Monday, September 13, 2010

Getting Better

OK so I feel like a bad mom because I am not the type that walks around following my child with a camera taking pictures and then rush to my computer to put them on FB or my Blog! Is that BAD?

I am going to try to get better about it I may have to stay up late or get up earlier than normal to do so but I do want them on here. I guess if I took a class or had someone show me a easy way to get them on the computer I may do it more often. I also have asked for a mac book also for the past 2 years because I guess if I was able to sit in the living room or out side with Miller I would write more witch I probably would. But with my schedule it is hard to sit down and get on the computer. I normally do not get on if Miller is there or awake due to he will want to play on it and I would not get anything done, and then when I do get on I always check my mail fist then FB then I blog. This should be the other way around Blog, Mail, then FB. But I am going to try to get better with it before baby Fisher gets here. I'm sure once I am at home with the little Munchkin I will get to do more blogging I hope at least! Well we will see


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