Thursday, March 18, 2010


Today is one of those days were you can't wait till 5 to get off and get things rolling. Most of you know that Miller is having Surgery on his leg in the morning, but before we can do that we need to celebrate Big Georges Birthday. So tonight when Jessica and I get off and get home we all are going out to eat to Celebrate if you read that right you saw were I said Jessica and I that is right we are the only ones working today. George and Judy are retired so they don't work Nick is off and Hunter worked last night. After that I am going to try to keep Miller up as late as possible so at the wee hour of the morning (4:15 am) I will just move him from the bed to the car and hope that he dose not wake up and we will be off to b-ham. Nick and I were told that Miller did not have to stay over night but it was up to us. I am taking a bag just in case , if he starts getting sick then we will be staying. I am NOT going to drive 45 min with a child throwing up in the back seat all the way home. But we hope to be home by lunch.

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