Tuesday, March 22, 2011


At the Evans house you take sleep when you can get it witch is not much. When I was put on bed rest I was not able to pick Miller up so he would just sleep with me and I would get him dressed in the bed. Now that Fisher is here we are of course having a hard time getting Miller back in his bed. We let him sleep with us while Fisher was in our room but we now have moved Fisher to his room and I put Miller in his bed every night and Miller gets up and gets in our bed and I get back up and put him back in his bed and of course Fisher dose get up at one point durning the night so I get probably a good 3 full hours asleep with out being bothered and boy it feels good. I know this will not last for ever and will pass by very fast and I will miss it once it is gone because I will know that my babies are all grown up. But will enjoy the sleep.

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