we have done it we have had no accidents since the first day of school thank the LORD! We now only wear a pull up at night and usually only have one accident a week so talk about saving money gosh I am loving not have to by diapers and pull ups every week. But Miller will now tell you when he has to use the bathroom and he will go I have only had one time that he has told me and we have gotten in there and he decided he did not have to go. After Miller gets threw using the bathroom he loves to wash his hands his Gigi got him a stool to stand on but he will need to get a little taller to reach the water.

20 & 21 Weeks

OK so I am putting these two weeks together since they both are about the same I am feeling pretty good considering I am 5 1/2 months prego and its been 100 out side but feels like 200 to me. We are getting very excited for Fishers BIG DAY in just 4 months. Yes that is right I can't believe that just in 4 months we will become a family of 4. I am kinda sad about it but happy to I will defiantly miss my Miller and mommy time we have when Nick is at work but I know that Miller will soon be going with Nick or his Big George to hunt or fish and I will get that time with baby Fisher like I did with Miller. I have already started seeing Miller wanting to be with nick more and more this could be a good thing once the baby gets hear. This past weekend I felt the best I have felt threw my hole pregnancy and got quit a few things done that needed to be done like cleaning the bath room OH don't worry I have been cleaning it but I really got it good this weekend. I hope I stay feeling this good it makes it easy to do things around the house.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Millers Day

Yesterday when I went to pick Miller up he was still in the same clothes I dropped him off in I was so excited we are getting this potty thing down! So last night I told him OK Miller we have church what do we do when we get to Church he said GO POTTY I said that is right so we don't have any accidents. Well during church time I took him and another little boy to the bathroom and Miller saw him standing while he went potty so Miller thought he was going to try that and he did great! so know every time we go potty we have to stand up know! This morning when Miller went potty he told me OK momma you can push the button and you get a sticker. I was like OK and I made a BIG deal about it. I know y'all are probably wondering WHAT is the button well I ordered this potty training kit thing several months back before I ever knew we would be having another one and it came with this button that Miller can push and it makes the sound of the potty being flushed and then a man saying YOU DID A GREAT JOB! and an audience cheering and clapping in the back ground he loves it and then he gets a sticker. So when I got my sticker this morning I put it on my shirt and didn't think anything of it until I got to work and one of the guys said whats with the sticker I said ITS A POTTY THING he just laughed. I have learned when trying to get your child to do what you need or want him/her to do you will do anything and you don't care what people think especially if you will be saving MONEY in the end. If i have to wear a sticker everyday to get Miller to use the potty with no accidents then I will. Today my sticker is a mouse and it says EXCELLENT!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Baby Fisher

Everyday we get more and more ready for baby Fisher to make his arrival even though we need him to stay in a few more months. I went over to mom's house last night and got Millers Car Seat that we will be using for baby Fisher or as Miller calls him Fisher Baby. Well once Miller saw it he said what that mommy I said that is baby Fishers Car Seat he said OH and started pulling out everything and claimed right into it and little did I know Miller still fists in it and still is the weight for it poor kid just can't gain the weight. Once I got Miller out of the baby car seat and into the car we headed home form a long day!

School Day 2

Well this was school day 2 and I I was hoping it was going to be better then yesterday. We walked in well Miller ran in I walked and Miller ran to his OLD class room and I said Miller this is your new class he said I not like that class I want this one and he was NOT going to go in there his teacher had to come out in the hall and get him for me. I hope it gets better! While I was at lunch today I called to check on him and they said he was doing fine and he was dancing all around the room Boy that makes a mommy fell so good to hear her baby is doing good!

Monday Part 2

After our Daintiest appointment I said OK lets go get our things and head to school Miller said I not want to go! He was a little stuffy and kept telling me I tiered mommy and my head hurts so I ended up keeping him home and boy I am so glade I did he slept from 11-3 and I got quit a few things done in the house plus I got to snooze a little also.


on Monday Miller had his FIRST daintiest appointment! He did better then most but I thought he would have at least let them Brush his teeth. One time when they were trying to clean them he told then I done now and tyred to get up! But once everything was said and done I got to brush his teeth and he did let the Dr. look in his mouth so I felt pretty good about it I guess we will give it another try in 6 months!

