Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Its only Tuesday

Please tell me this week is almost over, yes I know its only Tuesday but it feels like it should be Friday on a regular week. Our week did not start off very good Nick woke up Sunday morning in a horrible mood and it just kept getting better! Miller stayed with Judy Monday due to what I thought was pink eye and then I felt like I was coming down with something and this could not happen at a better time. Because I am having thanks giving at my house Tuesday night and then having surgery Wednesday in Birmingham, and then Thanksgiving Thursday at maw maws and my parents house. So in the mean time while I am trying to figure out everything I though I will call my Dr. and see if she will give me a shot. Well she saw me ok and would not give me a shot so now I have to go get a perscription filled after work and I have about 15 people coming to my house to eat I guess they will have to wait. But this is my last day at work for the week thank goodness.

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