Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Up and Cleaning

This morning I woke up about 4:30 and decided to get up and do a few things around the house i really should do this more often considering I got so much done plus the house is quit and i have the best energy in the mornings and considering I can go to work and sit for most of the day. Plus you come home to a half way clean house. I will have to do some tonight like clean the rugs I did not want to wake Miller that is the hole point in getting up before him to get stuff done uninterrupted! The only problem is I have a hard time quiting to get ready for work but if I do this every morning then I should not have as much to do. Hear is a list of things I did this morning:
1. Took the dog out
2. took trash out
3. Unloaded and reloaded dishwasher
4. Did 2 loads of laundry
5. Cleaned the potty and bath tub in my room
6. Did some ironing
7. washed ALL blankets that were on the couch and chair
8. Put some of Miller clothes away
I still have a good bit to do but this is a start.

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