New School Year!

Miller started his new school year Tuesday at his school he will still have the same teacher but he will just be in a different class. When I dropped him off I told him to tell his teacher to let her know when he has to use the bathroom and he said OK. But I still was uneasy about the hole day. First he did not want to go in his class then he sis not want to sit at his seat this is not like Miller he is always running to his class and can't wait to get there. Well when i picked him up yesterday he had had 3 accidents that day I kinda thought that this would happen wit all the change going on specially since there are only 2 other kids from his old class in there. But the day went on and we made it threw I guess even little people have Bad day's I hope the week gets better!

Grayson Is 1

My cousins little boy turned One this month and we celebrated this past weekend with a BIG Birthday party! Lisandra did a great job on all the food and decorations GO LISANDRA!

Birthday Parties

This past weekend we were VERY VERY busy we had open house at Millers school and 3 birthday parties. Open House was from 12-1 and then we had a Birthday Party from 2-3:30, Then we had another Birthday party in Mississippi at 6 I decided we better skip out on the Mississippi one not that I did not want to go but were we had to go in Mississippi was a 2 hour drive so we really needed to leave at 3 and that was not going to work so I hated to miss but somethings you just have to miss. After that Miller went to Gigi and Bo's house to stay while Nick and I had a date night with Jessica and Hunter Miller was to spend the night with Gigi and Bo but at 8 my phone was ringing and it was Gigi telling me that Miller wanted to come home. So I said put miller on the phone and as soon as she did he said I want to come home momma so I got up and went to go get my little man. As soon as I walked threw the door he was handing me his stuff and said lets GO! The next day we got up and went to church, after that we headed to mom's (Gigi's) to get a bite to eat we had another party for my cousins little boy at 4 that afternoon so we left at 2 to give us plenty of driving time Miller took a good and well needed nap on the way! Once the party was over we headed back to town to get ready for the next day BOY what a Weekend!


That is right we at the Evans house are potty training and so far we are doing good! We still have at least one accident a day but other than that we are in Big Boy underwear or as Miller would call it Panties. We do still wear a pull up at night because mommy dose not get enough sleep as it is getting up to PEE every hour it seems and this is the last thing I want to do at 3 in the morning. Yes that is lazy on my part but I am a happier person in the morning! One day I will take that challenge and put Miller to bed with just big boy underwear on but for know we LOVE are pull ups!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

19 Weeks

Well this past Sunday I hit the 19 Week mark WOW how times has flown by. We (mom and I) have been working very hard on getting the room's ready Millers is done other than a few little things and Baby Fisher's is almost complete. Yes the Name is still Fisher But Nick informed me this past weekend that he was not sure about Berkeley and I told him that there was no changing it i had already made the announcement on my Blog! So still not sure on the full name but defiantly know it is Fisher!

Monday, August 2, 2010

We Have A Name!

Yes this is right we have finaly come up with a name Nick has named this child because he informed me that I named Miller (I did not know that I had the only say so in Millers name but he say's I did) so I said ok but pick a good one! So he came up with:

Fisher Berkeley Evans!

This will be are little mans name! I think he did a great job GO NICK!

18 Weeks

We are now 18 weeks along witch is 5 months WOW how time flies by. This past weekend mom and I spent the hole weekend moving Millers stuff to his NEW room as he would call it. And getting the nursery back into a nursery. Well we did get Millers room organized enough to were he could sleep in it but we have a few more little things that we need to do like hang pictures and move some stuff out of the closet but for the most part Millers room is completed. After we finished with miller's room I was so tired that I waited til this morning to do a few things in the nursery. I raised the bed on the baby bed and put the front railing up and the bumper pad back on and changed the sheets on it. Miller helped me so much during this process that I final had to say OK we are done. He thought that since I put the railing up that it was OK for him to climb in the bed and say I in the baby's bed witch he still calls sister. Boy is it intrasting to watch Miller and all this New baby stuff but he is very excited he asked me this mornign if his baby was coming today I said no not to day the baby is not threw cooking in mommy's tummy he just looked at me! But i think he will do just fine once baby evans comes home.