Thursday, March 11, 2010

Millers Leg Round 5

I am not really sure what I have put on hear so if some of this sound like I have already posted it I am sorry. We went for an MRI on Wednesday and got a good look at our leg, Dr. Scott called us that night about 8 and said he wanted us up at childrens ASAP and that he was trying to get someone on the phone to see when they could see us. Thursday morning about 11:30 I got the phone call and they wanted to see us that afternoon. I left work and went and got Miller and Judy and mom and we all went together. We got up there and we thought we were going to childrens but we were sent to UAB to see a orthopedic oncologist. Once they came in they looked at Millers leg and wanted to do an ultrasound. During the ultrasound we had 3 Dr.s in there looking at it and they all sat there and were talking about what type of Tumor it could be. After they got done they went and meat with 2 other doctors to see if any of them could figure out the type of tumor it could be. Once we got back in the room the Dr. came back in and said we still are not sure so we will call you Friday we will not let you go all weekend waiting. Well they didn't even wait till Friday they call on our way home last night and they still were in a meeting about it. But they did decided they wanted us to come back Monday for blood work and then do a biopsy on Friday to remove some of it. So this is were we stand right now with our leg. Please keep the prayers going thank you!

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