Thursday, September 24, 2009

Baby Bed

Well last night before church Nick and I changed Millers bed to a toddler bed how sad is that. I have been thinking about changing it for a while now and just could not do it, and Miller kept wanting to sleep in are bed. So I decided I just had to do it I came to the fact that I loved his baby bed and that was the reason for not wanting to change it. But it had to be done so I just did it. Miller was at yaya's and big Georges while Nick and I were doing this so he had no clue. When we got home from church I took him back there and let him see it he had the biggest smile on his face like he had just gotten a new toy it was the cutest think ever. He crawled in his bed and looked at Nick and I and said night night and Nick and I just laughed. He kept going back there and claiming in the bed I think that he like the fact that he could get out by him self. After we had a bath I told him it was night night time and he said no I told him he had to sleep in his new bed. So we went in there and he looked at me and said momma and pointed to the pillow, I asked him if he wonted me to lay down with him and he said yes. So I told him that I would lay down with him but only if he went to sleep, well that lasted about a minute and he was up again. So then I said get a book Miller and I will read you a story and then we have to go night night and he said OK. So we got a book and he looked at it he would not let me read it to him so after that he still would not lay down I was starting to wounder what have I done. So I told him that I was going to clean up the kitchen and I would be right back but he had to stay in his bed he said all right that is his new word all right every thing is all right. After i cleaned up I went back in there to check on him and he was sound asleep. Even though there are rials on the bed I was still afraid that he was going to fall off so I asked Nick do you think should put pillows on the floor just in case he falls off Nick looked at me and said why. I looked at him and said well I don't wont him to hurt him self, so he said well if you want to so I put just one pillow down for him but we did not use it. I guess we will see how tonight go's.

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