Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Miller Fishing

Saturday Nick and I took Miller fishing for the first time. I was a little on the nerves side only because I knew how Nick was about fishing so I told Nick remember he is only 2 so I don't know hoe long he will sit still and quit. Nick said oh he will be fine trust me, so I said OK then lets pack up and go! Once we got the boat and truck packed we loaded up and hit the road, I still did not know wear we were going but we kept driving and driving. An hour later we pulled up at the boat landing in Vienna Alabama, this was a new experiment for me I never had gone fishing this far away with a 2 year old well never gone fishing period with a 2 year old. But I was going to try to keep an open mind about this and pray for the best. Once Nick got the boat off the trailer and in the water I stayed with the boat while Nick parked the truck and got Miller out. Once we got settled in the boat we headed out and came to a slew and went down it. There was not much water but we made it to the deeper part of the river. It was SO pretty back there all I wanted to do is take pictures of it but it was very hard to decide what to take a picture of so I just started snapping. Once Nick dropped a line in he started catching like crazy, Miller loved when Nick would get one he would say I touch fish and touch his eye ball I really don't know why but he loved touching the eye. We got to see so many things back there it was like being on a field trip we saw 2 snakes, a tree Frog and a honey bee nest in the tree. All these things wear so interesting to see. while Nick and Miller fished I took a well needed nap and loved every mint. of it. Once I woke up we started packing up and headed back but before we could do that Nick Just Had To Get Us Stuck! Yes that is right we got stuck in the mud in the boat, we tried almost everything. Nick finally had to get out and move the boat so others could get in and out but if they could have see what we went threw they would not want back there. Once we got back to the boat landing we packed the truck back up and headed home for some rest. We had the Beat time fishing.

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